I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 2 Shuijianshi

Hearing the howling of wolves from all directions, the wild wolf controlled by Jing Yang suddenly became furry.

It never ends, God has his own path, right?

Jing Yang struggled to take off a black suit from a dead body, rolled onto the back of the wild wolf he controlled next to him, and covered himself with the large suit.

He hugged the wolf tightly and buried his head under the black suit. After eliminating his own vision, he concentrated on the sight of the wild wolf he controlled.

"Jinglang" spread its legs and ran forward, jumping nimbly among the dead bodies along the way, like a black arrow splitting through the tall dense grass.


The wolf shadow flew across the dim sky and quickly jumped out of the tall grass, but its green-glowing wolf eyes suddenly shrank.

Bang, "Jinglang" landed on all fours, growling and slowly slowing down. Jing Yang was dazed all the way on the wolf's back. Through the perspective of the wolf he controlled, he looked at the group of wolves in front of him that were coming around from the left and right wings.

A pair of wolf eyes glowed with a faint green light, like a group of approaching will-o'-the-wisps... It's crazy, a group of wild wolf dogs actually outflanked them. Is this the art of war?

"Jinglang" growled lowly, and backed away slowly despite the tense and tense atmosphere of the approaching pack of wolves.

Need to delay a little longer...

If the main body can recover more physical strength, maybe it can use the strange superpower marked by the pentagram a few more times...

If he could successfully control a few more wolves, he might not have any hope of surviving...

Jing Yang felt really tired. He had inexplicably traveled through time and became a little kid with a penis wandering around. That was fine. But when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a pile of corpses and was chased by a pack of wild wolves. What a situation. What's the name? Can anyone still stop and take a breath? I don't want to die like a fool.

At this time, the wolves probably ran out of patience. They roared at each other and pounced on Jing Yang alone...

Jing Yang took a deep breath and controlled "Jing Lang" to shake his back decisively.

The wolf raised its hind legs and pushed himself, who had slipped off the wolf's back, back into the tangled grass behind.

"Jinglang" screamed sharply and collided with the attacking wolves.

For a moment, it seemed as if countless sharp claws were slapping heavily on the body, and countless sharp teeth were gnawing, biting, or gouging at the legs, head, and back...

If you project your consciousness on that wolf, you will truly feel the pain of being bitten by a pack of wolves. Jing Yang, who is lying on the edge of the tall grass nest, quickly removes the consciousness attached to the wolf's body and no longer pays attention to the nearby areas outside. A pack of wolves fighting. Jing Yang, who was exhausted and had a numb head, pulled off a piece of soft hair from the top of his head. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, he couldn't close his eyes and let these bitches eat him. At least he struggled.

But soon, the sounds of biting and fighting disappeared, but uneasy roars came from the dead silence. The wolves seemed to have encountered something dangerous...

Jing Yang reluctantly stood up, carefully pushed aside the haystack, and was dumbfounded.

The wolf he had just controlled was lying on the ground covered in blood, and around it, the wolves slowly retreated, all looking at the same place - opposite them, the one on the high slope that Jing Yang first discovered. beast.

The faint moonlight made the pacing guy look like a fairy beast.

Only when I looked closer did I realize that this beast, which was more than one meter tall, had a solid-colored fur. Reflecting the pale moonlight, it actually exuded a dazzling jade-like blue color that made people obsessed with it. Especially its forehead, which looked like a king. The lines of the characters are also shining like sapphire.

"Roar..." The tiger, whose fur pattern exuded a strange jade light, growled at the wolves.

Every time it took a step forward, the wolves scattered back in fear. When the distance was enough, Sayazi scattered and fled.

Isn't it just a tiger? There are so many wolves out there, you are so scared!

Jing Yang hated the fact that iron could not become steel. He really wished that he could control the escaping wild wolves to swarm up and bite this strange tiger and both of them would be injured!

This way, I can take advantage of the chaos and run away...

Tiger looked over at Jingyang.

A pair of tiger eyes are like precious jade, and they complement each other with the literally glowing king pattern on his forehead. It is really beautiful... Of course, it would be even more perfect if it could stop going towards him.

