Imprisoned in armor within a fantasy world

Chapter 3

cold darkness devoured all the folds and corners of the warehouse, wrapping the space in its icy grip. A gentle silence prevailed in the air, as if the very walls themselves held their breath, yet in an inconspicuous corner, a scene far from human perception unfolded within the serene enigma. A mesmerizing display of ethereal threads danced in intricate patterns, as if graceful performers following a symphony designed for ears beyond human comprehension.

The ethereal threads wove an intricate tapestry within a seemingly simple armor, as if they considered it their ethereal vessel, requiring gentle assistance in its movements. Like a network of delicate nerves, they spread and intertwined, forming a symbiotic connection with the armor, and in the midst of this ethereal spectacle, a green wavy ball calmly glowed.

As the shadows whispered in awe, the enigmatic dance continued, a delicate harmony of interwoven mystical elements in the obscure depths of the warehouse—a scene hidden from the ordinary.

A flame of pride could do nothing but pierce through the person who accomplished all of this, and he had every right to feel proud. After all, just moving a single thread took dozens of attempts, and even though he improved with time and effort, coordinating the threads became more challenging each time a new one was added. In many instances, he lost control over the rest of the threads when introducing a new one, forcing him to start the work anew.

With an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, he had managed to complete the majority of the intricate patterns he could recall—each one numbering in the thousands. Bewildered, he marveled at how he could masterfully recall and coordinate such a vast array of ethereal threads. Despite pouring his heart and soul into this extraordinary endeavor, he couldn't shake the realization that his newfound abilities surpassed the realm of possibility for someone like him, or even for most mere mortals. The enigmatic nature of his talents left him grasping for explanations beyond the boundaries of the natural world

However, all of this came at a cost. He began to feel that the duration of his awakenings grew shorter with each addition of threads. Yet, it was a price he knew he must pay to achieve his purpose.

As he neared the completion of placing all the threads in their rightful positions, contemplation consumed him about the next crucial step. He hesitated, for he could not muster the courage to proceed without first ensuring every thread was meticulously arranged. The fear of jeopardizing all he had worked for weighed heavy on his heart, compelling him to exercise utmost caution.


Amidst his intense labor, immersing himself in the enchanting choreography of the threads, the hushed opening of the warehouse door disrupted his focus momentarily. He quickly redirected his attention, striving to keep the threads in their designated places while glancing toward the unexpected intruder.

His mind swirled with thoughts, pondering the inexplicable surge in visitors entering and departing the warehouse of late. It felt as though something of profound significance was unfolding, though he remained a mere observer, a captive within his feeble mortal vessel, unable to grasp the meaning conveyed by their unfamiliar tongue.





Lord Gawain sat in his study, rubbing his forehead with annoyance. The latest message sent by the spies left him feeling "sitting on a hot furnace." The once-mighty lord, who was a formidable force, now found himself weakened on both the political and military fronts.

Politically, Lord Gawain grappled with the formidable challenge of securing the unwavering loyalty of numerous key vassals. However, to his dismay, disheartened nobles, enticed by the allure of greater influence, clandestinely defected to rival lords, further chipping away at his once steadfast support base. The palpable discontent among the common folk swelled, fueled by the scarcity of bountiful harvests, as a considerable portion of the agricultural yield was diverted to sustain the relentless demands of the military front. The strain on resources and the widening gap between the lord and his subjects progressively eroded his once unshakable political stature. To compound his woes, an age-old animosity resurfaced between Gawain and a neighboring emirate, adding fuel to the already tumultuous political landscape and diverting precious focus and resources from more pressing matters.

Politically, Lord Gawain grappled to secure the loyalty of numerous key vassals. Some disheartened nobles, seeing an opportunity to amass greater influence, defected to rival lords, while widespread discontent among the people grew due to the scant harvests, mainly directed towards the military front, further eroding his political standing. Moreover, an age-old animosity between Gawain and a neighboring emirate resurfaced, diverting his focus and depleting his resources.

Militarily, his once formidable army had diminished significantly during an arduous campaign against the mountain-dwellers, who depleted his resources due to a newfound dungeon brimming with wealth, bolstering their might and leading them to grow bolder, launching well-armed attacks against him. The costly conflict sapped the morale of his soldiers, while fresh recruits lacked the training and experience of their forebears.

Now, he found himself facing threats from three new fronts. True, their enmity towards him was not overly pronounced, yet it was insufficient to make them directly confrontational or entirely rupture any goodwill. After all, they were a group of emirates in their infancy, and nothing compared to them even in a state of weakness. So, where did their confidence stem from? The matter left him perplexed until the latest message revealed the reason.

The opportunistic and avaricious Lord Theodore seemed to have perceived it as a chance to seize control of Lord Gawain's lands and tighten his grip on the entire southwestern territories of the kingdom. As for how he managed to sway the smaller emirates, Lord Gawain remained uncertain. Though the message indicated he enticed them with a division of spoils, he was convinced that those emirates were not naive enough to succumb to such enticements. After all, surviving in a political arena like this required a level of cunning to avoid being devoured in the early years of growth.

As for how he truly convinced them, he remained in the dark. 

The most crucial task now was to find a solution to this predicament and devise a plan for survival and retaliation. With that in mind, Lord Gawain dipped a quill into a well of ink infused with runic symbols, and he began writing a message that might mitigate the intensity of his military troubles before the imminent attack of the three emirates. He called upon his servant, knowing he was standing outside the door.

"Cleaver," he said in a deliberate tone. The door opened slowly, and the aging servant entered with steady, yet light footsteps. His hunched back bore the weight of years of devoted service, dressed in neat attire as he made his way to the lord's desk. He stopped half a meter away from the desk, giving a slight bow.

"My lord Gawain, how may I be of service?" Cleaver inquired respectfully.

As Lord Gawain replenished the quill with ink, he conveyed, "I desire this missive to swiftly reach Lord Aurelius. Enhance the soldiers' armament and readiness; turbulent times lie ahead."

With another gracious bow, the servant extended his hands to receive the message. "As you command, my lord," he responded dutifully.

As Lord Gawain observed his loyal attendant depart, gently shutting the door behind him, he couldn't help but release a heartfelt sigh, reclining slightly in his chair. His mind became a battleground of thoughts, entwined in profound contemplation.


I found a problem in responding to the comments, for some reason I cannot comment no matter how hard I try, although there are comments that I really want to respond to, especially a comment that helped me fix many mistakes. It is not every day that you find someone who is ready to make an effort To correct or advise someone else, but nevertheless I will read all the comments, so if you find any mistakes or advice, I hope to write them 

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