IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 54

"Goddamnit," I sighed as my eyes fell on the blackboard in front of me, currently, I was at school, and my biology teacher is currently talking about how stupid it is for Implant, or the new york devil, and spider-man to exist, for one, the rumor about the monster actually being a 6 foot tall man had spread, and apparently, when scientists judged Implant's height and compared it to the testimony of the witnesses, they have stated that it was simply impossible for such a large creature to fit inside such a small man. And then there's the newly made new york hero, someone who is quite famous in fact, Spider-Man, he was apparently a complicated subject as physicists are baffled about his existence, given he swings around new york without much care about physics. And our bilogy teacher, well-

"For one! It is simply impossible for a someone to become a human spider hybrid!" He exclaimed as he tapped a drawing that he drew with the stick he was holding, the drawing was a sketch of a human, it was mainly featureless, barring the different spider organs found on the drawing, two silk glands were at the wrist whilst the biceps of the drawn man were shaded extra. Chalk fell as he tapped his stick on the blackboard once again, "As you can see here, in order for this man to have the strength he possesses, he must have muscles so dense, that they are crushing his BONE." He said the word bone with more vigor than the rest, "And of course, let us not forget about his silk production! Because not only do they dissolve over time, but they are apparently, also organic! Research has shown that they are made with," He stopped talking, "Get this, CALCIUM." Once again, he emphasized the word at the end, "It is a mystery on how his body manages to produce such things, but this keratin caliumite silk is somehow capable of lifting his falling body out of the falling and back into the sky, like some sort of bungee rope."

A student raised his hand, and the professor let him speak, "Sir, does that mean that he is literally shooting out his hair?" He said, and the class pondered, with some chuckling and some disgusted at the biology of the superhero. I looked at Peter as the class talked behind his back in front of him, he was surprisingly wincing at either himself, or the topic of the lecture, we soon locked eyes and I waved a hand at him, a simple sign that I know of his identity but apparently, Peter Parker was quite dense as he simply waved back with a smile innocently. "Damn," I muttered.

The professor soon shut us all up, and then he continued to speak, "Not really." He answered, "Because I would say that though it is indeed similar to hair, I would say that the object is more akin to... let's say, his spit." He then turned his head towards the black board and then proceeded to write some sort of shortcut for an Element, "It is... strange, really." His hate towards spider man had somehow diminished as he talked about his silk, "See, although you can say that it's silk, it has the same composition as glass and Ice, and I cannot really wrap my head around it but, the scientists on several well known universities have stated that it may be a form of water, a newly discovered one."

His energy seemingly flowing into the class, they all looked at him with interest, and then someone called out - "How many forms of water are out there professor?" and he gladly answered,

"Theoritically? Possibly thousands!" And some of the more smarter students of the class nodded in satisfaction, the geeks seemingly proud that they already know of it. I continued to listen to the professor mumble about spiderman's silk, up until he decided to once again talk about Implant. And then he looked at me, and I froze,

"So, Mr. Stephen, since you've been observing the class with your eyes the entire time, I would assume you know about the characteristics of both Spider-man and The Devil yes?" He said out of the blue, and the attention of the entire class focused unto me, "How about you talk about it in details."

I of course, stood up, and obliged. "Of course professor, the characteristics of, well, I heard his name was IMPLANT, or so he calls himself, is, shapeshifting, as he is capable of giving himself extra appendages and even shoot out tendrils out of his body, enabling him to swing like spider-man and yet he uses it to get extra wind in flight, regenerative healing, uhm, and I guess that's it?" I answered, and the professor let me sit down.

"Good answer Mr. Stephen but I am afraid that it is more than that, see, it is theorized that this... Monster, is a supercell of sorts, something that is similar to our white bloodcells, he is something that is akin to a stemcell, and due to this, he is theorized to be amphibious, and that is why we do not see him underneath the sun, as it is presumably painful for him." I listened, even though it is probably wrong, but the whole super cell part intrigued me, maybe Implant really is a super cell? I should ask him about it later.

"See, he isnt the first case that is like this in our world, we have seen several organisms that have the same characteristics as Implant," The professor looked at me, "but I must say, he is probably the very first case where it is instead the work of a multi celled organism rather than a singular one. I wanna say that is impossible for such a creature to exist but, it is theoritically possible, although the evolution required for such a creature to exist must be-"

"But what if he's a mutant sir?" A student cut him off, one of the geeks that were laughing earlier. The professor looked at the student, who couldnt help but interrupt the class.

"It is possible, little one, but the scientific community, especially the group at Oscorp, has stated that it is a biological organism."

"Then what about Spider-Man?"

The professor put his hand on his chin, thinking, "Indeed, if that man is indeed a mutant, then it may explain on how his breaking the known laws of biology and physics," Peter winced at his words, and I too couldnt help but chuckle. Mutants this mutants that, it's quite annoying, why the prejudice against them?
From the corner of my eyes, I was able to perceive that the mutants in our class were feeling uncomfortable as the other, more hateful students glared at them, "What? You're gonna become a hero too?" I was able to hear a few bit of mockery that came their way, I let it be, as it wasn't my business, but also, the mutants, especially Kincaid, we're taking it well. Hell, they were smiling even, I assume it's probably thanks to them thinking that they have potential on turning into someone like spider-man.

Good for them.

I sighed, prejudice was still prejudice, and I could understand why some mutants stuck to themselves whilst others stayed as loners. I could also understand why Peter chose to hide his identity, it was quite annoying but what can I really do? Still though, the scientific community saying that Implant is a bioligical animal rather than a mutant has probably helped us with some people, Implant did say something about a group of people hunting us if we continued to kill but it seems that his worries were unfounded.

The teacher silenced us and the class resumed from where we left off, but the air wasnt the same as before, as mutants were once again on the chopping block. It sucked, in my honest opinion, since these people never really did anything wrong except manifesting powers, it's quite annoying, at times, especially when I think about how most of them are innocent.

Class soon ended and I was able to get open minded opinions on both Implant and Spider-Man.

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