The tiger's furry but really scary big head slowly came closer to Jing Yang... The sapphire-like shimmer from the markings on its forehead was reflected in Jing Yang's eyes, getting closer and closer... Finally, the tiger turned his head and gently rubbed Jing Yang's head. Jing Yang was stunned. Is this big fluorescent tiger expressing goodwill?

Do you still have this kind of domineering spirit? Or is it because of the name?

Although Jing Yang felt baffled, when he thought about it, he was not at a disadvantage anyway, so his anxious heart fell back into his stomach happily.

The tiger rubbed it for a while, stretched out its furry tail, rolled up Jing Yang, and put it on the generous tiger's back.

"Clothes." Jing Yang reminded him subconsciously.

The big fluorescent tiger picked up the suit scattered on the ground and twisted its head. Jing Yang reached out blankly to take the suit and put his two thin arms in it one after another.

Jing Yang looked at his bloody fingers and hesitated whether to take the opportunity to draw a five-pointed star pattern on the tiger's back...

As the slightly cold night breeze blew by, Jing Yang tightened his suit and gave up his plan.

If the ability fails to activate, it will anger my Brother Tiger. If the friendship that has been established inexplicably changes its quality, I am afraid that the consequences will be a little bit pessimistic...

Sitting on the tiger's back with his arms stretched out, Jing Yang raised his head and looked at the haystacks that stood out like nails on the wasteland plain in front of him. He thought that there were corpses everywhere, and he knew that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time before he understood the situation.

Moisten it first before talking!

Jing Yang gently patted the tiger's back and pointed to the direction where the sound of water seemed to be coming from the night wind.

The fluorescent tiger followed the direction he pointed and left slowly. On the way, Jing Yang found a sneaky shadow, which seemed to be the wolf he controlled before - this guy was not killed by a pack of wolves. ?

I was afraid of pain before, so I removed the control. I didn't expect that the injured wolf would take advantage of my relaxation and actually run away.

The wild wolf obviously noticed the approaching fluorescent tiger and the human boy on the tiger's back, so he turned around and ran away nervously.

Jing Yang's heart moved, he stared at the wild wolf's back and shouted, "Come here!"

After the words fell, Jing Yang vaguely felt that in the wolf's ear, where the rose-gold pentagram mark was, a ball of heat invisible to the naked eye seemed to ignite, and then swept through the wolf's body... The wolf stopped... Stopping his escape, he turned around and ran to Jing Yang without hesitation, wagging his tail and wandering around.

Sure enough, after this ability was successfully applied, the energy consumed when using it was the controlled target's own energy... Jing Yang once again confirmed the characteristics of his superpower.

In this case, let's do a simple test while on the road.

So, while riding a tiger on the road, he tormented the manipulated wild wolf vigorously, and finally came to a preliminary conclusion.

There are three ways to control the rose gold five-pointed star mark:

① Jing Yang is completely immersed in the game, as if it were a first-person game perspective. Perhaps because the carrier of the thoughts when possessing the target is the brain of the target itself, Jing Yang can easily "do two things", the actions of the main body, and the actions of the controlled wild wolf. Take action without any hesitation;

② From the perspective of a bystander, Jing Yang can freely control the wild wolf marked by the five-pointed star as if he were commanding a game character;

③Jing Yang can command the other party in the form of verbal orders...

"First roll, then jump forward twice." Jing Yang, riding a tiger, ordered to the wild wolf running in front of him.

The latter immediately rolled on the spot, then jumped forward two steps, and then resumed action. According to Jing Yang's previous order, "explore the road ahead, check the situation, and do not leave my sight." Explore the way ahead.

Jing Yang nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that even if a new verbal order is issued, it will not overwrite an unfinished or unreleased order..."

This ability is too convenient, bro, isn’t it invincible?

Jing Yang doesn't know if his super power is also applicable to humans...

Speaking of humans...where exactly have I traveled through time? Is this still Earth?

A killer tiger with glowing stripes and his own strange superpower...

Just as Jing Yang was thinking wildly on the tiger's back, there was movement from the wild wolf in front. It was lowering its head and sniffing the ground, as if it had discovered something.

