In Danmachi with My System

Chapter 7

After the meal I had prepared―something simple, a stew that almost burned my tongue―Hestia went off to look for work.

It was kind of a sad sight, seeing her go out with all that energy, almost like an excited puppy, knowing that she would probably come back exhausted and unsuccessful. But I forced myself to focus on what was to come. Tomorrow I would go to the dungeon for the first time since I got a Familia, and I had to be prepared.

It wasn't that I was lazy and didn't want to venture out right away, but when Hestia desperately begged to be there to see me off.... what could a mere mortal like me do against those huge pleading puppy dog eyes, ignore them? I am not a demon.

I lay down on the cold floor of the church and opened my system. The holographic screen flashed before me.

[The Store is available!]

"Sis, open up," I called.


―Welcome, Eithan!―


―Level: 4

―Hp: 500  

―Mp: 250





―Inventory: Basic  

―Soul Essence: 5,000  

―NEW: Shop


The Shop notification had caught my attention since yesterday afternoon, but I hadn't had time to check it out until now. With a light mental tap, I selected the option and a new screen appeared. I took a look at the wide range of services and items the shop had to offer, but... how can I put it? Let's just say my enthusiasm was a bit dampened.



1. Weapons

   ― Price: From 3,000 to 100,000 Soul Essence.

2. Items

   ― Price: From 5,000 to 100,000 Soul Essence.

3. Potions

   ― Price: From 100 Soul Essence.

4. Skill Runes

   ― Price: From 10,000 to 100,000 Soul Essence.

5. Magic Scrolls

   ― Price: From 10,000 to 100,000 Soul Essence.


The prices were absolutely ridiculous. With only 5,000 Soul Essence in my account, I was far from being able to afford any of the more useful items. I could buy a cheap potion, but it wouldn't help me much, not to mention that it was expensive.

Scrolling through the options, I stopped at the skill runes. This world was inhabited by gods, beings who could see what mortal eyes could not. I would need a skill to hide my origin if I wanted to survive in this world without attracting the curious gaze of the gods.

After a few minutes of searching, I finally found it.

[Skill Rune: Cloak of Soul Concealment―Passive]

―Rank: C+

―Effect: Cloaks the wearer's soul by 100%, concealing its origin from gods and beings sensitive to such situations.

―Cost: 50,000 Soul Essence.


My eyes lit up. This was what I needed. If I could disguise my otherworldly soul, I wouldn't have to worry about the gods discovering my little secret. But 50,000 Soul Essences... My stomach hurt just thinking about how many monsters I would have to kill to get that many.

The probability of a Soul Essence Bag dropping was extremely low. If I had the person who designed this system in front of me right now, I would strangle him and then spit on him.

I sighed. If I wanted this skill, I would have to work hard. So instead of dreaming about it, I decided to focus on something more practical for now. I went back to the shop and looked for weapons that could help me improve my efficiency in the dungeon.

Oh? I found something interesting.

[Chain Sword]

―Range: F

―Cost: 5000 Soul Essence



+15 Strength

+10 Dexterity


―Description: A light sword with a retractable chain, ideal for close and medium range combat.


Not bad for a start. At least with the Strength and Dexterity bonus, it would allow me to kill monsters faster and hopefully collect Soul Essences more efficiently. With a tap on the screen, I bought it.

[Chain Sword Bought]

The sword appeared in my hands with a flash of light. It was as light as the description promised, and when I tugged on it, the chain stretched out with a metallic sound. The hilt was simple and solid, of dark metal. From its end, the chain connected to a curved, claw-sharp blade.

It was not the most common sword one would see. Nor am I Kratos enough to want to use it.

Hell, I didn't even know how to handle it.

With Hestia still out looking for work, I decided there was no better time to get my training in. What better way to kill boredom than by wielding a sword that could literally kill me?

I walked over to the most destroyed area of the church, where the debris of the pillars lay scattered across the floor.

"This will do."

If I could control the sword here, among the rubble, I would be ready for the dungeon. I took a firm stance and swung the chain sword at the first broken pillar. The chain unfurled and the blade flew with surprising force, but instead of hitting the target, it deflected and struck a piece of stone to the side. I grimaced as I heard the metallic screech of the chain scraping the stone.

"Nothing serious...just a warm-up. Just a workout..."

I walked over to the next boulder and tried again. This time the blade grazed the surface of the pillar before making a sharp turn...right between my legs. The metallic sound of the blade cutting through the air inches from my crotch was enough to drain all the blood from my face. H-hey... Sweat began to cascade down my face.

"Please don't... my... my... my precious..."

I quickly brought my hand there and let out a deep sigh. Thank you, Kami-sama. I bowed to the half-destroyed statue of a goddess above the church, who seemed to look at me with compassion. But my relief lasted only a second before a new wave of fear hit me.

"If I don't learn how to handle this correctly, I might end up losing my ability to reproduce!"

It seemed that the fear of accidentally cutting off my own penis was a good motivator, because with determination burning in my chest, I continued to train.

At first, it was like trying to tame a poisonous snake by grabbing its tail, yet swing after swing, I gradually adapted to the crazy movement of this weapon. The key was to control the chain and predict the movement of the blade before it decided to do something treacherous.

Two hours later, I was drenched in sweat, with sore arms, but a happy heart. Although I was still clumsy with the chain sword, at least now I was confident that I wouldn't accidentally maim myself.

"Not bad. Maybe I'll get adapted to it."

Just as I was relaxing on the couch after a refreshing shower, the door burst open. Hestia entered, shuffling in with an expression of utter dejection. Her hair was a bit messy, and her slumped shoulders showed how tired she was. But as soon as she saw me, her face instantly lit up. It was like watching a battery recharge from 0% to 100% in a matter of seconds.


Before I could say anything, Hestia rushed towards me and threw herself at me with all of her restored energy.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. From another perspective, the position we were in would seem compromising. However, despite the fact that I almost lost my balance, it did not matter that her big tits were pressed against my chest, nor did the pleasant and tantalizing sensation of her thighs squeezing me. Instead, it was my aching arms that were protesting the sudden weight.

"I couldn't get a job!" She complained, burying her face in my chest. The way she said it, like a child who didn't get her favorite candy, made me smile.

"Out of luck again, huh?"

I sounded sympathetic on the outside, but inside I feared her hug would cut off my circulation.

"Yeah. It's just... I used to live at my friend's house. She let me stay there because... well, I'm her friend, right?"


'No, wait. Seriously... what kind of logic is that?'

Hestia raised her head and looked at me with those big beady eyes, clearly expecting me to agree with her logic. But a second later her tone changed, now a bit more guilty.

"But I think I took advantage of her kindness a little? She kicked me out of her house because, according to her, I should be more independent... but it's not easy to find a job as a novice goddess like me!"

I swallowed a laugh and gently stroked her hair to calm her down.

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