Immortality in DxD

Chapter 11: Method

To say the group of young Yokai were shocked by the sudden revelation would be an understatement. A sense of deep seeded shame filled them, no matter how much they wish to deny his words on some level they knew it was true. No matter how they tried to spin it, they were all guilty of it. Ignorant or not, it didn’t matter.

“That’s why even attempting to unblock these organs are so dangerous,” Iori explained,” The Divine Organs won’t understand that you’re trying to help it and the chances of it retaliating is high. That chance only gets higher for every year this issue isn’t resolved.”

“There are many methods to unblock these impurities, from reconciliation to practicality all the way up to pure domination.”

His presence unspoiled slightly with those last words, a thick fog of life force leaking out to exude a heavy pressure that rested threateningly on the youngsters shoulders. Not enough to actually force them to eat dirt or anything but the potential to do much worse was made apparent.

Riko’s cat like eyes widened and face paled at the nature of this Ki. In that little bit of fog, held more energy than any of her clan’s elders could ever hope for.

“I find the subjugation or domination of the Divine Organs an affront to creation itself. To unknowingly starve these vital organs while a sin, is forgivable. But to betray those organs, pieces of yourself, for power? No, that is not forgivable. I’ve annihilated ‘Orthodox’-” He spat the name out in contempt before continuing,” Sects for doing something similar.”

A spike of dread filled them at the gravity in the man’s words, while they personally couldn’t see a future in which they would abuse Divine Organs like that, especially not after Kunou saw that starved fox, they still took his words to heart. He would kill them if they ever went down that path and no one in this could stop him from doing so.

“But that’s enough of that,” A small smile dispelled the heavy fog,” Let me tell the method I used. To combat Divine Organ’s ingrained hostility and fully gain it’s trust back, there’s nothing better than the Reconciliation Method.”

“Like a wild animal, it’s best to slowly introduce trust. It’ll be a tedious process. At first you’ll only be able to chip away at the impurities before retreating but soon enough, your Divine Organ will be looking forward to every session. And by the end of it, you’ll have an eternal ally.”

With a flick of hand, a strand of Ki surrounded him and it seemingly hummed rhythmically. The heavy thumping caused their own hearts to beat in sync with the strand and a sense of envy filled the youngsters.

“This why those who subjugate their Divine Organs are so weak,” He smirked, memories of many final heartbeats flashed behind those blue orbs,” We are one, my Ki and Heart. Anyone’s whose heart isn’t similarly intertwined will never be my match.”

And just to show them as to why, the strand of Ki began hum at a slower, uneven pace. To their horror, their own hearts followed in kind.

Waving his hand, Iori retracted that energy back into his body much to their collective relief. It was simply terrifying to know a singular person had THAT much power over every living thing out there.

“But that’s enough,” He spoke sharply,” Get back into positions, find your Divine Organ and wait for my instructions.”

Quickly, Kunou slipped back into that trance like state with much difficulty. She couldn’t help it, the repeated revelations caused her head to spin. Not only had she found out about these Divine Organs but also the incredibly dark nature of the very things she took for granted. There was much her mother had to answer for..

It was a lot easier for the kitsune to find herself face to face with an emaciated fox caked in black sewage. Just looking at the pitiful beast filled her another wave of shame, she had done this. Unknowingly or not.

The fox, growled ominously as it once again felt her attention of it. Small, deadly claws slowly popped out in readiness.

“Listen to my voice,” Iori’s voice filled her ears, acting like ghost hands to guide her through this coming trial,” Visiting a Divine Organ multiple times a day will somewhat irritate it. Twice is usually the limit for beginners like you.”

‘That explains it..’

She thought, wearily eyeing the glitter claws that looked sharp enough to tear her throat out.

“Now, imagine something, anything that’ll help you clean.”

That was simple enough for Kunou to do and with pop, a long handled scrub brush appeared.

