I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Boyfriend System?

Chapter 2 Boyfriend system?

Bai Mufan couldn’t help recalling what happened last night.

Before going to bed last night, he was just lying on the bed ready to go to bed. Without warning, a system popped up in his mind!

This system is very overbearing, if you can’t refuse, you have to fuse with him. And told him that after the fusion is completed, there may be a small change in the whole world, so that he can prepare mentally in advance.

So Bai Mufan was anxious all night, afraid that he would wake up in the morning and find that monsters had invaded the earth, so he didn’t sleep well at all.

After finally waiting for dawn, Bai Mufan walked out the door cautiously, only to find that the world was still the same, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly wondered where the change was.

However, he never expected… This system has completely reversed the concept of men and women all over the world!

Bai Mufan was shocked.

This change seems to be very small. Compared with the crisis that can threaten all mankind, it is naturally insignificant, but it is also a great change. If you study it carefully, it will definitely penetrate and affect all aspects of the world!

It took a long time for Bai Mufan to regain his strength, and asked cautiously: “Well, Brother System, since you can change the world into what it is now, you should also be able to restore it to its original state, right?”

System: “Indeed.”

Bai Mufan hurriedly said: “What way? Please tell me! I’m sorry, this world is too awkward, I’d rather stay in the original world to be more comfortable!”

The system said coldly: “As long as you, the host, die, the world will return to its original state.”


Bai Mufan was silent for a while, and said seriously: “I think the world is pretty good now.”

The system said happily: “As long as you are satisfied with the host.”

Bai Mufan slowed down and decided to accept the fact that he couldn’t go back. He rested his chin on one hand and said sullenly, “Yesterday when you showed up, you said you wanted to merge. I forgot to ask. What kind of system are you? Yes. Let me cultivate immortality?”

Speaking of this, his depressed mood suddenly rose, and he became excited.

When it comes to cultivating immortals, what do you immediately think of?

It’s not the various supernatural powers that move mountains and seas, but longevity!

Only longevity is the ultimate desire of all intelligent life!

However, the system gave him a cold reply: “No.”

Bai Mufan was a little disappointed, but then asked enthusiastically, “Will that make me a top student?”

Knowledge is wealth. If this system can endow him with a super learning talent, and create a black technology far beyond the current world, and follow the path of pure technology development, then at the end of science, he can also achieve longevity!

At that time, I will take out some black technology and make the whole world scream. Thinking about that picture is exciting!

“No way.”

It wasn’t cultivating immortals or black technology. Bai Mufan suddenly felt dull. He grabbed the pen on the desk and twirled it between his slender fingers, and said sullenly: “Then what can you do? Teach me magic? Or alchemy?” Technique? It would be great if you can refine the Stone of Agelessness.”

The system said seriously: “I can make you the most handsome and attractive man in the world, and become the number one boy in the world.”

“Little…little boy?”

The pen slipped from between his fingers, Bai Mufan was stunned for a few seconds, and he said, “But I am very satisfied with my appearance? Besides, I don’t like being a bad guy!”

Bai Mufan is not bragging, he is really satisfied with his appearance.

Some people are not very eye-catching when they are young, but they become more handsome or beautiful as they grow up. This is the type of late-stage development.

Some people have not looked very good since they were young, but they can “change their appearance” by relying on acquired methods, and their appearance has soared. This is the type of “I can’t help myself”.

But Bai Mufan belongs to the kind of person who has been handsome since he was a child, and becomes more handsome as he grows up. He belongs to the rarest type of natural beauty!

His figure is neither thin nor fat, and he has not deliberately gone to the gym to exercise. He often plays basketball and table tennis, which is enough to get rid of the fat that may grow on his body.

His height is 1.79 meters, not particularly tall, but definitely above the average line; his skin is neither black nor white, but a very healthy wheat color.

Besides, in this society where there are more and more myopia, Bai Mufan’s eyesight is quite normal, so he never wears myopia glasses, and only wears a pair of anti-radiation glasses, which are only worn when using the computer, so his eyes look very bright. There is air.

His hair is a little bit curly, but not very curly, unlike some foreigners who look like boiled noodles. This natural curl also adds a lot of characteristics to him. After all, this kind of hair is in the It is relatively rare in daily life, and most people have straight hair.

From childhood to adulthood, Bai Mufan has always walked through the praises of the adults around him, the envious and jealous eyes of boys of the same age, and he is almost recognized as a handsome guy!

Therefore, he doesn’t feel that he needs to continue to become more handsome and attractive. He is already very satisfied with his appearance.

Of course, the most important thing is that Bai Mufan has never had the idea of relying on his face for a living, let alone being a good boy!

If you have hands and feet, why do you need a woman to support you?

This sentence is the same for women.

People need to be self-reliant in order to survive in this world down-to-earth.

All other things obtained by relying on others are duckweed in the water, without roots, drifting with the waves, and may be blown away by a strong wind one day.

Thinking of this, Bai Mufan couldn’t help sighing, resting his chin with one hand, looking out the window with some melancholy.

Other people’s systems are all kinds of magical superpowers and black technologies. Anyway, how come they are so awesome, why did I come across such a useless one?

The most important thing is what it can give me, which happens to be what I don’t lack the most!

The system corrected: “Host, you seem to have made some mistakes. This system is not trying to train you to be an ordinary boy, but the number one boy in the world.”

Bai Mufan rolled his eyes: “Is there any difference? It’s still a little boy.”

“big difference.”

The system said coldly: “Although your appearance conforms to today’s public aesthetics, it is not enough. In addition to appearance, there are also hair, body odor, skin quality, temperament, body proportions, and even talent, etc. , the level of the host in these aspects is still far from the top. And according to the judgment of this system, your appearance, the host, has not yet reached the top level. It can only be regarded as superior. There are many people in this world who are better than you in appearance. Only by raising all these aspects to the top can you, the host, be called the number one boy, the most attractive person in the world!”

Everyone has been waiting for a long time, the new book is finally released!

I will try my best to write a wonderful and interesting story, and I implore everyone to collect the recommendation tickets and support them. I am very grateful!

(end of this chapter)

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