Impure World Reincarnation

Chapter 65: The First Hokage’s Relationships

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When Jiraiya saw Hashirama Senju, he was completely stunned. He never imagined he would see the legendary First Hokage again in the Hokage's office.


Incredibly shocked!

Jiraiya's heart trembled, his eyes fixated on Hashirama, and his body became inexplicably hot.

"First Hokage!"

Jiraiya couldn't help but take a deep breath and exhale slowly, trying to calm his emotions, but he still felt a complex mix of feelings.

How did he end up here?

Oh my god!

Jiraiya was overwhelmed with emotions. Since entering the Hokage's office, his eyes were glued to Hashirama, unable to look away.

The scenes from their last meeting played like a movie in his mind, unforgettable to this day.

"Jiraiya, you came at the right time. I have something to discuss with you."

Hashirama's gaze fell on Jiraiya, his lips slightly curved into a relaxed and calm smile.


Jiraiya immediately bowed in respect. He had been living freely.

Going wherever he wanted.

Doing whatever he liked.

And, of course,

Seeing whatever he wished to see, indulging in his whims.

The best part was,

He could write whatever he wanted!

This freedom made many authors envious!

After all, in the ninja world, there was no oppressive censorship beast known as '404'...

"You need me?!"

Jiraiya's eyes widened as if hearing something extraordinary.

What is it like to be personally sought out by the First Hokage?

Jiraiya's face flushed with excitement, feeling as if he had reached the pinnacle of his life. This incredible experience would be something to boast about forever.

"That's right, I need you to do something for me."

Hashirama's eyes bore into Jiraiya's, his words deliberate and slow. His eyes, dark as ink, sparkled like stars, making it hard to look directly at him.

"What is it?"

Jiraiya's eyes flickered with confusion. He couldn't fathom why a figure of the First Hokage's stature would need his help.

He was completely puzzled.

There was no reason to personally seek him out!


Hearing those words,

Jiraiya couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous anticipation.

"Jiraiya, you know my granddaughter Tsunade, don't you?"

Hashirama said in a calm tone. As soon as he spoke, Jiraiya's face, already red from excitement, turned even redder.

"Yes... Yes!"

Jiraiya nodded repeatedly, feeling a bit anxious.

He suddenly remembered something he almost overlooked due to Hashirama's status.

The person in front of him

was not only the First Hokage of Konoha

but also Tsunade's grandfather!

Jiraiya's gaze towards Hashirama changed instantly, becoming more respectful and cautious.

"I can't sense Tsunade's presence. She isn't in Konoha. I have a task for you: find her and bring her back."

Hashirama spoke calmly. He knew all the details and understood that Jiraiya knew where Tsunade was.

This task was perfect for Jiraiya.

The reason was simple.

Jiraiya had always been concerned about Tsunade.


Over the years, Jiraiya had been chasing Orochimaru.

This pursuit had gradually widened the distance between him and Tsunade.


Jiraiya nodded immediately. This task wasn't difficult for him, as he happened to know where Tsunade was.

"There's one more thing."

Hashirama's gaze shifted towards the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. His expression instantly became terrifying, causing the atmosphere in the Hokage's office to become oppressive.

Without speaking a word,

both the Third Hokage and Jiraiya felt a terrifying aura. The oppressive feeling made them both feel as if they were suffocating.

"Shinra was injured during the Second Great Ninja War, wasn't he?"

Hashirama's voice turned icy. He didn't have a strong impression of Shinra, the grandson of the original Hashirama Senju. However, since he had inherited Hashirama's body, some things needed to be settled.

He didn't know all the relationships between people,

but there were three he was very clear about.

Tobirama, Tsunade, and Shinra.

Now, only Tsunade was still alive, but she suffered from hemophobia, which was ironic for a medical ninja.


Tobirama died during the First Great Ninja War, ambushed by Kinkaku and Ginkaku from the Hidden Cloud Village. To protect the village's next generation, he sacrificed himself as a decoy.

Shinra died during the Second Great Ninja War, falling into a trap set by the Hidden Sand Village.

Both of them sacrificed their lives because of the ninja wars.

In other words,

if there had been no ninja wars,

they wouldn't have died.

Hashirama didn't care about others. He only needed to settle these two matters to give an account to the original Hashirama Senju.

"Yes... that's right..."

Hiruzen took a deep breath, his lips twitching slightly. From what he knew about the First Hokage, the latter wasn't the type to hold grudges.


Hiruzen didn't have time to think about these things. With the First Hokage standing right in front of him, he couldn't ignore his feelings.

"Then it's settled!"

Hashirama confirmed his memories were correct and felt reassured.

The Land of Wind was relatively close!

He would start with the Land of Wind!

Since the heavenly thunderbolt had freed him from the Reanimation Jutsu and made him the nearly invincible Hashirama Senju, he had to do something monumental.

What Hashirama couldn't achieve before, he would accomplish now!

Even so,

Hashirama needed a legitimate reason.

Now he had one.

That reason was Shinra's death!


The Third Hokage and Jiraiya exchanged glances. They both sensed a strong killing intent emanating from the First Hokage, feeling as though something monumental was about to happen.

"There's nothing else for now."

Hashirama waved his hand dismissively. At that moment, he couldn't think of anything else.

"Jiraiya, go and carry out your task."

Hashirama commanded Jiraiya with an undeniable firmness in his tone.


Jiraiya nodded immediately and walked out of the Hokage's office. Once outside, he realized his back was drenched in sweat.

"Monkey, go handle the Five Kage Summit."

Hashirama urged the Third Hokage. This was crucial to his mission.

Once completed, he would acquire Hashirama's cells...


The Third Hokage nodded eagerly, his face still brimming with excitement, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Konoha Village would finally rise again!

He had waited so many years for this day!

Indeed, living long enough allows one to witness more miracles!

"By the way,"

Hashirama suddenly remembered something and stood up, stopping the Third Hokage, who was about to leave.

"I recall that among Tobirama's disciples, besides you, there were a few others. They are still alive, right?"

More updates are coming, dear readers! Don't worry, the regular update schedule is two chapters a day, and occasionally one on weekends. Stay tuned!

(The end of this chapter)

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