I'm The Godfather Of Black Widow, Exposed By Scarlet Witch

Chapter 83 Brotherhood, Mei's Change

Mutant Brotherhood is the most extreme group of people in Mutant.

They are the complete opposite of the X-Men established by Professor X.

If X-Men is to seek coexistence with humans, Mutant Brotherhood is to destroy humans and let Mutants survive.

Therefore, White Queen thinks this group of people are crazy.

Isn't the most important thing in the world still power and interests? Why do you have to destroy one side?

People like the White Queen and Black Queen don't really care much about Mutant's collective good.

They care about their own interests.

As long as you hold the Hellfire Club, there is basically no danger.

Binding everyone's interests together is the safest way to play.

Unfortunately, neither Professor X nor Magneto, are too extreme.

Blindly doing good deeds and blindly wanting to destroy human beings cannot make Mutant completely accepted by human society.

"It's over if they dare to come."

Ke Chen thought of this and said casually.

Some information about the Mutant Brotherhood, Hellfire Club grasped clearly.

This organization was established in the 1960s and 1970s.

Because its appearance has a little relationship with Hellfire Club.

At that time, Black King Xiao frantically wanted to trigger World War III, but was stopped by Professor X and others, and in the end Black King Xiao also died at the hands of Magneto.

No matter what Black King Xiao wants to do, he also represents Hellfire Club.

And so began a long feud.

However, Hellfire Club only had Black King and White Queen at that time, and when Black King died, Hellfire Club was seriously injured for a while.

Only the White Queen's Hellfire Club can't find trouble.

Fortunately, at this time, the X-Men themselves split.

Magneto Eric said that he has seen through Professor X, and felt that he was too soft-hearted, and he was not on the same road as himself.

The so-called difference does not conspire with each other, so Magneto put on Black King Shaw's Adamantium helmet and chose to go it alone.

That's how Mutant Brotherhood came about.

At that time, the Red Devil, Mystique Raven and others all chose to follow Magneto Eric.

Coupled with the fact that Magneto Eric recruited like-minded Mutants from all over the world, the organization grew rapidly.

Even now, they are still as powerful as the X-Men.

And it has been actively active all over the world, but it is useless.

Over the years, Magneto has also changed from a middle-aged man to an old man.

Same old man as Professor X Charles.

What earth-shattering things can such an old guy do?

Odin has no ambitions in his old age, let alone Magneto...

So Ke Chen didn't worry too much, and beat them when he came.

Still, he thanked White Queen for the information.

Prove that this woman is indeed Isshin on herself.

White Queen is a typical love brain, as long as you treat her well, you can easily make her put her whole heart on you.

It was not until the afternoon that Ke Chen checked the time and left the Hellfire Club.

Sadly, after not driving it for a year, the old Dodge Challenger was already having problems all over the place.

This proves that even if you love a car, you need to drive more and maintain it, otherwise it will easily rust.

All he could do was drive a White Queen, America's favorite Ford.

Because this is the brand of Americans themselves, in this era that has not been impacted by Japanese cars, Ford is their favorite car.

Ford has strong power, high maneuverability, and good sound insulation. I don’t know how much better it is than other cars. It’s hard to hear the screams inside.

Definitely, the disadvantage is that American cars consume too much fuel. In the face of this, other minor problems can be ignored.

American cars are all gas guzzlers, otherwise they wouldn't be crowded out by Japanese cars.


Outside the charity company, Mei, who became more and more charming, finally got off work. In order to go home to take care of Peter, she walked out quickly and prepared to hail a taxi.

After the change of the fountain of eternal life, she is more watery than before.

There were several flies surrounding her behind her, and when they saw her, they immediately asked, "Mei, I have a car, and I can take you home."

These people all want to have something happen with May.

Mei's mature charm is the best of the best, and no one can get close to her yet, which makes many people feel that it is a challenge.

"no need."

Mei frowned and refused decisively, not letting these people come close to her.

She fanned these people away like she was driving away flies.

But the flies were not willing to let it go, but stood aside, constantly wanting to be courteous.

Americans don't know what shame is, and they are very bold when chasing women. They think it is a sign of self-confidence.

They don't have the character of humility. If you say that you are only a little bit, they will think you are not good.

So be confident in every way.

You can often see beautiful women surrounded by a group of people, trying their best to show themselves, trying to embrace the beauty.

Just when Mei was having a headache, a Ford stopped in front of her.

She thought it was someone else, and immediately wanted to leave.

She didn't expect the Ford car to honk directly, which made her walk a little faster.

"Where did this unqualified person come from?"

The sound of the trumpet startled the flies nearby.


The car rang again, and then the windows rolled down.

"Mei, don't run away!"

Seeing this situation, Ke Chen smiled and said, this group of flies surrounded Mei.

They don't know that Mei's vision is very high, even if they are single for a lifetime, it is impossible for them to fall in love with them.

Mei finally turned her head when she heard a familiar voice.

"Ke Chen!"

She saw a surprised smile on Ke Chen's face, covering half of her face with her hands, full of disbelief.

Although she often talks and chats with Ke Chen on the phone, she has long missed him terribly.

However, Ke Chen didn't tell her when she would come back, which really made her wait for a while.

"You're back."

She got into the co-pilot in surprise, and then without closing the window, she made out with Ke Chen in front of all the flies.

Ke Chen seemed to hear the sound of a broken heart...

Hear the cry of the sea!

Now, everyone knew that May Parker was in possession.

It is estimated that starting today, no one will harass her again.

The Ford started slowly, and Ke Chen took Mei back to her home with ease.

May asked, "Why did you change cars?"

"That old car broke down."

"Old cars also need to be used frequently."

"you're right."

Ke Chen patted her.

"Don't go home yet, Peter is taken care of at home."

Mei suddenly whispered.

Ke Chen had already hired a nanny for Peter, and Mei was just worried about going back in a hurry.

After all, he didn't want his woman to be rough.

Ke Chen understood immediately when he heard the words, and immediately drove to the uninhabited area of ​​Forest Mountain.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time, so naturally they have a lot to talk about alone.

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