I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 105 - Extra two

Finally, he was forced to go out with the ball. Unlimited good text

Although Gu Yumian is a shopkeeper, fortunately, the original owner of the ebet restaurant and the newly-changed team are still reliable. Coupled with the aura of Gu Yumian supporting it, the performance of the restaurant is not worrying.

After sitting down in the conference room, talking for an hour or two resolved several big issues. Regarding the business and the catering industry, Tuan Tuan didn’t know much and was not interested. He lay dormant on Gu Yumian’s shoulders.

While dozing off, while pulling the Gu and sleeping collar with soft paws, I tried to see the place where the collarbone planted a lot of small strawberries last night. Although it was covered by the collar, it didn’t affect the little snow leopard to appreciate his masterpiece with satisfaction.

Gu Yumian “

“Good, go play with Er Er for a while.”

Little Huskies are the most attached to Gu Yumian besides Little Snow Leopard. This time they also went out for a ride.

The other cubs are not indifferent to sleep and sleep, but the little fox academy works every day, and even more so is the twenty-four pot that is a star that disappears and returns for a year, and so is the other pandas, so they every night To reunite with the family.

The caregiver and sleeping attitude were resolute, and Xiao Xuebao sniffed away the little Husky who was playing the data line silly.

The two children went aside, the restaurant owner was obviously relieved, and finally asked the question buried in his heart

“Mr. Gu, will you continue to work after you get married?”

The little snow leopard on one side inadvertently raised his ears.

This is a question that the boss, the star platform, and countless fans are all concerned about.

Unlike some constitutional monarchies in the era of Gu Yumian’s last life, the queens of the interstellar era were almost all nobles. They generally neither participated in politics nor had their own business. They would also stop after working and getting married.


If from then on, you can only occasionally see one or two photos of Gu Anchor at some royal events every year, then it is a pity and many fans will probably cry a lot.

“After marriage, how do you know I plan to get married?” Gu Yumian groaned for a while. He seemed to have been proposed last night. Today, the boss knows

Boss “” All Stars know

After half an hour.

It’s over an hour before dinner time.

After knowing that he had forgotten Guan live broadcast last night, Gu Yumian felt a complex mood.

A little embarrassed, it can also be interpreted as a sudden emotion. I wanted to go to the Xingwang Forum to see everyone’s views on his live broadcast yesterday. Now I have completely dispelled this idea.

I thought I was going back, but Tuantuan asked the accompanying deputy to send the little Husky back first.

Gu Yumian “

Little Snow Leopard typed “Go to a place” on the light screen.

“You can go anywhere,” Gu Yumian squeezed the little guy’s face, “what are you shy”

He already knows that there are only a few cases when this guy becomes a little snow leopard, either he needs to sell Moe to win the attention of Gu and Mian, or he feels embarrassed and turns into a cub state to cover up.

Xiao Leopard’s face was small, indicating that he was not shy.

After a short while, we reach our destination.

Gu Yumian guessed why Shuo Han was shy.


“Wedding dress”

Little Snow Leopard has a dim sum, don’t look away if nothing happens.

“Yes, Your Highness,” I heard who the person came from. The store manager directly replaced the cabinet sister and introduced it on the one side. “The Munn family is the exclusive designer of the royal family. The cloaks are all their designs. “

As for the store in front, of course, it is also only open to the royal family and a few nobles who have an in-law relationship with the royal family.

His Majesty’s long-term thinking, the design and production of wedding dresses have actually begun a long time ago. According to the time, the day after tomorrow, you can send all the samples to the palace for care and sleep. If you are not satisfied, you can redesign.

“The two are very loving.”

The manager squeezed his eyes kindly.

The manager didn’t know that Xiao Xuebao was their Majesty, because Gu Yumian was a good person, and the manager and the staff around him didn’t seem to be too restrained, and they all laughed.

In the speculation of the manager, the wedding dress that can be sent to the palace the day after tomorrow, but the anchor Gu will look at it one day in advance. Obviously, I am looking forward to the upcoming wedding. I ca n’t wait for a day or two.

The manager ’s guess is generally correct, but it is not Gu Yumian who is looking forward to the wedding, but thinking about getting married several months in advance. I ca n’t wait a day and want to see Gu You immediately. Sleeping in a wedding dress, her Majesty, who asked not to be named.

“Oh” Gu Yumian glanced around.

Little Snow Leopard’s face was not my irrelevant expression, and he stretched his paws lazily and touched his hot ears.

“Well,” Gu Yumian squinted at the shop manager, definitely affirmed the saying, “I love him very much.”

Little Snow Leopard “”

Help, the blood tank is empty.

I want to go out and fight with a particle cannon.

Manager and clerk “”

Dog food is so fragrant

Now that we are here, we still have to try out wedding suits to satisfy some of your majesty’s fantasies.

Fortunately, there is no wedding dress design. Although the aesthetics of the designer that Shuo Hanting is looking forward to are very online, from ancient times to the present, there are not many monarchs who choose to marry the same sex, and there are few cases that can be used for reference.

It is said that every set of Shuo Han must be discussed with the designer, and even the details will be repeatedly considered.

I don’t know if it was because of the filter.

Gu Yumian thinks that each set is very good-looking, even a bit too good-looking, and even the first set is not a good choice.

He chose a set from the inside and took it into the locker room. Without paying attention, he let Tuan Tuan get into the gap at the last second of closing.


The tall man embraced Gu Yumian from behind and kissed his neck.

The smell on Shuo Han’s body quickly filled the entire dressing room.

Originally it was very cold and lazy cedar and a little bit of tobacco, but because of the long ear grinding, it rubbed into the soft and warm taste of Gu Yumian, and it looked a little color.

Gu Yumian “

After that, the feeling will change into the direction of the locker room avi.

He didn’t believe Shuo Han hadn’t thought about this, maybe it had been premeditated. After all, judging from the experience of last night, Shuo Han’s fantasy of Gu Yumian was tens of thousands of times more than he had originally guessed.

The next thing to say is to be cautious, or you wo n’t be able to close the game if you are misled.

“Is here to try on clothes.” Gu Yumian lowered his voice. “Suo Han, what do you want to do?”

Shuo Han “You.”

Gu Yumian “Sorry, when I didn’t ask.”

Unexpectedly, the first problem was to step on the mine, and Gu Yumian raised an alarm in his brain.

Shuo Han “You change clothes, don’t worry about me.”

That’s what it says.

But Shuo Han showed nothing from his eyes to his actions.

“Hurry up and marry me,” Your Majesty, the monarch who just succeeded in marrying yesterday, held Gu Yumian’s waist in one hand, and rushed him to the door to kiss him again and again. He says

“I can’t wait.”

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