I’m Popular (or at least i used to be) Antes Story [GL]

Chapter 5

"My maid is right outside. Do you need anything? Water? Snacks?" A girl asked in a honeyed voice.

I opened my eyes to a black void, similar to my last dream. I looked down and realized I was sitting on a white leather couch that seemed to be floating.

This again...

I turned towards the voice and saw the blurry girl sitting right next to me on the couch. She sat straight up with her hands in her lap.

Always proper. Always pretty.

I said something in that garbled gibberish.

She turned and looked at me. "If you say so. You just don't look good."

I said something smart. I could tell.

The blurry girl laughed quietly and took my hand. "You know I don't mean it like that. I'm just worried you're fretting over what I said in the car." She said sweetly.

Of course I would be! Wait--this is a continuation? What is going on?

I rubbed my thigh with my free hand and murmured something.

"It'll just be for a month. I promise." She whispered as she leaned towards me. She looked deep into my eyes and silence filled the space we were in.

The blurry girl closed her eyes and went to kiss me.

Wake up!!!

I jolted awake, sitting straight up. I was panting. After a few seconds, I steadied my breathing and cursed to myself repeatedly.

Why...Why again! I'm doing okay now. I'm starting over. I had a whole three months to get over this but now it decides to come back and haunt me.

I laid back down and ran my hand through my hair.

I can get over this. I just need to focus on other things. Other things...that'll keep me from dreaming of her. Emma, the first day of school, that dumb curse. Plenty of things to think about and possibly dream about.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was six in the morning.

I should get ready.

I sat up and pushed the cheap covers off of my legs. I then turned so I was sitting on the edge of my bed facing the boxy TV on the dresser. I looked down at the carpet.

I need to get over this. First day of school. First day of school. Just focus on that.

I took a deep breath and stood up. 

First day of school.

I changed into my robe, grabbed my toiletries and made my way to the bathroom. The showers had a small line but it wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. I re-entered my bedroom freshly showered with my teeth brushed, after about forty-five minutes.

I changed into the outfit that I had made yesterday and added some accessories. This included my pochette from yesterday, a long silver necklace with a pearl pendant, some simple silver earrings, and a thin black watch.

I combed my hair with the help of my pocket mirror and checked my phone for the time. It was 7:15 A.M. I still had an hour and fifteen until my first class.

I decided to walk to the cafeteria and get breakfast. It wasn't anything special. The options were a breakfast burrito and some boring but safe looking cereal.

I chose the Cheerios and ate it by myself like I had with dinner yesterday. I brought my headphones this time so I was able to watch a Pautips video while eating. I threw away my compost bowl once I finished and walked back to my dorm in silence. 

First day of school. First day of school.

Once I got there I played BTD 4 until it was time to get to class. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my dorm locking the door behind me. I headed to classroom 121 for my first class.

Now see I could waste your time by detailing every little thing that happened in my 6 hours of dull but, you've been to school before (I hope) so you should know how first days go by now

Now see I could waste your time by detailing every little thing that happened in my 6 hours of dull but, you've been to school before (I hope) so you should know how first days go by now.

I honestly don't remember too much of that day either, so yeah...

I'll try to get through this in one paragraph.

I started out in Algebra 2 with some boring old lady as the teacher. Some students stared at me when I entered but, after a while it felt like I just became your average loner to them. This was pretty much how it went with my other classes which included government, french, english and biology after lunch, in that order. Ms. Bailey and Mrs. Dubois, who were my english and biology teachers respectively, weren't bad. I also noticed that Emma had english with me so I greeted her after class and was met with her soft but still monotone voice as she said. "Hi, Jocelyn,"

She was wearing a yellow dress shirt under a white sweater, the seashell necklace from yesterday, white skinny capris, a white Jansport backpack, and some slightly dirtied yellow high top Converse.

"I'm glad Bailey isn't boring like most of my other teachers so far." I sighed while walking in no direction.

"The fact that she's the youngest teacher in our faculty might be the reason."

"I guess that means the teachers are all pretty old cause Bailey looks like she's in her early 30's." I groaned.

"They are. I'm going the opposite direction for lunch by the way," The junior murmured as she stopped kind of abruptly.

"Oh...Ok. See you then." I said, a little surprised, as I stopped walking to look at her.

"See you." Emma said and then walked in the other direction.

I continued walking, deciding I'd go and eat in the cafeteria. I ate alone and then headed to biology once the bell rang. After roll was called I realized my lab partner Yuka was absent. Since it was our first day I thought this was weird.

Will Yuka follow the masses and believe the fairytale or will she use both her brain cells when seeing me? We will see.

After the class was over I headed to my dorm since that was my last class.

See I described my first school day in one...page...You know nevermind.

When I got home not much happened. I watched Youtube videos, got dinner, played BTD 4, exercised and then went to bed.

Friday was pretty much the same as Thursday just minus the first day hurrah. My after 4th period talk with Emma was kind of boring too as she seemed slightly agitated and had to walk the other way in the middle of a convo (a dull one but still).

