I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 539

Chapter 539 – Rhyme

Chapter 539 Human-Spirit Rhyme

Bai Mufan returned home in a daze. He searched the Internet and figured out why Mu Lengyue’s attitude was so solemn, and she wanted to marry him back as soon as she opened her mouth, which shocked him so much.

The Serrin people are more conservative than the Daxia people in this respect. From the perspective of female warriors, if they accidentally absorb the yang energy of a man who is not yet married, they must marry him back home. A formal title, this is also the concept that Serin warriors have been instilled since childhood.

After reading this, Bai Mufan suddenly realized, and was a little dumbfounded.

He really didn’t think so much at the time, he only cared about saving Mu Lengyue’s life, he didn’t expect this to happen again, no wonder Mu Lengyue’s attitude towards him became very strange after he came back, the meeting between the two today is also a bit of a date the taste of.

And Mu Lengyue, as Serrin’s princess, the successor appointed by the empress, shoulders the future of the whole country on her shoulders, so she said that it is very difficult to marry him back home now, and she needs to wait until she becomes stronger in the future, and she can really sit down. Only after securing the position of Empress can I have time and thought to consider the issue of marriage.

Bai Mufan shook his head and didn’t think much about it. This is a troublesome matter. It may cause him headaches in the future, so let his future self handle it.

Bai Mufan took out the jade slip that Mu Lengyue gave him earlier, although he has not condensed a real soul, but his spiritual power is too strong, he violently urged the huge spiritual power to pour into the jade slip in his hand, and all of a sudden Xing’s glittering words directly appeared in his mind!

Bai Mufan closed his eyes and began to read carefully in his mind. Soon he learned that this exercise was called “Human-Spirit Harmony Method”, and it was led and performed by the empress of Serrin himself. It took more than half a century of hard work to find a new path and a new choice.

Bai Mufan thought so before, but since he completed the cultivation method of the spiritual power system in the “Original Blood Moon”, looking back at the martial soul system of their world, he realized that whether it is a traditional martial artist Whether it is the old way of practice, or the new way opened up by the empress Serrin in recent years, in fact, the root cause has not changed, that is, it still revolves around the core of “martial spirit”, so it can be used for both. Be included in the Wuhun system.

So strictly speaking, Empress Serrin did not create a new path, she just forcibly expanded a new branch under the big tree of the Wuhun system. Only ones like the Spiritual Power System, which has undergone a major change in concept and roots, truly belong to a new path that is different from the Wuhun System.

But even so, being able to open up a new branch in the Wuhun system is also a very remarkable achievement. At least she is the only one who has done this throughout the ages, and she is the only one who has really done it. Based on this alone, Serrin’s empress is enough to go down in history and be remembered by future generations.

Bai Mufan carefully studied this “Human-Spirit Synergy Method”, and the article Mu Lengyue gave him is probably the latest research result of Serin, which ordinary Serin warriors can’t learn. Just like the characteristics he saw in Serrin warriors, this exercise began to undergo a major change from the traditional path when he cultivated to the Yuanshen state. The martial soul and soul are integrated into one, not martial arts Release your soul and strengthen yourself in an all-round way.

In addition, there is another important point, that is, Serin’s exercise attaches great importance to physical training, which is also very different from traditional warriors. From the day they became warriors, Serrin’s warriors will use the violent devil energy to hone their bodies, making their bodies as strong as demons, so that they have almost no weaknesses, and their bodies are comparable to demons. Yuanshen has also become extraordinarily powerful because of its fusion with Wuhun, so theoretically speaking, this path is almost perfect, because it makes up for all the shortcomings of the previous traditional path!

But there is no perfect thing in the world. This road is only perfect in theory. When it is actually done, many flaws are revealed one by one. The biggest flaw is still the inability to solve the human body’s inability to withstand the quenching of demonic energy. Practice this, and this is the key to this path.

“My yang qi can suppress the devil qi, which has been verified by Mu Lengyue, so I can learn from the method in this method and use the devil qi to strengthen the physical strength.” Bai Mufan’s eyes flickered, although he cultivated It is a completely different spiritual power system, but he has a deep understanding of the Wuhun system. After several months of cramming in the library, coupled with his photographic memory and super comprehension, he has a good understanding of the Wuhun system. His understanding and comprehension are no less than those of the elites in the Academy.

Thanks to the help of the passive skill “Linglong Heart”, Bai Mufan’s comprehension ability can be called inhuman, no matter what he learns, he can quickly learn it, and draw inferences from one instance to other cases!

It is precisely because of the accumulation of these knowledge that he does not feel too obscure and difficult to study this “Human-Spirit Synergy Method” at this moment. After all, he has not deviated from the general direction of the Wuhun cultivation system, and many theories and knowledge are common. He can also quickly understand and digest some new knowledge and new theories. A lot of knowledge will give him a feeling of brightening from time to time, and some wonderful ideas burst out in his mind!

Especially the various wonderful uses after the fusion of Yuanshen and Wuhun made Bai Mufan’s heart skip a beat. If he could integrate these things into his spiritual power system, his fighting methods would become more flexible and changeable, and his combat effectiveness would also increase. can be significantly improved.

It’s just that it’s not difficult for him to understand and comprehend this “human-spirit synergy method”, but it is a very headache to integrate two completely different systems. Even for an astonishingly talented person like Serrin, the empress, it took more than half a century with the power of the whole country to find another branch under the martial soul system, and to use the martial soul system Integrating with the spiritual power system will only make it more difficult. With his own wisdom and strength alone, he may not be able to do it in fifty or one hundred years!

Bai Mufan thought hard for a while, and couldn’t help rubbing his temples. He felt a pain in his brain. He inadvertently raised his head, looked at the map of truth floating behind him, and suddenly had an idea: “Wait, the map of truth Can reflect the truth of things, why don’t I try to use the power of this picture to analyze the martial soul system and spiritual power system, and then try to integrate the two in the painting to see if there will be any new changes?”

(end of this chapter)

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