Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Grateful Thanks

The assessment of one-star founder is just a threshold.

is used to screen whether it is qualified to be a founder. It is the simplest test among the founders.

But such an assessment is invisible but I don’t know how many people got stuck.

Two-star assessment is much more difficult.

Because of entering the two-star founder, he can be regarded as a true all-round founder.

Not only improves the level of spirits, but also improves the quality of spirits and heals the origin of seriously injured spirits.

So this hurdle is really not an ordinary one-star founder can easily step over.

What’s more, Lin Yuan is still so young now.

Ling Xiao’s face was still a faint expression, but his hands were already tightly clenched and clasped together.

Lin Yuan went into the room between the incubation rooms and took his own exam questions.

In the exam, Lin Yuan looked at the spirit he needed to advance, and found that it was an elite lily with perfect quality.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help lamenting his fate with Lily Lily.

While another spirit made Lin Yuan’s brows tight, a huge blue crab had a small round table size.

It’s just that this huge crab is lying there dying, as if suffering some extremely unbearable pain.

This is a crab with scissors.

is a copper-order spirit that can only fight in water. The sudden burst of power from the huge double clamps can even pinch the steel bars.

Lin Yuan couldn’t see the damage of the scissors crab on the surface, but watching the scissors crab, a very energetic creature, lay there dying, even the bubbles in his mouth spit out.

Lin Yuan knew that the sniper crab’s injury was very serious.

When Lin Yuan just touched the crab shell, Lin Yuan knew what was wrong with the crab.

The hard shell of the crab-cutter Shang Yuan touched it and found that the crab shell, which was originally as hard as a plate armor, touched with his hand and actually sunk a little.

Just as Lin Yuan pressed down, the Scissor Crab trembled painfully.

Lin Yuan didn’t dare to work hard anymore.

This crab is obviously cracked completely.

It is just the fascia on the back that connects the broken carapace together.

If this layer of outer membrane is absent, I am afraid that the shell of the crab will have shattered into slag.

The shell can be subjected to such injuries, and obviously the inside of the crab has also been impacted.

If such injuries continue to procrastinate, I am afraid that it won’t take long before this crab cutter will die.

Looking at the painful behavior of Scissor Crab, Lin Yuan extended his hand directly and attached it to the body of Crab Crab.

This time, Lin Yuan did not directly urge the spirit to help the crabs recover from their injuries.

directly recruited Mobius’s exclusive characteristic Bliss Pure Land.

In a flash, at the foot of Lin Yuan in front of Lin Yuan appeared a sandy beach just enough to accommodate the crab.

The kind of energy that the white grains of white sand radiate at the feet of the crab shears repairs the source, so that the injury of the crab shears can be restored at once.

I saw the scissors crabs shaking the double pliers with difficulty, as if feeling the recovery of their bodies.

Lin Yuan also stretched out his hand while urging the Bliss Pure Land, and pressed on the body of the shear crab to transmit spiritual power, helping the crab to restore its origin.

For about two hours, Lin Yuan was able to heal the scissors crab while driving the Bliss Pure Land.

Lin Yuan did not enter the lock-spirit space to heal the scissors crab.

The lock-spirit space is Lin Yuan’s hole card, and Lin Yuan will definitely not be exposed.

This is Lin Yuan’s first use of Elysium Pure Land. It took Lin Yuan more than four hours to heal the damaged spirits of the copper level.

Now the time to use Elysium Pure Land has doubled.

This shows that the healing power of Elysium Pure Land is the same as his own ability to urge Reiki to heal the origin of spirits.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help lamenting the power of Pure Land.

The effect of Elysium Pure Land is also related to the concentration of surrounding Reiki.

This shows that if the spirit is placed in the space where the spirit is locked, the recovery time of the spirit can be doubled.

When Lin Yuan rescued the copper crab scissors and prepared to improve the quality of Lily Lily.

Lin Yuan saw the scissors crab suddenly cut off the raised carapace above his head.

Cut off a large bump on the carapace, and then handed the bump on the carapace to Lin Yuan.

Silly spitting bubbles.

Lin Yuan has not been short of the ability to create a teacher, but this scene has left Lin Yuan shocked for no reason.

Animal, know how to be grateful.

Cut Crabs According to what they learned smartly, Scissors Crabs love the crab stones on their carapace very much.

This crab stone is a kind of spirit material, although the price is not expensive, but for the spiritual creature such as the crab crab, the crab stone is the most important existence of the crab crab.

When collecting crab stones on the carapace of wild Scissor crabs, this is the existence of Scissors crabs who will spare their lives to defend.

Now that he knew that Lin Yuan had saved himself, he cut the crab stone and gave it to Lin Yuan.

This kind of gratitude from crossing species makes Lin Yuan feel inexplicable.

This feeling is a throbbing.

Pulsation contains a more essential understanding of all creatures.

Spiritual things, human beings also have feelings. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Lin Yuan took the crab stone in the hands of the crab cutter.

Chopped crabs just stupidly began to take off horizontally in the incubation room, restoring the original lively character of the scissors crabs.

Lin Yuan solemnly received the Crabstone in the Locking Space.

This crab stone forest will keep it forever, as a part of his encouragement and responsibility to become a founder.

Improved the quality of elite spirits to the epic level, Lin Yuan has long been familiar with it.

Now, without any hindrance, he has finished improving the quality of Lily Lily.

So far Lin Yuan has completed the assessment of the two-star founder.

Looking at the untouched spirit material on the table, Lin Yuan took some of the spirit material from the spirit material and placed it in the spiritual space.

said goodbye to Scissor Crab, Lin Yuan came out of the breeding room again.

saw Lin Yuan out of the incubation room, Ning Lao had not had time to speak, Lin Yuan heard Ling Xiao asked.

“how about it?”

Lin Yuan said with a smile on the face of a sunshine boy.

“The scissors crab is cured, and the quality of Lily Lily has also evolved to an epic level.”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Ling Xiao’s clenched fist was released at once.

spoke three good words.

looked at Lin Yuan’s eyes full of appreciation.

Ning Lao hurried to the incubation room to check, after confirming that Lin Yuan was finished, he walked out with a laugh.

“It’s really a young boy who has completed the assessment of the two-star founder in three and a half hours, and it’s done so well. You are the best talented architect that the husband has seen in so many years. Register the certificate of the two-star founder, and then give you the badge of the two-star founder and the privileges that the founder can enjoy.”

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