My Saturday and Sunday were pretty...trying to think of another synonym for boring hold on...uneventful (googled it) too. My schedule was pretty much the same except for no school. With that extra time I binged watched Cable Girls and had a short convo with Marianne over text.

During this time, I didn't dream of the blurry girl either. Focusing on school and Emma seemed to have helped with that. I hoped my dreams could stay normal going forward, but I wasn't too confident.

Monday was basically the same as the week before except for the fact that Emma packed up way faster than usual so I didn't talk to her after class.

Tuesday me and Emma were sort of back to normal. Here's how it went:

"Hey Emma." I said as we walked down the hallway in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Hi...you." The preppy girl guessed.

Only three days and you already forgot my name...

"Sorry." Emma murmured as if reading my thoughts.

"It's whatever."

There was an awkward silence that lasted for a couple of seconds until the sophomore softly said "I'll be going this way." pointing the other way,

"Alright. See you."

"See you." Emma said as she turned around and walked the other way.

After that I ate my gross lunch alone in the cafeteria. Despite my loud circumstances I was able to think about what just happened.

It wasn't like I was sad about it or anything, it just sort of put our friendship into question. Or I guess acquaintanceship would be a better term since the only real reason we were talking was because of the tour.

Still, I thought Emma was interesting even if a little annoying at first. The sophomore was someone I wouldn't mind having as a friend. I wonder if she...You know it's actually way too loud to think about this right now.

Luckily, as a girl was yelling about the state of the school's mashed potatoes, the bell rang so I could throw away my food and walk out.

After lunch was fifth period where my lab partner still wasn't there. I had to join another duo who really didn't like it. I was basically ignored which sucked but at the very least I didn't have to do any work.

The bell rang and I went straight to my dorm trying to ignore all the friend groups I saw on the way.

Once I got there I dropped my backpack, took off my Converse and laid on my bed, my dull first days of school on my mind.

It sucked being a loner at my new school where it was supposed to be different. I was supposed to be "starting over" but the 'plot' had basically stayed the same with just the cast and roles changed.

My senior year is a lame Dis-[REDACTED] reboot and I'm not even the main character anymore!

At the very least it was interesting at my old school. I made a lot of memories there too.

No! Stop glamorizing. It was good for two years and three-fourths of a year. I hated that last month so much. Hated it enough to NEVER want to go back.

I cursed and ran my hands through my blonde curls. I needed to think about something else.

Why did Emma forget about me? Cause she's stupid

Why did Emma forget about me? Cause she's stupid. Next thought...Emma's eyes. Her cute clothes and mannerisms. Nevermind! Shutting my brain off for the day!

I took out my phone, unlocked it, and swiped to look at my home screen. It was the factory settings background that I just never changed.

I sighed.

Instagram used to be right there in between Twitter and Kick. I honestly don't use either of them so why didn't I delete them too?

I clicked to go to the app store and you already know what I typed in. I stared at the app info for a good five minutes and then the install button for another five.

Do I really want to do this? YES. I'm literally about to die of boredom at this school.

I downloaded it.

Once it downloaded I logged in and was greeted by a slew of fan page posts. I couldn't like any of them cause that would've told everyone I'm back.

Shoot. Someone wrote a whole essay on the post where I wore my Moncler faux fur vest at that local gas station. Restrain...I don't need to like.

I scrolled so I didn't end up liking it until I saw a familiar face. It was Hayley or hayley.yeon with her light blue eyes and her black braided twintails with purple highlights. During summer break she changed her hairstyle and I was still adjusting to the new look since it was very different from her old hairstyle. In the post, Hayley was wearing a lilac Jovani dress that had an A-line tulle  skirt and a beaded corset bodice. She sat in a cafe, looking out of the window.

Ok, I'll admit it. The photo was nice but, here's what the caption said. "Sitting and thinking of the past. I'm so happy she's off ig. It was just constant stress for me and my team with how unpredictable she was. I want to thank you all for staying with me during those trying times *smiling emoji*"

My anger only increased as I continued reading. I guess it could've been about someone else but, I was 99% sure it wasn't. The lies. I tapped the comment button.

I can show you unpredictable if I wasn't in this stupid hiatus.

I cooled off a little once I read some of the comments. oluvvly6 commented "Jocelyn was never this delusional miss her"

Another person commented "Horrible outfit. At least Jocelyn knew how to dress *skull emoji*"

A fanpage commented "we all know who your talking about. keep the queen out of your posts"

I continued on horrified as each of my fans had at least fifty replies under each of their comments where long winded internet arguments ensued. I was still a tiny bit relieved some people still had my back.

I decided I had enough and deleted the app again. This time maybe for a whole year like I originally intended.

I then noticed a text notification from Marianne asking me how my day was. I replied and we ended up having a short text convo about our days.

I didn't include my faulty trip down memory lane of course.

After the convo I played BTD 4, ate dinner, and watched Youtube until I decided to lay down and try to sleep.  Hayley's post made it hard to.

Why can't she just move on.

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