IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 19

The night passed in a flash, Jack and Implant simply stayed silent as they watched some random cartoon, Jack knew that not talking to the symbiote was bad, he knew that, but, even then, he feels like Implant doesn't really get him, it feels like the alien just... wants things for himself, he takes over the moment that his adrenaline pumps through his veins, he was ready to fight, and yet, like some maiden in distress he was taken out of the fight by Implant, with the guise of protecting him, in that moment, Jack knew that the alien wanted him to live, and so, he used it as a hostage card to get what he wants from the creature, and it worked, both Peter and the mugger survived, perhaps, in his own way, he has saved those two.

And he was proud of that,

But yet, he cannot put his mind into it anymore, it didn't feel good when he got home, he didn't feel jubilated that he saved two people, he felt like shit, all because some alien didn't trust him enough, if this thing were here physically, he wanted to punch him straight in the gut, he wanted to say to its face that of course he would keep the promise of letting it feed every three days, of course he would do it, because why shouldn't he? that's the real question, as things stand, he wanted to help, but Implant simply wouldn't want to talk about things related to this physical need of eating humans, stating that he should just by the symbiote chocolates, and he did, and Implant was satisfied with it, or so he said.
"I wanna run around new York," stated Jack, "Let's save some people, I'll skip school for the day," He added, and Implant agreed, sure, he replied, and Jack stood up to take a shower, to change into comfortable clothes, and to feel better overall.

Jack perched atop the highest building he could find, he looked over the entire city with a steely gaze, the place seems quiet, especially given that it's day, but, within him, he could hear Implants voice, the symbiote was currently looking for anything related to the smell of crime, as ironic as that sounds, be it the scent of gunpowder, or the scent of a man that has just finished having sex, Implant looked for any of those traces, even a single hint that would find it's way up this building is good enough, because that would lead them somewhere.
And when one finally came, Implant immediately told Jack, and the teen leapt off the building to glide to it's direction,

The air felt nice and the feeling of weightlessness couldn't be topped by anything Jack had ever felt, and yet something seemed off, Implant had told him that he was smelling blood, and whatever it may be, it had tasted like carnage come to life, but Jack did not care, he had felt like shit when Implant had done the battle for him, and he did that battle terribly, there was no room for negotiation, no time to think that maybe Peter and the criminal had feelings, no nothing, all Implant did was cause fear, and that was possibly the worse thing he has seen in his entire life, so he stopped it.
That wasn't human, what he did is what animals did, a being as intelligent as Implant shouldn't even consider doing such things, because he was sapient and yet he did, all because he knew he was stronger than that mugger, that he was stronger than Peter.

Jack shook his head, no point in crying over spilt milk, what is best to do for now is to look forward and never look back, Implant had said that he would do better, and Jack believes him.

The smell eventually led Jack to a rundown house, the place was located in Hell's kitchen, so they were pretty far off from where they came, it comes as surprise that Implant had even managed to smell the blood that came from here, and the symbiote is now complaining about how the smell had gotten stronger, with him comparing the smell to fermented feces. Shaking his head, the only thing that Jack could do was sigh, still, he was about to enter a possible dangerous scenario, so, with a hint of regret in his voice, he asked Implant to protect him.

Of course, is the symbiotes reply.

entering the house, Jack couldn't make out what was going on, all he knew was that he place was apparently abandoned, with signs of neglect being obvious as he entered the front door, “the outside couldn't even be compared to this.”, he muttered. Looking around, there were no signs of life anywhere, so he asked Implant,

"Where is the smell coming from?" he asked, and the symbiote answered in the form of it leading him to a hallway that was filled with dry blood, from this point on, Jack had opened up his cellphone to call the police, after giving them the address, he closed it to continue his search, and it eventually led to a room, one that had a dozen dead bodies stitched together as if it was some sort of art, and in this room sat one man, he looked at him, his eyes dead, there was no one inside those observing eyes, there was no man, just a puppet controlled by its urges. The man's red hair was full of dust, and his shirt was stained with blood, the scene was quite unnerving but Jack did not care, and he spoke-

"Hello," He started, and the man didn't say anything, this caused the hair on Jack's neck to rise, finding his resolve, Jack spoke again- "If you would kindly just-" his voice was cut off as the man suddenly started to charge towards him, his face stricken with rage and his eyes solely focused on Jack, the teen didn't know how to react, he prepared a punch but it did not hit, with the result making his stumbling body go near the deranged man coming towards him,

The man soon reached Jack, holding a knife, he prepared to stab-


Jack once again felt his control loosen, his arms grew thicker and they moved on their own, thick fluid came out of his palms, they slowly enveloped the man till all that's left of him that was revealed to the world was his head, Jack, breathing heavily talked, "W-what, W-who are you and why are you doing this?" Jack's altered voice didn't hide his fear,

The man didn't answer, he simply stared at him, his gaze unwavering. Time passed and with the situation going no where and the police soon arriving, Jack decided that he should leave the scene before they see him, and as he left, he heard a voice behind him-

"Cletus Kasady," The man presumably said, his voice was hoarse and painful, like he had not drank water for a long time.

Jack eventually went back to his apartment, realizing that he was too scared to even remotely fight back when they met that man, he froze, it was his first time getting charged like that, there is a difference when you are the one giving the surprise attack and being on the forefront of reacting to one, it was quite stressful, and amidst his plight, Implant spoke-

I do not think you know why you force yourself to do things you simply cannot do! the symbiote scolded, thinking that the he had a point, Jack suppressed his urge to fight back, for now, leave all the fighting to me, and during this time you can train both your mind, and your body, because we both know that even though you have super strength, you are useless when it comes to actually exerting it.

Jack couldn't help but agree, and he stayed silent as he turned on the TV, he wouldn't want to Patrol for the rest of the day, not after realizing he is simply too weak minded to even fight back. Still, Implant did say that he would have been fine regardless of the symbiotes interference, he probably would have been able to subdue Kletus given enough time, he after all had super strength and high regenerative powers, but the police were coming soon, so Implant simply didnt risk it.

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