Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 233 Green Goblin

The sword energy came out from the blade of the ink knife and struck hard at the incoming cold energy.

With just one strike, he will be killed.


A slightly painful groan came from not far away.


Qin Niu's nerves tensed instantly.

There is someone in this space, who could it be?

Are they also adventurers like him who came in to hunt for treasure and were accidentally sucked into this space?


Qin Niu bent down and picked up two stones from the ground, and shouted sharply at the same time.

The man just now made a ball of cold energy and attacked him, obviously with bad intentions.

This time, three waves of cold energy hit him.

Coming from different directions.

They are full of evil aura, with a strong aura of death. It is similar to the cold energy dropped from the branches of the ancient banyan tree.

But comparing the two, the cold aura dropped by the ancient banyan tree at night is more condensed, and there is no such strong death aura.

Qin Niu didn't know what these three yin-cold energies were, so he slashed them out with one strike.

What he used was a group killing technique, sweeping across.

The three strands of yin-cold energy had no resistance under the attack of his ink knife, and were all destroyed.

In the darkness, the man's muffled voice sounded again.

Qin Niu was not polite this time either.

As he approached the opponent, he threw the two stones in his hand towards the sound.

Even the stones thrown by those who are strong in the Xiantian realm are very powerful.

Bang bang!

When the stone hits a hard object, sparks fly out and the stone breaks into multiple pieces.

Then it fell to the ground.

With the help of the faint light splashed by Mars, Qin Niu finally saw the scene ahead clearly.

It is a human-shaped stone sculpture.

It's just that this stone sculpture is much thicker than an ordinary person, and its body is as fat as a bear.

The height should be about one and a half meters.

It is sitting cross-legged.

Another feature is that the stone carvings are black.

The outline of the face is quite blurry. I don’t know why the face was not finely sculpted during the carving.

The stone sculpture should be a dead thing, how could it make a muffled sound?

Qin Niu felt very puzzled.

Feeling that all threats came from this stone sculpture, he quickly approached and slashed out with his sword.

Have mercy, have mercy!

The stone sculpture made a frightened cry for mercy.

The voice sounded quite old, that of a man.

Pretending to be a ghost! Who are you?

Qin Niu asked the stone sculpture in a cold voice.

How generous!

The stone sculpture seems to be afraid of Qin Niu.

What did you say it was called?

Qin Niu couldn't believe his ears.

How generous.

The stonework repeats itself again.

You, are you the beekeeper from Blackstone Village? The Green Goblin who single-handedly defeated the entire Seven Star Gate?

Qin Niu knew that the Green Devil's real name was He Houyi.

But later, because the bees he kept were green killer bees, they acted like demons and slaughtered the entire village. That's why he was named the Green Goblin.

Ha... the world calls me the Green Goblin, so go ahead! I have raised bees and killed people, but I think the people I kill are the ones who deserve to be killed. In my eyes, the Seven Star Sect is just like that.

There was self-mockery in the stone carving's voice.

There is still a trace of despair.

Huh, are they all people who deserve to be killed? If I hadn't been vigilant just now, or if I hadn't been able to restrain those cold evil things, I would have been dead long ago. You tried so hard to leave the Green Devil's Bee Breeding Manual, and deliberately There is a treasure map left in it, to trick the world into falling into your trap step by step. Such behavior is completely evil. I cannot keep you here today, I will send you on your way first, so as not to cause harm to the world and continue to harm the world.

Qin Niu swung his sword to kill the stone sculpture again.

Two stones just hit it, causing sparks to fly, indicating that the surface of the stone sculpture is very hard.

The Green Goblin was a character from at least nearly two hundred years ago, and it is really unexpected that he is still alive today.

Living in a stone sculpture, I don’t know what method to use?

Don't kill me! It's a last resort to trick people into coming here to hunt for treasure. I killed the Seven Star Sect Master back then and angered the Bailian Immortal Sect above. They sent an immortal to kill me.

In front of the immortal, I have no resistance at all.

The green devil bees that were cultivated with great pains were easily killed by it.

I finally escaped death by using Li Daitao's method. But after escaping back to the cave under the cold pool, although he was not dead, he was no different from the living dead. He must rely on sucking the blood of living people to survive.

Over the years, I have been thinking of ways to take revenge. As long as I have to take revenge, without the young hero taking action, I will kill myself to thank the world. Give an explanation to those who were killed by me.

The Green Goblin spoke sincerely.

Qin Niu listened expressionlessly.

What was the cold evil thing that attacked me just now?

It's a secret technique I practiced, which is equivalent to my clone.

When you were killed by the immortals of the Hundred Refining Immortal Sect, your cultivation should have been strong. What state were you in at that time?

It's already in the innate realm.

The Green Goblin answered simply.

Later stage of Xiantian realm?


When the Green Goblin answered, he seemed to be very straightforward, but in fact he had some tricks up his sleeve.

It doesn't say which realm of innate realm it has reached.

The early and late stages of the Xiantian realm are the difference between heaven and earth.

You should have practiced the secret technique before you fought against the immortals from the Hundred Refiners Immortal Sect, right?


The Green Devil would probably be helpless facing an opponent like Qin Niu.

Young and mature, resourceful.

All the scheming and methods failed in front of Qin Niu.

How many bee-breeding books have you left out in total?

More than a hundred copies.

There is a treasure map hidden in every book?


When I touched the crystal lotus flower at the bottom of the pool, why did a whirlpool suddenly appear and be sucked in?

That's a mechanism.

What's the name of that plant?

Ice Lotus!

Did it originally grow at the bottom of this pond, or did you plant it?

It's always been there.

The water is so cold that it's bone-chilling. Does it have something to do with it?


How do you usually deal with other adventurers? Just wait until they are sucked in and freeze into a lump of ice?

Those with weaker cultivation will be frozen to death directly. Those with stronger cultivation will fall into the blood pool, and I will use clones to deal with them.

Then how do you suck their blood and essence?

My clones can suck. As long as they die, their blood will merge into the blood pool.

How do I get out of here?

Qin Niu had almost finished asking and started to ask the most critical question.

There are two passages. One is to rush out from the place where you were sucked in. Your cultivation should be at the early stage of the Xiantian realm, which is probably difficult to achieve. The second passage is under the blood pool. There is a cave that leads to the outside. At the bottom of the cold pool, they are connected. But there is a section that is very cold, so you should be able to withstand it.

The Green Goblin taught him two ways to leave.

Well, thank you for your answer.

Qin Niu did not ask about the whereabouts of the Green Demon Bee, but directly and ruthlessly slashed at the statue with his sword.


The stone sculpture was chopped into pieces, revealing the flesh inside.

After so many years, the Green Goblin's physical body has not been destroyed. He is an old man with a sinister appearance and gray beard and hair. (End of chapter)

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