Imperfect Desires

Chapter 105 I Have A Girlfriend

105 I Have A Girlfriend

There are times in our lives when we want to do something against our own interests and likes. And 90 percent of the time, the reason behind doing those things is a person you care about.

Darren had literally been very distant from kids all his life. He never really interacted with them just because he found them quite a handful. But since Jackson was like a brother to Xiu, he decided to bond with him.

Now, it was his luck that Jackson was a science fanatic just like himself when he was a kid. That made things a lot easier for him. One trip of science fair and Jackson was already on Team Darren all the way like his sisters, Nora and Xiu.

Darren had yet to leave the science fair when he received Dylan's call and before he could speak, the other person started ranting, "Daz, did you talk to Xiao Mei? She's not even picking up my calls. Apparently, meeting Hu Shishi is my fault. Can you believe that?"

Darren turned to Jackson and said, "Jackie, don't go far. I have to take this call." Jackson nodded like an obedient little boy which he really was and stood at the side. Then Darren spoke to Dylan, "Will you please relax? You and I both know that Xiao Mei's reaction is not exaggerated. Hu Shishi ruined her life, what else do you expect her to do?"

"But how is it my fault?" asked Dylan helpless manner.

"It's not your fault but for now, stop bothering Xiao Mei. Since she's finally back in the country after years, it's better for you to give her time and space." Darren spoke in a calm voice and added, "Where are you by the way? I have something to share with you."

"Forget where I am, you tell me what do you want to share?" Dylan was intrigued since Darren's way of speech had a slight shift which couldn't have gone unnoticed by Dylan.

"Umm... I... I have a girlfriend now," said Darren making Dylan almost fall from his chair.

"Are you messing with me or something?" Darren stayed quiet at his question and that was all Dylan needed to know the answer. "Bloody hell! When did this happen? Who is she? Oh, wait! Is it the same girl you kissed last night?"

"Mhmm..." was Darren's reply before he explained how Xiu proposed this dating and all.

Dylan was dumbstruck for a while before she said, "Bro, my dear Dazi, have you lost your mind? How can a girl have more guts than you? Don't you feel ashamed that a girl asked you out on a date?"

Darren was unfazed by his words as he replied, "Sweets is a strong supporter of feminism. According to her, if a man can do it so can she. So, what's wrong with that? Besides, what matters is the end result, not the process."

"Nevermind," said Dylan and added, "By the way, since you have finally decided to come out of your cocoon. Please, try to be happy and try to fall in love with an open mind and heart. Then it'll be a happy love story."

Darren was silent for a brief moment before he said, "There is no such thing as a happy love story."


"Ah-Xiu used to say that we can either choose to be happy in life or we can choose to be in love. Because love in itself is already bittersweet. But people don't like seeing the sweetness in that bittersweet since their focus is always stuck on the 'bitter' part. And that leads to the belief that only sad love lasts. Ironic isn't it?" Darren elaborated his words and Dylan had no way to reply.

Dylan was lost in his thoughts wondering whether Darren was ever gonna be able to pull himself entirely out of Chen Xiu's shadow? Because he knew as long as Chen Xiu's shadow loomed in Darren's life, his best friend would never be able to take the second chances that life had gifted him.

"Daz, are you really not gonna look for love?" asked Dylan.

Darren heaved a long sigh as he said, "I'm not sure about love but I'm sure that I'm looking for a home."

"Huh? But you have your own house?" retorted Dylan uncertainly.

"Idiot! Home is never a place, it's always a person. Ma said that without love one can live but if we never found that one person who could make us feel like coming back home, then we have really wasted our lives."

"Bro, are you calling me homeless?" was Dylan's dramatic reply which made Darren chuckle out.

"Yes, I am in fact calling you homeless."

Dylan shook his head in a defeated manner and said, "Now, you're just acting like my mother. The other day, I called her and said, 'Mom, I love you.' Can you guess what was her reply?"

"I believe my guess won't do justice to Beauty Wei's reply. So, why don't you just tell me," replied Darren as he was really curious to hear the reply.

"Man, she said, 'Sorry... I already have a husband.' I was speechless at that." Dylan's added effect of sad voice made Darren burst out laughing. That was such a typical reply from Dylan's mother. "I mean, both of them haven't even talked to each other in over two weeks and yet, she's still siding with him. Can you believe that?"

"I can believe that and I know you can too. Besides, aren't you just jealous because you always wanted a relationship like theirs but don't have one?"

Darren's reply did shut up Dylan since he was right. Dylan had always been envious but also proud of the bond his parents had. In a way, his own parents were his relationship goals in life. Who knew life wasn't fair with everyone. Just as Dylan hung up the call, his already depressed mood had hit rock bottom.

Even his best friend was trying to give himself a second chance and so was Xiao Mei. And what was he doing? Was he really standing where he was left? This thought alone was really depressing.Please go to

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