IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 7

Inside a well-organized room, sat two individuals, both had great power and influence and in terms of money, they both had more than enough to subsist off of it for several years to come, one was in the name of Norman Osborn and the other was Doctor Otto Octavious, the two were brilliant scientists and were greatly respected in their own fields, both of them looked at each other with contempt, and finally breaking the ice one of them spoke-

"Alright Norman, this whole goblin project of yours is quite taxing," Otto said to his colleague, "It is quite stupid for you to think that this new enhancing drug of yours can do you good, we both know what happened to the test subject. You need to start from formula." The scientist followed, to this norman scoffed, "You're shutting me," He replied, "You don't even know what the hell is gonna happen to humans should they get exposed to it!" Norman yelled, thinking they were always right has been common amongst the different people of the higher places of the world, and of course the ego of a brilliant scientist is no different than a metal bar, it would take specialized tools to even remotely bend it in place, and it was even harder when the one you are talking to is a CEO of a successful company, Otto was left with no choice but to listen to his rants, "Come on Norman, you know better than this, you need to start over." Otto said,

"What do you mean start over? Do you know how many years I have spent on this? Do you know the history of this serum?!" Norman yelled. Indeed, the guy has been working on this serum ever since he was young, and perhaps he was too prideful to admit that he is wrong, this is his Magnum Opus after all, "Norman, listen to me-"

"No you listen!" He said slamming his hand on the nuclear reactor sitting right beside him, "Once this thing is done and miniaturized, I will be able to produce powerful super-soldiers! Just like how they did back in world war 2!" He yelled, perhaps, if the two weren't so caught up in their argument they would have noticed the spider that made its web on the machine slowly leave and fall to the students below,

"Norman, the supersoldier serum is a lost cause, we don't know how it was made," He replied, and Norman simply became furious when he said it,

"I WAS ABLE TO REMAKE IT OCTAVIUS!" The guy went from calm and collected to a full on monster when his colleague failed to notice his accomplishments, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT NO ONE IS ABLE TO REMAKE IT!?"

"Otto took a deep breath, you are wrong Norman, you weren't able to remake it at all, animals go insane whenever they inhale the substance, and that is bad Norman, very bad." His will was resolute, and he didn't care if the guy in front of him owned the building they were in, his friend needed to know,

"Leave." Perhaps not caring was a mistake that he will never take back but- "Fine then, - caring about his friend was something else, Otto stood up and prepared to leave, the guy acted like a child, that was always the case whenever someone tried to oppose him and his research on the super serum, he was simply so fixated on the item that he couldn't care less about anything else, and once he got results after so long, he stuck to it, he cannot start from formula, that would be way too much time consumed, and to him, presumably, too much time has already been spent making the current serum,

With a sigh, Octavious left Norman to his vices, the guy had problems, and if he wasn't willing to help himself then why should he be there for him?
Otto checked out his latest device as he walked out, it was a set of four limbs that are capable of carrying heavy weight objects,

Once his friend left, Norman released a breath he had been holding, he knew that his serum was faulty but he did not care, if the animals can't handle the change then he was sure that the humans would be able to. He checked his other projects, most of which were kept out of the public view,

[Symbiote Project]

"An alien parasite has been found on a meteorite a few months ago aptly named the symbiotes, the creatures are capable of melding with their chosen hosts and improve their ability, sometimes even acting as second skin, tests have been run but there is no concrete evidence to show what they are truly capable of as most hosts have been killed-

Norman closed his phone, the world is changing, and his progress is slow to the point that it is getting annoying, superpowered humans have been shown to lift entire cars, and he is still sitting here as a regular human,

"How annoying," He muttered to himself,

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