IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 35

"So, you're telling me that I can soon enter clubs," Flash, who was sitting in front of me said as he took a sip from a bottle, his voice was astonished, clearly anticipating something, like he was waiting for me to say that what I have told him was all a joke, "without any problems?" He waited for a bit after he said that, and silence descended upon us. I, of course, not really wanting to ruin his moment, stayed silent. And then he spoke again-

"So, you're really not kidding huh?" He said after a while, breaking the silence. And then he took another sip, with a satisfed- Huahhhhh - he looked at me, "Well well, it may seem that we both will have to go together soon!" The guy wasn't able to contain his grin as he said this, too bad for him though, I'm gonna have to ruin his fun.

"Well..." I scratched my head, "I'm actually not gonna go to clubs from now on," I was a bit hesitant on this topic, since I didnt really want to admit to it just yet, nevertheless, I spoke- "Since I kinda have a girlfriend already." I say with followed by a scratch to the back of my hand, I didnt feel comfortable with this topic, especially since my girlfriend doesnt really go to this school and had no relevance to anything related to it in any way whatsoever. Still, it seems that flash was quite happy when he heard this,

"Oh wait, really?" He said, eyebrows raised, he was suspicious of the entire thing? What the hell did he think I was? Some sort of- "Yeah really." I replied with a satisfied nod, causing flash to look at me with even more suspicion, "I thought you were some sort of no commitment type of guy!" He said without restraint.
The past me would have slightly agreed to such a comment about my personality, but now? I guess I kinda dont. Even if Sheila wasnt here, the fact that I had to take care of Implant, with me adding more food to my diet and even extra chocolates, it feels like I was stupid for not ever making a commitment. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

With that in mind, I spoke once again, "Yeah, I dont really know anymore. I thought that permanent relationships werent my thing either, I thought I was some sort of nomad in that regard but I guess people change?" A sheepish grin managed to make its way towards my face, I was slightly embarassed about the damn thing, I didnt know why. Guess character studies just arent my thing?

"Well that sucks doesnt it?" He says, "Guess I just have to go alone!" He said, a big smile plastered on his face, "Yeah, goodluck with that." I replied, and Flash nodded before preparing the leave,

"Oh, and one more thing." He turned his back, "Make sure to atleast carry 500$"

"HIYA!" A kick went flying towards my face, I ducked as, it passed by my nose, a whooshing sound entered my ears, "Whoa there Felicia, what the hell did I do?!" I say, trying to regain my balance, that was a hard kick just now, something that I didnt expect at all! I was thankful that I had superhuman relfexes because if I didnt I would have left this place with a black eye. Felicia looked at me, she had one of those - "Are you stupid? - look, and then she shook her head and moved towards me,

A punch was going my way,

I blocked it.

"Good job Jack," She complimented in between ragged breaths, and then she struck again.

I kept dodging every one of her strikes without really retaliating, and I was doing fairly well in that regard, and that is exactly what I wanted, to keep myself from getting hurt by avoiding attacks, I was interested in that part of combat, to actually learn how to manuever in between attacks. Felicia kept hitting, I kept dodging, but as things stand, it seemed that she herself was starting to get tired with how I wasnt attacking,
"Come on Jack, man up. Hit me," She said, waving her fingers in a "come at me" motion.

with a deep breath, I went forward and attacked-

starting with a low jab aimed at her lungs,

Felicia blocked it with ease before twisting my arm and releasing a punch to my face. I was able to dodge easily, and in turn I took my arm away from her grasp with little effort, and then I followed it up with a hit to her hips,

She wasnt able to dodge, instead she took it in stride, opting for grabbing the entire length of my arm with both of her's.

Once I was locked, Felicia smiled, and with quick movements carried my entire weight against her own,

I felt myself fly in the air before falling down just as quickly, my back hit the floor of the ring and I gasped for air, "Damn." I mutter, Felicia's face still floating above my own, she looked at me with interest, and with a warm smile she said- "Good match, Jack." - I shook my head, the girl was quite good at this, and that wasnt all either, she was also apparently also in multiple clubs that involved physical fitness. The thought of just spening that much time exercising caused my head to feel nauseated, I couldnt imagine doing that much work in a single day.

And what about when it's actually time to participate in contests? How the hell did Felicia manage each one?

Shaking my head once more, I decided to not wrap my head around the vigilante's activities, Black cat is one hell of a woman, was what I wanted to say- "Good match. Felicia." I replied, grabbing her hand,

she was able to lift my body up with ease, as expected.



"So, tell me, why?" Sheila, twirling her hair around her fingers asked me, she had been pestering me about my school for the better part of the evening now, I dont know what got her so curious, and I dont want to know, but for the love of god, the way she pestered me to no end was quite annoying, and that was the kindest thing I could translate it to. She bit her lower lip, looked at me carefully and said- "Come on Jack, we both know that you're school suddenly having a tolerance for mutants is weird. I mean, them being allowed to use a bit of their powers publicly inside the campus? How outrageous!" She said with a grin. From what I could gather, she was trying to gouge something out, I dont know what, but she was trying to.

She wrapped her arms around my chest, afterwards I felt a bite on my collarbone, looking down, I saw my girlfriend grinning, she seemed happy, "Anyways, I heard that the so called 'New york Devil' is no longer around," She said, causing me to frown, "Spider man said so you know? Apparently new york's midnight is once again safe, and no one has to worry anymore." she pressed her head on my chest and sighed, "Thank god." she muttered.

"You know, maybe that guy is actually misunderstood, maybe he wanted to help." I say in retort, and I felt my girlfriend shiver, "Really now?" She replied.

And then with her mood shifting almost immediately, she said, "Still, it doesnt excuse him killing people."

I couldnt help but agree, and having no counter argument, I stayed silent, and so did she.

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