IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 42


It was quite boring, the bus ride that enables him to go there is quite mundane as well, not to mention all the subjects being taught within it actually not being applicable to situations in real life. Like for example, how the majority of stuff taught in science is actually quite useless unless you become some sort of STEM student, or you wanted to take course in biology. If Jack wanted to be honest, he would have probably quit school if it weren't for the fact that the thing enables him to get jobs that otherwise wouldn't accept him. It was safe to say that Jack despises school, still, he paid that emotion of his no mind.
Ever since arriving and stepping foot on campus, Jack's thoughts were taken over by that woman, the fact that she's a criminal didn't soothe his mind either, instead, it made him worry even more. And to be frank, he wanted to let Implant go and just mind his own business if he could help it, he didn't want to die, no matter how sweet being a super powered person might be.

His thoughts lingered all throughout his different classes, and it didn't stop there either, he was unable to focus to the point that his teachers had to call him out several times during lectures, telling him to pay attention.

It took four classes in a row before Jack managed to pay attention, that was how fixated he was on the whole ordeal, of course, it was fair given that this is a life or death situation, and Jack didn't exactly do well with that sort of stuff. He managed to hunt down criminals sure, but that was with the safety of an 8 foot tall monster at his back, and now, he was dealing with the weakness of that monster, and both of them didn't have anyone to rely on but themselves.

Time passed and Jack was now eating lunch, he sat with Flash and his friends, whom were quite welcoming the moment that they saw him pass through the hallway, the group called out to him when he had just arrived, and after grabbing his food, he sat by them.

"Say, do you ever get tired of that?" Flash, who was sitting right beside him asked, his hands held a spoonful of what seems to be high quality meatloaf, his face was distorted as he took a bite.

Jack, grabbing a bite himself looked at Flash with a raised eyebrow, "You'll get used to it." He said after swallowing his food.

The teen, not really believing him continued to cut his food with sloppy movements, before shoving it up his mouth like some sort of glutton, "Rieff." He said in the middle of chewing his food.

"Trust me, it gets better over time." - Jack.

The group silently ate their food with no one talking after Jack and Flash's conversation died down, none of them seemed to have been that social when they're in the middle of eating, a complete contrast to the people that Jack talked to back then.

Eventually, though, someone broke the silence once again, "So guys, have you heard?" One of the girl's, Jack didn't really see as he was too busy eating, said. "There's a new wanna be hero." She added, her face contorted to an expression that had disgust written all over it. Jack paid attention this time around, looking at the speaker, Olivia, with interest. Now that's something he hasn't heard before.
"Apparently she's the same as that spider freak." The dark skinned girl stated, "I mean, can you imagine? there's now two of them!" She finished, grabbing a fistful of spaghetti and putting it in her mouth. She chewed with intrigue as she eyed the group, looking for reactions.

The first one to speak was Flash, "Bruh, who cares? I mean, we don't really need to keep them in check!" He said, almost nonchalant. But Jack was able to see through his voice, he knew that the guy had been worried about the new, superpowered generation lately, and that information is usable whenever talks like these come forward. Jack patted flash in the back,

"He's right." He replied, "New vigilantes popping up shouldn't really be a problem, I mean, I have a classmate that's literally made of metal."

The group sighed, "Yeah but like, can you imagine? These people will change the landscape of New York. It wouldn't even take time before more of these... Freaks pop up." Olivia once again stated, seems that she hates these people that much.

Taking that into account, Jack leaned in, "Hey, I wanna tell you a secret." the group, following him put their heads closer. "I'm the new York Devil." He said, his tone clearly joking. As expected, Olivia was the first to scoff, "Fuck off Steph." She said, Jack didn't know what to do when the girl used his last time to address him, though he did ponder what that meant.
"Like, seriously? You think anyone's gonna believe your an 8 foot tall monster that eats people?"

Jack nodded, "Yep." He said, putting down his spoon, "Have you seen the reports lately? I mean, that monster can apparently turn human."

"Right, that rumor came from some random dudes on the other side of the city. A place that the monster hasn't been seen in, and you expect us to believe that's all true? They should try harder." This time it was Cindy's tour to speak, and she attracted the group's attention, she shrugged, "What? I'm right?" She uttered, taking a bite from the burger she was holding."

"Indeed she is." A random boy that Jack didn't bother to remember the name of chimed, "The hunting grounds of the Devil is around here." He added.

Seeing that the conversation was slightly getting altered, Jack let it be, seems that no one believed him.

At all.

Still though, it's quite relaxing, talking to these people that is. It took his mind off his problems for quite some time.

Jack smiled as he listened to the group talk, especially now that they have finished eating.

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