Immortality in DxD

Chapter 6

‘I’ve always wanted to say that.’

Outwardly, Iori had a serene look on his face. Seeming as though those words had come out as easily as water. But inwardly, he was doing a little jig at finally being able to use those practiced phrases. It was more than worth staying in seclusion for all those years just to spit out such arrogance. And judging from the expressions every Yokai in ear distance, it had the reaction he wanted. Dumbfounded confusion. Even his own disciple looked a bit flummoxed.

“Yo-you can’t mean it…”

Kunou, her daughter, stuttered out while being cradled.

“Do you require proof?”

He quirked his brow playfully, itching to really stretch both his metaphorical and physical muscles. It would act as a good signal for the other long lived races that this old monster was back into play…

“NO!” Yasaka exclaimed, losing a few shades of color as images flashed through her mind. Completely shattering her playful mood.

‘It would be a disaster!’

Sweat began to dribbled down her face, this master of hers did not have single political bone in his body. The fall out alone would be calamitous. She wasn’t concerned for her own faction, but for the mere fact that their might not be any other factions out there afterwards! He would pull them up by the root without hesitation. While she had problems with most of the factions out there, that didn’t mean she wanted them to be destroyed outright! War would ensue due to fear and they would find themselves the only supernatural faction left here. All that culture, knowledge and treasure just gone in an instant.

While there conditions weren’t very good these last couple of millennia, she had thoroughly enjoyed peace. Not being dragged into any wars after all this time was like a balm to her old soul. So while she wouldn’t mind those pushy factions getting a bloody nose, them being eradicated was out of the question.

“You’re such a softy.” Iori sighed, but somewhat understanding his disciples emotions through her wildly flicking tails. She did have a lot of people relying on her now, no longer was it just the 2 of them against the world. Being a leader meant taking some blows here and there for the bettering of her people’s lives. Having worked hard to not just be conquered outright, it wouldn’t be right for him to disregard her efforts and completely flip the table. So for now, he would stay his hand. For his disciple.

‘Not completely slaughtering them should be good enough..’

“What’s going on mother?” Kunou looked up from her mother’s sweat soaked neck, noticing how pale she looked at the mere mention of this Iori Yamato showcasing his might. While she knew him killing a few Devils and Fallen Angels would result in a few hiccups in the political battle field, it would also apply pressure to the other factions to actually take them seriously. But looking at the blondes face, it made her change her mind. There weren’t a lot of things that could scare her mother, especially not as an Ultimate Class being. It’s one of the reasons why the other factions had been so slow to eat up their land.

“Nothing Kunou-chan,” She said softly into her furry ears,” I’ll tell you later.”

“Fine.” Iori acquiesced,” We’ll do it your way.”

Yasaka visibly relaxed, while he was known to be shameless he wouldn’t break his own word. Twist them sure but never to the point of breaking.

‘At least try to not look so relieved.’

He would definitely make sure to correct that unfilial disciple of his.

“By the way,” Yasaka turned her full attention back to her daughter,” Why did you come looking for me? You should be with your tutors.”

“Mother.” Kunou puffed out cheeks and crossed arms, gave anyone the clear signs of annoyance,” The council asked to me drag you back to the meeting.”

“Oh.” The blonde kitsune had the nerve to look sheepish at her own daughter seeming ready to lecture her,” I did do that…”


“Master Yamato.” She quickly talked over her daughter, turning back to the serenely smiling immortal,” It seems my duties cannot be pushed aside any longer. Please allow my Kunou-chan to lead you to your quarters.”

Seeing his disciple acting all proper, he had stop himself from just pinching her cheeks. It wouldn’t do to do so in front of her subjects, maybe later.

“But Mothe-”

“Don’t be rude Kunou-chan.” She said seriously, setting down the girl back onto the ground,” I will not be for long, Master Yamato is a guess.”

“Yes Mother..”

Kunou slumped in defeat, knowing full well she would have to spend more time with the weirdo for a bit longer. It wasn’t all bad, nothing was lost by just treating the Senjutsu Master with respect.

“Good.” Yasaka smiled wanly at her sulking daughter,” Maybe if you’re nice, Master Yamato might give you some tips on your Senjutsu.”

She knew exactly how big of an opportunity it would be for her daughter to learn from her master. While the man was powerful, more so than any other being she had met, his skill in raising up talents was enviable. They weren’t in an era of slaughter anymore, butchering your opponent won’t solve anything long term. Their future was in the hands of the younger generation, who didn’t have hundreds of years of baggage swaying their opinions.

The blonde was bit relieved at the black haired man’s slight nod in agreement, she knew his ability to read Ki was simply awe inspiring. Reading her intent was enough.

“Come this way Master Yamato.” Kunou bowed to the immortal,” I will lead you to your quarters.”

“I will be in your care Fox junior.”

Yasaka couldn’t but feel a spike of nostalgia as she watched the 2 slowly grow smaller in the distance. Memories of their adventures together flashed behind her golden eyes. The hardship, the tears, the victories and the loses. She wished for nothing more it to back to those simpler days. Already picturing all three of them watching the world go by, her master mere presence acting as a deterrent for any foes. No more politics. No more responsibilities. Just living day by day. Prancing through shallow ponds, nipping at Ki infused plants and receiving those toe curling head-pats.


That simple life of theirs was long gone, buried forever under the endless pursuit of time. They had both changed. She could tell how disappointed he was with her, not because she had thrown away her foundation for immediate power in a desperate situation. He wouldn’t blame her for such a move. But for the fact that by doing so, she had cursed him. Damned him to see her wither away from age. While her kind could live longer than even 12 Winged Devils and Angels, to her master, it was just a mere blink of the eye.

‘Immortality is often considered a curse,’ The conversation long forgotten by the Earth itself echoed in her mind,’ But that’s only true if you don’t have anyone to share it with. I imagine eternity won’t be so bad with my disciple by my side.’

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