IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 5

Waking up once again, Jack groaned, he thought he has gotten used to work nights by now but he thought wrong, apparently, it was still hard to wake up after a long shift, overtime was quite harsh and although he got paid extra for it, he didn't like it, it was a pain in the ass, especially if you consider that you have things to do in the morning, and in that night, it was clear as day that he was panicking, and the reason for that was because he would have left the restaurant at 1 am in the morning, looking back at it now, it's pretty stupid of him to think that somehow, by some miracle, things would change if he quickly did the things that were assigned to him, as if he would leave at 12:30 or something should he finish first, and in another reality, it may have worked but apparently, he still left at 1 o clock in the morning, which sucked, and now he has only slept for about 4 hours and with school starting at 8:30, he still had time to sleep, so he did.

Jack's alarm blared loud noises as it slowly activated, looking at the attached clock of his morning starter, it was apparently only 7:30, he only had two hours worth of rest after waking up at the cold dawn earlier, and boy did his head hurt, "Feels like it has been drilled by some fucking lunatic." He said to himself, after that he got up, prepared his clothes for the day, and proceeded to take a shower, one that woke him up from his drowsiness.
With his mindset and his body cleaned, Jack left the shower and went ahead to make breakfast, it wasn't special, just cooked eggs, toast, and a baked potato to finish, buying food wasn't a part of his plan but he sure would be damned if he didn't eat properly.

After he finished eating, he prepared to leave, and, after checking if his door is locked three times, he left.

once again, the bus ride was boring as hell it didn't feature anything other than some mutant apparently robbing a bank with his superpowers, Jack was able to make out that what the kid used was cryomancy, he froze the walls of the bank before shattering them with a strong force, he did not know what the guy's age was but he assumed that he was still a teen, it was quite sad, seeing it happen like that, but, as the world still hasn't grown accustomed to mutants, Jack assumes that this will probably put their name down the dirt, as if that already hasn't happened enough, he thought to himself, mutants were thought of as bad sure, but this, this, this is just in a whole another level after it has reached the news, "Welp, sucks to be them then." He said to himself, and that is when someone cut in-

"Yeah, it sucks to be us." a voice right beside him said, it was feminine, and soft, and mellow, well, the list went on, Jack looked towards the speaker, what he didn't expect was that apparently, this was someone he knew, "Oh, it's you again." He said, and the girl waved back, "You're really a high schooler huh?" She said, "Yeah," Jack answered, his response was quick and factful, of course he was a high schooler, why the hell would he lie about it? Well, I guess seeing that he lied when he went into the club, guess it would have been expected, "I'm Cassie By the way, Cassie Thorn." She said,

"Jack, Jack Stephen." He introduced himself, after that, nothing else happened.

So yeah, overall, nothing really that interesting happened on his way to the School, which was quite a surprise given that most of the time, bus rides would be interesting, or so he hoped.

Entering the School, Jack once again saw Flash bullying someone at the gates, he would have felt something akin to Deja Vu if not for the fact that this usually happens every day, if he did, then every day might as well feel the same. Something that he didn't want to feel because it is sad, and sadness is often bad for his health.
Or so the people say,

Anyways, getting inside his room, their homeroom teacher greeted him, "Are you ready for the trip Jack?" He asked robotically, and Jack answered yes, he was.

Their teacher waited for the entire room to fill up before he started his little charade about where they were going to, Jack wouldn't be surprised if he himself was bored of this entire thing.

"So, where we are all going to now is the Oscorp Science building where they usually do their research in, this is done in hopes that all of you will take a consideration of applying to the company, although, be warned, that if some of you do want to apply, the wall is pretty high, and well, let's just say that some people who have dreams of entering the place have often become disappointed." He said, and perhaps he was right, but Jack didn't care, not that he would go there in the first place.

"So, all of you pack your things because we are all about to leave for the trip." Their teacher finished,

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