Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Changes In The Lock Space

? Lin Yuan left Xingwang and returned to the shop.

thought about the game between the members of the previous shining sequence.

This game let Lin Yuan know the standard of the young generation of the Shine Federation.

At the same time, let Lin Yuan also deeply understand what is a fantasy creature?

Gold-level fantasy species of healing creatures actually defeated platinum-level battle spirits in an overwhelming stance.

Lin Yuan himself also realized a rune of will, which is still flying around Lin Yuan’s spiritual space around Lin Yuan’s spiritual space.

Flying runes of will form a pattern of mountains and rivers, like a new life of plants after the great destruction.

exudes a feeling of endless vitality on the green hill.

This rune of will is very suitable for healing spirits, and Lin Yuan now has only healing lilies.

I don’t know if Lily Lily’s quality reaches the legendary level, what will happen if this Rune of Willow becomes a fantasy species?

Soon after returning to the shop, the remaining few pots of Qingluo were evolved to elite level by Lin Yuan.

For a time, the spirits on Lin Yuan’s hands that had evolved had no other spirits than his own contract.

Book chips purchased on Xingwang and five elite-level ten-level perfect-spray spiders, absorbing spirit goldfish, energy ore, and butterfly shell have not yet arrived.

Looking at the fact that there was almost no food in the house, Lin Yuan simply walked out with clever harmony.

cleverly stood on Lin Yuan’s shoulder, while Yin Yin stood on the clever little head melon.

twitter tweeted, looking very good.

Lin Yuan looked at Smart and the voice was soft and smiled and said.

“Smart, Yinyin, I’ll take you out to shop and go.”

Lin Yuan maintained a small shop before, and could not make any money at all. Even if he earned a little money, Lin Yuan also saved the tuition fees for the future.

In addition to the usual purchase, there is not even a chance to bring smart and sound to go out to shop once a year.

Now Lin Yuan is rich, and naturally will not save as much as before.

After a trip, apart from some fruits, vegetables, Lin Yuan, all the remaining federal currency was used to buy some daily necessities.

Of course, Lin Yuan does not have many daily necessities. Most of these daily necessities are prepared for intelligence and sound.

Energy-rich energy biscuits suitable for elite omnivorous spirits, Lin Yuan bought several bags.

also bought Yinyin some spiritual materials that can increase the toughness of feathers.

Not long after returning home with a pile of daily necessities, someone knocked on the door of the shop.

Lin Yuan opened the door and saw a man wearing a ostrich overalls standing at the door with several trapped boxes on the floor.

“The ostrich logistics courier No. 75457 has delivered the goods you bought on Xingwang as scheduled, please sign for it.”

Lin Yuan hurried forward to sign for it, and everything he had bought at Xingwang before this time arrived.

“Thank you.”

After confirming that the goods were correct, the courier left after signing his name in Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan had to sigh that the efficiency of Ostrich Logistics is really not overwhelming.

As long as you are in the Shine Federation, ostrich logistics can deliver the goods within three hours.

After signing, Lin Yuan lifted these trapped spirit boxes at the door to the house, and then took the lead out of the trapped goldfish.

The ordinary level 1 ordinary quality sucking goldfish taken out by Lin Yuan in the trapped spirit box is very fragile.

As if Lin Yuan could take away the little guy’s life with a little effort.

Spirit goldfish struggled slightly in Lin Yuan’s hands, and the two protruding big eyes on the front of the black goldfish body looked ugly and ugly.

Lin Yuan immediately used Mobius’s unique characteristic lock spirit, turning this dragon-eye sucking goldfish into a Mobius elite lock spirit.

After that, Lin Yuan strengthened this sucking goldfish.

When Lin Yuan strengthened this elusive goldfish to elite level, Lin Yuan watched the time.

The time to evolve the soul goldfish wasted more than an hour, and the spiritual growth in his body is no different from the evolution of a pot of elite Qingluo.

The evolutionary difficulty of this absorbing goldfish really doesn’t get its name.

That strange goldfish that attracts spirits will become the most undesirable creature.

After being attracted to elite level, its size is more than doubled than before.

The scales on    are no longer mottled as before, but become silky and satin.

is like a black silk wrapped around him.

The fish tail spread like a half-spread umbrella.

Although the two large eyes in front did not become larger, a light golden scale appeared around the eyes.

It is not obvious that    is intertwined with black, but if you look closely, you can see it completely.

Dragon Eye is a famous species of spirt goldfish.

At this time, if the spirit goldfish in Lin Yuan’s hands was sold in Xingwang store, it would be very easy to sell the price of Bahui Yaoyao.

After strengthening the soul-gold goldfish, Lin Yuan enters the lock-spirit space and pours two kilograms of inferior energy ore in the trapped spirit box into the spirit pool a little bit.

Inferior energy ore is directly decomposed in the Lingling Pond, turning into Aura and overflowing in the Ling Ling space.

Lin Yuan has been pouring inferior energy ores continuously.

When it falls to about 1,700 kg, the Lingling Pool will no longer decompose inferior energy ores.

Lin Yuan knows that this is the saturation concentration of the aura in the lock-spirit space.

Comparing the concentration of Reiki, Lin Yuan found that the concentration of Reiki in the Lingling space was more than five times that of the outside world.

is very satisfied with this. Lin Ling space has evolved continuously after the upgrade of Mobius, and then the concentration of Reiki in the Ling Ling space will become stronger and stronger.

Poured in the remaining three hundred catties of energy ore in the Lingling Pond, Lin Yuan had no control.

Because both Lily and Lily Goldfish will quickly consume the aura in the spiritual space. UU reading

After the concentration of Reiki in the space decreases, the Lingling Pond will naturally decompose the remaining energy ore as a supplement.

Lin Yuan put the spirt goldfish into the evolution spirit pool, and the spirt goldfish swimed comfortably in the Hualing pool.

It was then that Lin Yuan could feel that the aura in the space was being absorbed by the sucking goldfish at a slow rate.

Lin Yuan compared his speed of strengthening the soul-absorbing goldfish, and compared with the speed of automatically absorbing pure aura in the lock-spirit space now.

Spiritual goldfish will take about ten days to evolve from the ordinary level to the elite level in the locked space.

Of course, this premise is that the supply of energy ore is constant during these ten days.

Calculated the growth rate of the absorbing soul goldfish in the lock space, Lin Yuan has already decided the business direction of his online star shop.

That is to make a name for itself by selling elite spirit goldfish.

The elite-level spirit goldfish, which are in short supply, appear in a large number of small shops that cannot be bought, and I am afraid that the reputation of their own shops will soon become famous.

Sprinkle the little butterfly shell to the bottom of Hualing Pond.

Butterfly shells fall into the water and fall on the bright white energy ore, just like the ginkgo leaves scattered on the autumn stone path. There is no scenery.

Spirit goldfish also immediately came to pick up a butterfly shell and swallowed into the abdomen, slowly absorbing the energy in the butterfly shell.

Butterfly is more or less beneficial to the awakening blood veins of the suction goldfish.

But the effect is not very big.

Lin Yuan thought it would be great if he could get some blood from dragon spirits before the sucking goldfish evolved into elite epic quality.

In that way, there is a great chance for the absorbing spirit goldfish to awaken the very thin dragon bloodline in the body.

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