I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 528

Chapter 528 – Race Against The Clock!

Chapter 528 Race against time!

The story of that mad woman is definitely a tragedy. She thought she was sticking to the last hope of the desert, endured the torment of loneliness and self-blame, and endured tens of thousands of years to live until now. However, at this time, she discovered the mastermind behind all these tragedies In fact, it is the emperor of the Desert Kingdom that she respects, how can this not collapse?

But to Bai Mufan’s surprise, the crazy woman standing at the front of the ancient ship was still standing there firmly after she understood something, and even seemed to have some kind of awareness, driving the ancient ship straight towards Mo Huang’s corpse. Go, the ancient ship was so fast that it finally hit the opponent directly!


With the collision of the ancient ship, even the desert city will probably be mostly destroyed. You must know that the size is equivalent to a small city, and the materials used to build this huge boat are all top-grade materials. It was built with the power of the whole country. Although it crashed in the Demon Realm, most of its functions are still intact, but almost all the people on it are dead, and only Guangyu is left.

The body of Mo Huang staggered back dozens of steps. She was hundreds of feet tall, and every time she took a step back, a huge hole was stepped on the ground, and the buildings on the ground were directly crushed. Mohuang’s corpse managed to stabilize her figure with great difficulty. She raised her head indifferently, looked at the ancient ship that continued to hit, and stabbed out with a sharp spear in her hand. The power of supernatural power exploded, rolling up and making the whole desert city tremble. The terror force!

Guangyu on the ancient boat clenched her fists, while urging all the power of the ancient boat with all her strength, the whole body of the ancient boat glowed, and the formations and dao patterns engraved on it lit up one after another. With tears in her eyes, she asked loudly : “Your Majesty, why?! What are you doing all this for?! The officials are willing to fight for you and shed blood for you, but why do you want to betray the people? Is longevity really that important?! “

She questioned loudly, containing complex emotions in her heart, perhaps she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, hoping that Mohuang did all this for a reason, so the sacrifices of these soldiers were not in vain.

It’s a pity that her questioning was destined to receive no response. The corpse of Mo Huang watched the ancient ship go down expressionlessly, and then went up to meet it again with a sharp gun in his hand. Lost, being held up by the ancient ship, and kept going backwards!

At the same time, Guangyu, who was standing on the top of the ancient ship waiting for an answer, became more and more disappointed. Looking at the corpse of Emperor Mo who did not respond, the last hope in her heart was also shattered. Roaring loudly, he jumped up and rushed towards Mo Huang’s corpse, the two of them immediately fought into a ball!

On the other side, everyone in the beam of light did not expect that someone would come to help them drag Mohuang’s body at the critical moment of ten deaths, and they couldn’t help feeling dreamy. They were close to death one second, and suddenly saved the next second, which made them all feel unreal, but it did happen.

Without the attack and hindrance of Mo Huang’s corpse, the beam of light became stable again, and the people inside also began to accelerate upward, flying towards the entrance of the passage.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly heard some kind of ear-piercing sound, and Bai Mufan looked around, and couldn’t help but thump in his heart, only to see an inconspicuous person appearing at the position where Mo Huang’s body was stabbed time and time again with the sharp spear. The small grooves, the beam of light has been obliterated a lot, and it seems to have become thinner.

At this moment, although Mohuang’s body was dragged by the person on the ancient boat, her two skeleton dragons stayed behind. These two skeleton dragons seemed to have received some instructions, and they were aiming at the little one stabbed out of Mohuang’s body. Pit Crazy Attack!

“Bang bang bang!”

The area of the beam of light trembled. In fact, after the attack just now, it was almost at its limit. At this moment, it was attacked by those two skeleton dragons desperately and frantically. Large and small holes appeared on the beam of light!

The eyes of the two skeleton dragons glowed with faint green light, they passed through the hole without a sound, came to the inside of the beam of light, and then struck straight at everyone!

Everyone was shocked, and the vice-principal of Daxia reacted the fastest. She stood in front of her immediately and shouted: “The masters of the Shenmen realm and the Xingxiu realm all stepped forward to block these two monsters together. You need to hold on for a while longer before you can enter that passage and leave this world, hurry up!”

The others reacted one after another. Mr. Luo and several other masters of the divine gate stepped forward to stand with the vice principal, and faced the skeleton dragon. Divine gates jumped out of their heads one by one, urging their magical powers to blast towards the dragon. Skeleton dragons, try to slow them down!

The supernatural powers of these god-level powerhouses bombarded the skeleton dragons, making a loud bang, but the result was only some slight cracks, which could not completely prevent the two skeleton dragons from approaching here. Although the two skeleton dragons were only those The pet of Mohuang’s corpse is far inferior to Mohuang’s corpse in strength, but it is still not weak. It is almost equivalent to a real master of the gods, but it has no mind and body, and only has a skeleton, so it loses everything. An important method for practitioners—the primordial spirit, this is the key to everyone’s ability to fight against these two skeleton dragons!

If the two skeleton dragons have a complete body and the soul is also there, then they have no hope at all, and they will be defeated if they meet each other.

Everyone struggled to support them, trying their best to delay and hinder the approaching speed of the two skeleton dragons, but in the end they still allowed the two skeleton dragons to approach. One of the skeleton dragons and the other dragon swung their tails. The huge dragon tails tore through the space, directly Shooting towards the crowd, several masters of the Constellation Realm were seriously injured and flew upside down on the spot, vomiting blood in the air!

“Make up for the vacancies, don’t let them kill the crowd!” The vice-principal shouted immediately, and when even a few stars masters reacted, they filled in the vacancies of these people, and once again formed a defensive network to block the skeleton dragon.

The situation is extremely urgent now, everyone must race against time!

With the support of these masters of the Shenmen Realm and the Star Realm, everyone was also supported by the invisible force and approached the passageway above their heads little by little. The distance was almost only five or six meters away. Hold on for a few more seconds , they can safely escape from this world!

However, things went against our wishes. At the critical moment of the last few seconds, the front team was torn open again, and a skeleton dragon rampaged. Many bones on its body were broken, and even its tail was broken off. It was a big cut, but still undiminished, and ran towards the people hiding behind!

“Oops!” Seeing this scene, the vice-principal and other powerhouses at the Divine Realm felt a thump in their hearts. Their strength and manpower were insufficient, and there would still be some mistakes in the end, and they couldn’t completely block the two skeleton dragons approaching the divine realm. Still slipped past one end!

(end of this chapter)

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