In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

47. Mission Green Pusssy 01

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The next morning everyone had a light breakfast then the party moved on.

It was going to still take 2-3 hours before we would reach the place where the hobgoblin group was reported. 

We walked with more caution this time, this area was a territory for more dangerous monsters than the forest entrance. In just an hour we had already killed a group of orcs and some weird flying creatures which were very annoying to deal with but bullets from my two handgun pierced every bird that came near me. Everyone else had to deal with them in various ways making it hard for them.

My dual Springfield XDM pistol was my go to style for now. My aim was already decent and all this monster hunting practice had only made it better. I didn't get to use them yesterday since everyone handled everything nicely. 

At last we reached the place and started looking around for hobgoblins in pairs to cover more ground. Of course Rachel was with me. Fingering her idea came to my degenerate mind but I controlled it since I could not let my guard down in such a dangerous place. Especially when everyone was counting on me to protect the Healer.

Even after not finding anything for an hour we returned to the place where we were supposed to gather. Everyone was already there except one guy who was our scout and had gone as he always did.

In some 15 minutes the guy finally came and brought good news with him. We followed him and arrived at a cliff overlooking a valley in which a cave was present. And two hobgoblins were protecting the entrance. We were high above them so they couldn't see us at all.

Scout - I observed a group of hobgoblins led by a muscular female hobgoblin venture into the forest while others are protecting something in that cave.

William - A report of many passenger carriages going missing without any lead is going around for a month now.

Charlotte - So they are killing them?

Another guy - Don't know about the males but hobgoblins or any goblins always try to capture the females to bring them back to their colony.

Rachel - No body was found on all those lost carriages means they have captured even the males...

Scout - The probability is high. We better observe them and gather all the information before doing anything else.

William - Yes, we can only attack after understanding their numbers and strength. Not to mention an abnormal or high ranking monster could be present among them.

Scout - Yes, normally hobgoblins follow the strongest male but this group is for some reason following this muscular hobgoblin female. That is certainly odd.

Another guy - Female hobgoblins are not fighters and certainly not the strongest among them..

We formed a little camp on the cliff and started to keep observing the cave in turns. The scout had gone following the female hobgoblin's group into the forest.

Since others were keeping an eye on the cave I went to rest under a tree that was a bit away from the camp. The wind was so good and the scenery was beautiful.

I closed my eyes and just laid there after some 20 minutes I heard someone coming towards me so I opened my eyes and was surprised to find Charlotte there.

She didn't say anything and just sat beside me.

Charlotte - I apologize for my behaviour the other day.

Hikaru - Oh.. what changed your mind?

Charlotte - I assumed you were just a kid coming along for fun, but seeing your fight made me realize how wrong I was. Even in the academy such advanced magic tools are unheard of.

Hikaru - If you had paid attention to your friends talking you would have realised long before that.

Charlotte - They usually chat about useless, dumb things so I just ignored them.

Hikaru - Fine, it's not in my nature to be angry at pretty women anyway. It's alright, you can forget it.

She had a slight exasperated expressions but she remained silent only nodding in response.

I closed my eyes once again since it looked like conversation was over.

Charlotte - Do you have a relationship with Rachel?

Hikaru frowned. 

Hikaru - Why would you assume that?

Charlotte - All the noises last night...

Hikaru - Ohh.. you heard that... So you weren't sleeping after all...

Her cheeks were red and she looked away.

Charlotte - I thought she liked my cousin..

Hikaru - She does.

She looked back at me.

Charlotte - Then why would...

Hikaru - I just played with her, it's not a big deal. You understand right? It should be a common thing in the academy and such?

Charlotte - Ahm.. of course... You are saying you seduced her?

Hikaru - I like pretty women, I said that didn't I?

Charlotte - Don't you fear the goddess Artula for playing with women like that..? Even though you are so young..

I stood up and walked closer to her, after getting so close to her that our noses were touching, I could hear her breathing getting faster. I whispered in her ear.

Hikaru - I am big where it counts.. you must have seen it right? Plus I only fuck those who wish to be fucked.. Faith in this lewd goddess is not as strong as people assume...

She had a shocked face as if she could not believe what she was looking at.

Charlotte - You.. you are a heretic...

Hikaru - Maybe..

She wanted to reply but just at that time Rachel came towards us with lunch in her hand for me and herself I assumed.

And I was right she sat next to me and gave me the bowl. It was another soup with different engridients this time. 

Glaring one last time at me Charlotte stood up and left to get her own food. Looking at that swaying voluptuous butt of hers in tight pants made me drool, which was immediately noticed by Rachel.

Rachel - Do not even think about it. She is nobility. She can behead you anytime and won't even have to pay a fine. 

Hikaru - But she has such a nice ass...

Rachel - You are not satisfied even after yesterday!?

Hikaru - Hum? I usually cum 5-10 times a day Rachel. That didn't even scratch an itch.

She had her mouth wide open.

Rachel - You.. you are a demon! No man can do that much. I have heard that it is only possible twice a month.

Hikaru - I can prove it to you...

I touched her flushed cheeks with sensual touch and she shivered as expected.

Rachel - You cannot seduce me again and again. Goddess is watching.

Hikaru - Maybe she likes watching? Her precious subject cumming while saying her name... 

Rachel - Blasphemy! Goddess Artula is the purest soul in the whole world.

Hikaru - Have you met her?

Rachel - Of course not...

Hikaru - Then how can you say for sure? And don't give me that faith crap...

Rachel - Uhmm... Uh...

Before she could answer I leaned in and kissed her lips.

Rachel - Wha! Why did you do that? What if someone saw that?

Hikaru - You just looked so cute.. I couldn't control myself.

Rachel - Control yourself better! I'm not here to satisfy your lust!!

Hikaru just smiled and sat next to her holding her waist. She tried to move but he held her close and they sat like that beneath the tree looking at the forest in the distance.

At last another guy shouted at us to gather around and we did. The female hobgoblin's group had returned and with her were 4-5 males and some 3 women. They looked unharmed but what happened to them inside the cave was a mystery.

William - That leaves us with no choice, we have to save them as soon as possible.

Scout - Including the Hobgoblin's who just returned there are 12 of them in total. 

Another guy - we can't handle that many at once, hobgoblins are hard to fight even one on one. They have intelligence and brute strength.

Rachel - So we can't attack the cave?

Hikaru - There is a way we can do this with minimum casuality.

Everyone looked at him with question so he continued.

Hikaru - Few of us can get captured, they won't know the existence of my storage skill. With it we can get freedom. Once inside, we take them unaware while the rest of us attack from outside to distract them.

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