I’m The Princess of The Ice Queen?

Chapter 35

After we entered the home of the researcher person, we were greeted with a large entrance hall. It looked like this person was quite rich.

It took a while to find their study, or rather, their research room.

It was filled with documents, vials and many other kinds of lab equipment. I have no idea what any of these are, and what they do.

"Let's carefully search and look around. And if you find the black crystal, make sure not to touch it at all. Use [Analyse] from a distance, alright?"

"Mm. Okay."

Me and Tia nodded to what Annette said. Touching that spooky black crystal is not really on my to do list. I rather touch something really fluffy. Once this is done, we will finally go searching for those fluffy wolves.

As we looked around the room, I was checking out the bookshelves that contained a lot of books.

The first bookshelf contained a lot of research about plants, like medical herbs to poisonous leaf's. The second bookshelf contained information about materials and the like.

I Guess these would be useful, if I had [Alchemy] job class then this would probably be a treasure trove.

After going trough a few bookshelves, I finally stumbled across one that looked quite empty. Well, it had a weird glass box at the top. But sadly, I couldn't really see what it was. The only thing that came to my mind was that I shouldn't really touch it.

I mean, If I even tried to reach it, It would just end up on the floor in pieces.

But the shelf was not fully empty however. At my eye level, there were some interesting books, but they were not organised like the others.

One of the book was about fairies, how to grow mushrooms, the biology of a howling sword wolf and much more.

the howling sword wolf one peeked my interest, but when I opened it up and tried to read it, all I saw was weird text. Basically, I couldn't understand a thing.

I asked Akemi which was following after me, if she knew anything about the writing.

But sadly, even she didn't know. Another thing she told me was that she have never heard of this monster. Akemi also said that you can use [Analyse] to get some information on the book, but when she used the skill all she got was [Unknown] which dumbfounded her.

When I tried to use [Analyse], not only did I get [Unknown], but more information was also revealed to me.

<Analyse: Unknown>
Creator: Al%&r!%*_o*%&z

The rest looked corrupted. What I could decifer was that the creator was called [Alroz], if you get rid of those weirdo symbols.

"Akemi, when I used [Analyse] I got a bit more information, but not enough."

"What did it say?"

"Umm... The creator is [Alroz], but the rest is just corrupted text."

"[Alroz]?... I have heard of it before. Maybe Sofiana may know..."

"You know Onee-chan's true identity?"

"Ah! .....I'm sorry, Master- no, Lady Tauronaya. Please forgive this humble servant, but I was ordered by Sofiana to keep it quiet. I hope you forgive me."

Akemi went down on her knee. She was ashamed she made such a slip. She expected her master, Tauronaya, to get mad at her for keeping it a secret. But Tauronaya gave her a hug instead.

When Akemi went down on her knee, some memories of the past appeared in Tauro's mind.

"Lady Tauronaya!" "My lady, It's time for practise." "Fufufu~ Aren't you a strong willed one, my Lady."

But what Tauronaya couldn't remember was her old name.

"Lady Tauronaya?"

"It's okay, Akemi. Onee-chan told me about it not long ago. I know that I'm some god-born or something. I was also told that we need to keep this a secret, for my own safety."

"...You sure have grown, my Lady."

Akemi softly smiled. After Tauronaya released her from her hug, she got on her feet and calmed down.

"I'll make sure not to make the same mistake twice."

"Mm. Let's go back and meet up with the res- Ah!"

As soon as Tauro placed the book on the shelf with a large thud, the glass box on the top fell to the ground.

The glass box has seals placed around the glass, and within it contained a pure black crystal. When they saw it, both Akemi and Tauro stiffened. They knew exactly what it was, so instead of reaching out to grab it, they stepped back instead.

The moment it hit the floor, a loud crash could be heard. The seal was undone, and it's contents, the black crystal, was spilled out.

Before they had the time to analyse it, the crystal shone with a bright light. It was brief, but once it was over, the crystal was no more.

Or rather, it was no longer a black crystal.


As they stared at it with utter confusion, Tauro got to her senses and cast [Analyse] on the crystal.

<Analyse: Holy Divine Crystal>
A purified evil crystal that has transformed into a Holy Divine Crsyal.
This crystal, which was once part of the evil being Tomotana, has now been transformed into a holy divine crystal.

Akemi got the same results from [Analyse], which confirms that this was indeed the crystal they were looking for.

As Tauro picked up the purified crystal, Akemi was starring dumbfounded at the crystal. She knew that something big is going to happen in the future.

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