In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

45. New Friends

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The party kept walking till evening then after finding a good place near the river, a camp was established. 

The three dudes built two tents while Rachel cooked some soup. The best thing about being a kid was no one asked me to do anything at all. The teenage girl was also just lazying around while everyone worked. 

The sun set quickly and we were all having our meal near the campfire. It was good enough I guess, everyone else was eating it together with various snacks. It was funny scene to look at.

I was sitting beside Rachel since she was the chick I was closest to in this group. The three dudes were opposite us while the teenage girl was sitting at a distance from the rest of us.

William - So you must be making a killer income with all those novel items right?

Hikaru - Yeah, so much that I stopped counting after a while.

Rachel - Really? Do you have that much money?

Hikaru - Yupp, why don't you join me I will give you a good salary...

I joked with Rachel. William and the rest had that jealous guy look but I ignored it.

Rachel - What would I even be doing? I'm a Healer I can't be your guard.

Hikaru - You can just count money on my behalf and stay with me all the time for moral support.

I gave her a look that explained in detail what support I wanted from her. She immediately hit me on my head with her magic staff.

Rachel - You never change, do you?

Hikaru - Changing is for wimps, real men bend everything to their desire.

That earned me another hit on the head with an hour-long sermon on why man should be good. I listened while keeping my head in Rachel's lap.

When one guy brought a bucket of water from the river everyone got up one by one to clean their utensils. You clean what you eat from was the adventures rule.

I also went with my bowl after a the last guy and started washing my bowl when the teenage girl walked behind me and placed her bowl and spoon next to me.

Teenager - Bring this to me after cleaning, brat.

And then she turned around and started walking. I was stunned as to understand what the fuck just happened to me. When I saw her walking I threw her bowl back at her.

Hikaru - Wash your own fucking bowl, miss whoever the fuck you are.

She stopped and turned around with ugly expressions on her face. Everyone finally noticed the scene and stopped talking.

Teenager - How dare you ! Do you even know who I am, you piece of shit brat ?

Hikaru - Some rich asshole noble's daughter princess Snobby asshole?


She started chanting and moving her staff around after saying that. However before she could even utter half the spell I jumped towards her with all my strength and after reaching equal height to her face gave her a backhanded slap so hard that she would forever remember this day.

She was forced backwards and fell on her butt, even with holding back her lip started bleeding and ger cheek had a handprint so red I could see it clearly in moonlight. 

For a second she was disoriented about her surroundings after understanding what happened she glared at me gnashing her teeth, however tears were already falling out of her eyes.

She got up with a rather difficultly I might add and charged towards me. Was she really wanted to beat me with her staff with her weak ass body? Before she could reach me a hand grabbed her and stopped her from moving. It was of course William, her guardian.

Teenager - William, let me go.. this brat needs to be taught what respect means...

William - Stop it Charlotte, I warned you not to anger him. 

Charlotte - Who the hell does he think he is ?

William - Whoever he is, he can kill all of us here without blinking twice.

That finally calmed her down, still she was glaring daggers at me. But a bit of fear could be seen too deep in her eyes.

Hikaru - Fuck off now.

She opened her mouth to reply but William just covered her mouth and started walking, however while walking he said something that got on my nerves.

William - You shouldn't hit people without knowing who they are, Hikaru.

Hikaru - Even if she is the queen herself this will be my only response towards disrespect. Make her understand that before she accidentally gets killed on this quest.

William had his eyes wide open as if he could not believe what I just said. He gritted his teeth, gave me an ugly look and walked away.

I finished my work and went back to Rachel who asked me what happened and I told her. She had a complilcated look on her face as if can't decide how she felt about it.

Rachel - Hitting a lady is indeed not a good thing Hikaru.

Hikaru - I respect people for their character not their gender or age. Most people in this world are just plain stupid nothing you can do about it.

Rachel - Her family is part of a powerful faction in the kingdom, you know.

Hikaru - I will deal with them when time comes. Now enough about her and let me sleep in that sweet lap. You smell nice by the way.

Rachel - You shouldn't smell people! And we can't do something like this...

However before she could finish I already adjusted myself comfortably in her lap. We talked about this and that for quite a while. The other three guys were also with us, William was glaring at me from time to time but I ignored his petty feelings completely. The bratty snob was inside the tent already.

Finally we called it a day and headed to sleep however a question arose.

One guy - Won't it be a uncomfortable with four of us together ?

Another guy - The other tent has only two people. Why don't you sleep there Hikaru?

Hikaru - Of course I have no problem.

William - But.. One guy will keep watch so.. it's..

Hikaru - It's fine right? 

I asked Rachel while touching her back delicately, she wanted to refuse but nodded instead after my touch. William was shocked but then again what was new?

So me and Rachel walked towards the other tent together. The Snobby brat was already inside. She glared at me when I entered but chose to stay silent. 

We made our bed and laid down. It was too dark inside only a little moonlight was entering through the gaps.

I was in the middle while on my right was Rachel and left was the teenager Charlotte.

I took out my smartphone and earpods to watch something for a while before I felt like sleeping. The tent instantly brightened and both chicks gasped.

Rachel - What is that ?

Hikaru - Just a device for entertainment, sleep it won't make a noise.

Charlotte - How can it be source of light without magic?!

Hikaru - why should I tell you?

She just glared and closed her eyes. I started watching a movie I was recently interested in. Then I noticed Rachel looking at the device like a kid.

Hikaru - Do you wanna see?

I her Charlotte moving at that but she wasn't the one I was asking to.

Rachel - I am already watching.

Hikaru - It doesn't work like that. Here, take this.

I gave her one of the ear buds.

When I played the paused movie from the start for her after adjusting the ear bud in her ear, her eyes were wide open and a squeel escaped her mouth.

Hikaru - Calm down, do you want to gather everyone here?

Rachel - But.. but... The sounds.. it's so real and loud... Amazing... How is this possible?

Hikaru - You won't understand even if explain, so why don't we just enjoy instead?

Rachel - Yess, let me see... Lemmeee see..

I noticed Charlotte moving around trying to get a good look at what was happening but she immediately turned around when I looked at her. She was a funny kid.

We watched the movie together for a while, after that an evil plan formed in my head. And I opened my hidden stash folder that was 120gb in size with a lot of souce.

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