IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 39

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" A series of shouts entered my overtly sensitive ears as the roller coaster fell down with high velocity, Felicia yelled and laughed as the ride did it's course. She seems to be enjoying this sort of thing. I thought to myself. As we went along the amusement park, I remembered that the girl right beside me is technically black cat, and I thought that it didnt come as a surprise if this girl is actually some sort of thrill seeker.

I mean, who dresses up as a vigilante at night?

Well, I guess a lot of people that I know did but Peter, Implant, and I have our reasons, with peter probably wanting to save people to prevent children from suffering the same fate as he did and Implant wanted to eat while I,..


Dont really have a particular reason for that do I?

The roller coaster ride soon ended, and a grinning Felicia clung to my arm exhausted. "So, wanna take a break for the time being? I mean, we can probably grab drinks and you can take a rest for a bit." I told her, "I'll make sure to say my autobiography this time." I added as I grabbed our shopping bag from the guy who managed the ride.

Felicia smiled, "Sure." She said whilst making hand movements, I took her small gesture as some sort of sign that she was pointing at a specific place, and looking at where her finger was facing, I was able to see a small hotdog stand that had seats in front of it, probably to house the people who wanted to dine in.
"So, what kind of things do you usually do?" I asked as we walked, "Like, except martial arts, something that you actually enjoy."

"Hmm... I like to draw?" She replied,

"Nice, I actually tried that hobby once, did not end well for me, I spent around 4 months just trying to make one canvas after the other," I gave her a dry laugh, "All of them turned out to be flukes and I never improved."

Felicia turned towards me with her eyebrows raised, "want me to teach you then?" She said, "I dont mind looking after you as you learn about human anatomy and stuff,"

"What's that gotta do with drawing?" I asked, and Felicia's eyes widened,

"Wait, wait, wait. So you're telling me that somehow, you started drawing without knowing the basics?" She giggled at her own reply.

"Uh yeah, and one corndog please," I responded, "What do you want?" I asked her,

"Oh, just a hot dog sandwich," My date ordered with a smile, "Anyways, are you really sure that you dont know the basics of drawing or are you just fucking with me?"

"I'll let you know that should I want to fuck with you, I would do it." I smirked,

"Really now." She said, "So I guess that means that you dont know how to make outlines, cast shading, and presumably have no control over the force of your hand as you draw."

"What. Are those necessarry or something?" I replied, and Felicia nodded.

"Yep!" She energetically exclaimed, followed by a small chuckle.

"Neat," I said.

The two of us waited for our orders to cook after that, we didnt really speak and our conversation ended. And apparently, some jackass decided that this was the perfect moment to inject himself in our conversation-

"Hey, I heard you guys talk about drawing and stuff," He said, causing me and Felicia to look at his general direction. The guy was a bit chubby, and his black eyes looked at the two of us with triumph, or rather, his eyes were solely focused on me as whenever he turned towards Felicia he would look at her breasts, "I must say, your boyfriend over here is all brawn and no brains." He mockingly called out, Implant wanted to swallow him whole in this very moment with a comment saying that we should ambush the guy despite what Xavier said. I let the symbiote be and continued listening to the guy,

"Anyways, I can totally draw with you you know?" The guy, his face pretty much ecstatic said, "I mean, both of us could do collabs and stuff! I have a social media account thats all me about drawing!" He was starting to get very excited as he skitterishly grabbed his phone from his pocket, it took him a while to enter his passcode and when he did, he showed his screen to both of us.

His drawings werent half bad, and I would have been impressed if not for Felicia's retort-

"You suck." She said coldly, and the man shrunk,

"W-what do you mean?" He stuttered.

"I'm not even gonna show you my own account, or else I risk stalking you but here-" Felicia grabbed her phone from her pocket and did the same as the teen, showing him her drawings, which were quite detailed in most aspects, the background was lively and the colors showed what they needed to show, not really over extending their boundaries when it comes to whatever it was they were trying to showcase. This was according to Implant, I simply looked at her drawing and was Impressed.

The guy's face had an expression of disbelief, "T-Theres no way this is yours!" He said as he looked at the drawing, "You didnt draw this stuff! Gandalf is popular enough that someone probably else probably drew this!" He exlaimed. So, the guy who was fighting the gigantic dragon is gandalf, good to know.

"Yeah... Suck it." She said, "My boyfriend over here is way more better than you because it's actually cute that he doesnt know how to draw."She said, "I can at least teach him," Felicia's tone was very cold towards the man, and he continued to shiver under her bombardment.