As for what it is, it's already very dark, and Jing Yang doesn't have the ability to see at night... Huh?

With a thought in Jing Yang's mind, he directly switched to the control method ① and immediately occupied the body of the wild wolf in front, gaining its field of vision. He also saw clearly a series of dark dried blood stains on the ground in front of him.

He sniffed it with the help of the wolf's nose, and found that the blood stains... were even earlier! By the way, the wolf's sense of smell seemed to pick up the strong smell of moisture from the sea breeze in the night wind.

Is the beach in front?

And there are these blood stains... Jing Yang imagined a scene in his mind of a group of gangsters landing on the shore, one party escaping, and the other party chasing them...

The darker the night, the stronger the moonlight. The big tiger under Jing Yang's seat, with its fur stripes emitting a sapphire-like light, became more and more charming and beautiful. It flew all the way to the seaside under the night, with an elegant posture. , the beauty of the charm makes the wild wolf in front look like a stupid local dog.

Not long after, Jing Yang rode a tiger to the beach.

In the direction of the dark and deep sea, with the sound of waves crashing on the shore, a cold sea breeze blew. With the help of the wild wolf's night vision ability, Jing Yang quickly discovered a small cruise ship that had hit the rocks and was half-sinked. The outer wall of the cabin on the side has been completely smashed, and a large amount of sea water poured in...

"I hope there's no one on board." Jing Yang patted the big fluorescent tiger. The tiger's stripes were so coquettish that he could be spotted from a long distance away.

Jing Yang signaled the tiger to carry him back temporarily, and then he continued to use method ①, controlling the wild wolf from the first-person perspective, and easily jumped onto the head of the cruise ship that almost crashed into the shore.

"Jinglang" landed on all fours, stepped on the wet deck, and slid all the way to the entrance of the cabin without paying attention. He easily opened the door and rushed into the cabin. This door is not locked at all...

First of all, he had to check if there was anyone in the boat; secondly, he had to check if there was anything to eat. Jing Yang himself was almost starving... and he urgently needed to find something to eat to replenish his calories.

There are remnants of the chaos everywhere in the cabin. There are some items scattered in the aisles. Most of the rooms are not closed. The beds and tabletops in the empty rooms are messy in different ways. There are blood stains in some places. Apparently, there were also things inside the ship. After a fight... "Jinglang" was looking for the kitchen in the cabin and paying careful attention to the situation. Suddenly there was a clicking sound under his feet. He looked down suddenly and saw that it was a newspaper.

With the faint moonlight that slanted into the cabin and the excellent night vision of the wolf body, he could clearly see the words and photos written in the newspaper.

Don't know a word.

However, this newspaper is densely packed with strange words, like tadpoles and unknown totems, which always give Jing Yang a very familiar feeling...

It feels numb! Isn't this the exclusive text in Hunter's sinkhole comic? !

Brother, have you traveled to the world of a full-time hunter?

It was as if an electric current was rushing through the back of his head, and all the strange things he experienced after traveling appeared in front of Jing Yang...

I always feel that the weightless water-like thing wrapped around my body is actually the life energy called "qi"?

The rose-gold pentagram he used to control the wild wolf turned out to be his awakened "mind ability"? !

After clearing the fog, it suddenly became clear that Jing Yang on the shore outside looked up at the moon, then looked left and right, got off the tiger, picked up a leaf, coaxed the fluorescent tiger brother, and then jumped on the boat.

It is easy to verify the answer, whether this is the Hunter World or not.

People with telekinesis abilities in the Hunter World all have their own natural ability categories, and they can be identified quickly and intuitively through a method called "Water Viewing Style", which only requires a glass of water and a leaf.

As long as they can be successfully identified, they are almost inseparable...

The fluorescent tiger rushed into the empty cabin with heavy steps. Jing Yang rolled over from the tiger's back and slid down, holding the leaves tightly in his hands, spreading his legs and heading straight for his destination.

By the pool, "Jinglang" was already waiting there with a cup in his mouth, scooped up half a cup of water.

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