“Good. It’s just an image right now and has no real bearing on anything but to change that, imbue a small strand of Ki into it.”

While it was a bit different, the kitsune felt it was a similar method to how she reinforced her tails during Touki training. And as though it was made aware of it, the fox glared in slight confusion and growled further. Claws sparking in that internal world.

“Before you go head first into clearing, slowly form a large bundle of Ki. Be prepared to lose it.”

Soon, the fox’s hungry golden eyes snapped over to the ball of energy in her other internal hand. Nervous energy began to fill her as drool slowly started to drip out of its maw. It’s caked fur seem to crack under the bunch of its nonexistence muscle.

And in a blur, the fox leapt forward with reckless abandon. It’s maw opened wide, exposing her to rows upon rows of jagged teeth that ruthlessly snapped into the ball of energy. A small sense of fatigue soon filled her as the fox dug in.

“Now, gently get rid of the impurities using your imagined tool. Don’t be impatient, this is just an introduction. No need to get it done all at once. Do not push it.”

Slowly, ever so slowly, she side stepped out of the eat fox’s path. Bright pink scrub brush in hand, Kunou reached out and brushed it across it’s black caked fur. The sound of bristles meeting stone filled the internal world.

It froze, she froze.

Spinning around, the fox’s singular tail waved in agitation. Lips pulling back into a lupine snarl, exposing a row of chipped teeth. It was as though she was actually there, a normal mortal facing off against a wild animal. Wounded, starved and mistrusting.

She didn’t know what to do and just oh so desperately wished for Iori’s voice to giver her some kind of direction. But even after waiting a few beats, there was nothing. No encouraging words or dower warnings. Only her own rapid breathing and the beast’s audible growling.

Soon, those golden eyes lost interest and returned to the lump of energy. Snapping jaws digging audible into hunks of brilliant yellow flames. It seems she was safe, for now anyways.

Kunou visibly sagged in relief as the beast ate, feeling clammy cold sweat sticking uncomfortably to her skin.

“Keep clearing the impurities until it’s done consuming that bundle of Ki, know when to back off.”

She was momentarily shaken out of her panicked mind and honestly felt twinge of annoyance before being ruthlessly suppressed. If she had any complaints, telling her mother was probably for the best.

So that’s how the next indeterminate amount of time was spent. The two played this incredibly suspension game of red light green light. Her scrubbing away at the rock-like substance only to freeze like a deer in headlights under the fox’s annoyed gaze before it went back to consuming the Ki.

On it went until eventually, the beast finally finished off the clump of energy. And with its attention no longer split, it eyed her. Suspicion was evident in it’s gaze, but seeing as the girl hadn’t gotten closer, the fox only stayed stationary.

From her own point of view, she couldn’t see a visible different whatsoever. The fur still had a rock like appearance dampening it’s natural gold color and it still looked oh so incredibly skinny. All in all, she didn’t know if she had just wasted her own time.


And with a clap, Kunou found herself sprawled out on the ground in a puddle of her own sweat. Confused, she could only look up at the setting sun as her lungs worked overtime to get more air into the body.

Bone deep weariness filled her, and honestly she just wanted to roll up in a ball somewhere before sleeping for days on in.

She didn’t even need to look to either sides of her to realize that her guards were similarly incapacitated.

“That’s all for today.” Iori said chipperly, looming over them with a small smirk on his face,” Remember to get in the habit of doing this every. Single. Day.”

It was as though a hammer was being nailed into their mind as the words exited out of his mouth like a curse. Did this mean they would feel like this everyday?

“Be sure to eat, shower and go to bed promptly.” He said,” I would also recommend doing this in the evenings, else it will ruin your sleep schedule. And remember, don’t rush this. It could take a month or 3 to complete. But what is 90 days in comparison to however hundreds of years Yokai can live?”

Hey guys! If you wish to read ahead on this and all my fanfiction (And even extra, extra early access to my original) I have a patreon down below! Thank you for reading!

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