Our names were called out soon enough, and we left the man alone to grab our food, on our way out I was able to hear him mutter something about good looks and how its the only thing that mattered. Apparently he was bullied when he was still learning how to draw.

Sucks to be him I guess.

Felicia and I left the hotdog stand after we grabbed our food,

"So, what other things did you try?" She asked me as she took a bite from her food,

I took a bite of my own, "Well, I did try different instruments, though they were only on my phone as I dont really have the time nor the money to take them seriously. From my experience though, it was pretty fun."

She frowned, "Oh, I'm not really into music."


"Anyways, do you think that guy will find my account?" She asked with a giggle, "I mean, think about it, he's probably gonna spend time tryng to find that drawing of mine and proceed to just find my account." Despite her tone, which was quite ecstatic, from what I could tell her by face, she was quite pissed. Guess she hasnt thought about that part when he showed him her drawings.

"uh yeah." I replied. "Sucks to be you? I guess? You should probably delete that drawing now." I told her,

"Hmmm... maybe I dont want to."


"Who cares about one guy stalking my account." She said,

"Yeah I guess your right." I replied finishing my corn dog, "So, do you want to go to another ride or,"

Felicia took one big bite from her hot dog, finishing it on one go, and I saw a few men giggle from behind her, "Maybe," She said, pressing her body against mine,

"KEEP HER BRO!" I heard a man yell from behind her.

Felicia's face made it's way towards my ear, and with a seductive voice she whispered- "We should ride something else?"

Surprised I asked, "What do you have in mind?"

"Follow me hun." She replied.

We both made our way out of the carnival, and soon we went inside an alleyway, once there Felicia told me to take off my clothes,

I did.

Her eyes widened once my shirt was off, "Huh, I thought you would have that suit of yours underneath that shirt." She said,

"Suit?" I asked,

"Oh please, you arent the only one with stalker tendencies," She said waving her arms, and then she proceeded to take off her top, revealing a sports bra of sorts that seemed to have been folded. Grabbing it's edge, she pulled it the latex suit till it reached her belly, she then proceeded to take off her jeans, and the same latex suit revealed itself. She grabbed the mask hanging by her waste, put it on, and smiled, "Well?" She said, twirling her body, she then grinned-

"I'm surprised that you're not surprised." She said, "Of course your not, you already know who I am,"

"New york Devil." Felicia held back her laughter as she said this,

"Okay okay," I put my arms up, my heart was beating hard, but Implant managed to calm it down, "You got me." I said with a grin, and it was followed by a thick, viscous fluid flowing out of my body my mischievous grin turned deadly and my height towered above my date.

"The name's Implant." a thick, deep voice resounded out.

"Fancy name," She said, eyeing me up and down,

"Never knew you were this... Big." Her tone turned seductive and the pitch of her voice was high, I could sense her ragged breathing even though I was inside Implant.

She soon got up to me, and with quick movements jumped before coiling her legs on my hips, her smile was widening with each passing second, and her gaze was lustful- "Meow."

I felt Implant grab the bottom of her thighs, and Felicia went in for a kiss-

"OF COURSE YOU TWO ARE SUPERHEROES!" A voice outside the alleyway suddenly said, and then I heard a thud,

"Come on man! It was getting good!" Another voice followed,

"I just... couldn't control myself you know?! How come they get to be attractive and cool?!" The voice was teary, and it was getting loud,

"Flank them love." Felicia said in a british accent, and Implant leaped, tendrils raised.

There were 4 men in total that followed us, most of them were teens with one exception, the guy who talked to Felicia about drawing and the one that complained. All four of them buckled under their own weight once they saw the massive symbiote in front of them.

"Give me your phones and no one gets hurt." Felicia said, arriving at the scene, all of them obliged and gave Black cat their phones, she proceeded to shatter them all with her foot, and the objects would never be seen lighting up again. They all had hopeful faces when they gave out their respective devices, and for good reason as Black cat let them go.

"So what now?" Asked the symbiote,

"We run around the city, carry me and let's fly darling." Felicia replied.

"Pick which one it is you want to call me." the symbiote retorted,

Implant's back grew four cling-pad like structures, "Climb."He said kneeling, and Felicia nodded, she put her arms and legs on the respective pads and they stuck to it like glue, then, the symbiote's body blanketed Felicia's back, acting as some sort of seatbelt for the girl.

"Let's talk about stalking shall we?" She said and Implant nodded,

then he jumped.

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