I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 9 - The first villain (9)

Wei Guang’s identity today is just a spectator. He sat down with a group of teammates and looked forward to the next exciting game. Wei Guang even planned it out. He must try his best to align with the national team … Only in this way can he win more attention, especially Mr. Gu.

Wei Guang’s full of passion disappeared when he saw Hang Qing coming.

As soon as Hang Qing approached, he unexpectedly received Wei Guang’s cold face, even hostility. Hang Qingman didn’t care, he looked at the little girl next to Wei Guang: “Hello, can I sit here for a while? Just a moment.” Although there was no smile on Hang Qing’s face, his overly handsome face , And enough gentleman’s tone, already easily captured each other.

The little girl blushed and gave up.

Wei Guang’s face turned blue immediately: “What are you doing?”

Hang Qing had long legs and a tall body. This position was actually a little crowded for him. Hang Qing raised his legs and sat down. When he sat, he accidentally touched Wei Guang’s knee. After correcting his posture, Hang Qing sat accurately.

When he sat up and looked up, Wei Guang’s face turned red.

Can this person’s face still be colorful?

Hang Qing feels very rare.

Probably a unique description in the novel.

However, when these real faces were displayed on the face, Hang Qing felt that Wei Guang was just pumping.

“I’ll sit here for a while.” Hang Qingchang said lightly.

Wei Guang tightened his knees a little nervously, and then he suddenly realized how nice the sound was when the other party spoke in such a careless tone … Wei Guang suddenly struck an excitement, looking at Hang Qing’s eyes changed It was even more resistant.

Hang Qing didn’t care if he resisted himself or not, anyway, as long as he showed some intimacy with him.

“If you don’t speak, I will agree with you.”

Wei Guang opened his mouth: “You …”

Before he could finish saying “You stay away from me”, Hang Qing suddenly stared at him tightly, then reached out to pump the mineral water in his arms, Hang Qing’s arm inevitably rubbed against Wei Guang’s arm And knees …

Wei Guang suddenly froze there.

“I’m a bit thirsty.” Hang Qing said, unscrewing the bottle cap of mineral water. Ah, it has been opened. Well, drinking water works better.

Anyway, Hang Qing, who is a straight man, thinks that it doesn’t matter if men drink water with each other.

But for Wei Guang, and the two men who followed him, the relationship was great!

Just before Hang Qing raised his head, he didn’t wait to dump the bottle. The mineral water bottle in his hand was taken away by one hand because the opponent’s action was too fierce and rude, and the water inside also spilled out, which wet Hang Qing pants.

Hang Qing turned his head to look at it, and saw that the bottle was being pinched by Gu Xingduan, and the bottle made a “creak” sound, and he froze in an instant.

The goal has been achieved, and Hang Qing is satisfied.

So he stood up with Wei Guang’s knees in one hand. This position was about to succumb to him, and it was not very comfortable sitting down. Hang Qing said indifferently: “You slowly say, I’m going to find a coach.” Said Hang Qing separated Gu Xingduan and Mu Ze from one hand, and got out of them.

All three were stunned.

Hang Qing took two steps and suddenly remembered that something was still missing, so he turned around and said to Wei Guang, “Will you watch me swim?”

Wei Guang teased: “… this is the Asian Games, where are you going to swim?” And, who the **** wants to watch you swim?

“You’ll know later.”

Wei Guang glanced at Gu Xingduan, his heart burst into anger, and the expression on his face became even more ridiculous: “Beware the wind flashes his tongue.”

Even though Wei Guang’s tone was almost mean, the eyes of Gu Xingduan and Mu Ze were almost burning.

Hang Qing felt that the time was almost over, so he patted his **** and walked away cleanly. When he talked to a coach, he really went to Tang Jiang.

Wei Guang scolded a neurosis in his heart and was about to sit down, but found that Gu Xingduan and another man he didn’t know were staring at him coldly, oh no, to be precise, his knees. Wei Guang suddenly felt that there was a fever in his knee … it always felt like it was going to be cut by the eyes of the two. Wei Guang snorted unconsciously, until now he hasn’t understood what happened just now.

Gu Xingduan and Mu Ze glanced at each other and did not know what they would do next. The two sat next to Wei Guang, left and right, and sandwiched Wei Guang in the middle. ——Hangqing couldn’t sit next to this person!

Wei Guang’s teammates all came to this side in amazement.

Just when Wei Guang was anxious to find a hole in the ground, the sports meeting began.

Tang Jiang was talking to Hang Qing in this case. An old player in the team has relapsed and cannot play. But this old team member is engaged in the 1500m freestyle. 1500 meters long can kill people, let alone rely on swimming. For a time, Tang Jiang had difficulty finding a suitable replacement, and then his eyes fell on Hang Qing.

“A few days ago, the team and the Internet have a lot of disputes with you, this is a good opportunity to prove yourself.” Tang Jiang encouraged.

In fact, there is another reason. Even if the newcomer loses, they will not be criticized too much, as long as the tour is complete, they may be praised.

No matter what abacus Tang Jiang played, Hang Qing didn’t care.

1500 meters may be difficult for others to bear, but for his body adjusted by the system, it is completely within the range. He competes with others in the 100-meter swim, and it is difficult to compete, but if it is changed to such endurance acceleration items, Hang Qing is really fearless.

Seeing that Hang Qing nodded, Tang Jiang was relieved and immediately transferred someone to Hang Qing as an assistant and nanny. Then he talked about the game with Hang Qing.

Hang Qing started to warm up, and the whole team, including Tang Jiang, stared at him intently, as if they were even more nervous than him.

In a short time, it was the 1500-meter project.

Teammates rushed up, they hugged Hangqing: “Don’t have too much pressure, come on.”

Hang Qing was still a little surprised, which was regarded as their rare kindness and tenderness.

Hang Qing put on his swimming cap and walked out slowly.

The Asian Games is no longer an ordinary sports meeting. The venue is filled with thousands of spectators. At this time, many people may be watching live TV and Internet broadcasting. But Hangzhou Qing miraculously could not feel the slightest tension. On both sides, screams and cheering sounded like a tide flooded Hangzhou.

Hang Qing suddenly felt that the taste of being an athlete was still very good.

Not far away, lined up, are all swimmers from East Asia, South Asia and other countries.

Hang Qing glanced hurriedly. No one is taller than him, and none is better than him. It seems that he will be the most eye-catching in the swimming pool in a while … just right, so that the villains can watch it.

Hang Qing did not know, at this time the broadcast site was frantically painting a barrage.

“My mother, who is this person? How can I make a substitution?” “I wipe the tm handsome!” “I look like a nosebleed when looking at the figure …” “Looking at it, the players from other countries are too frustrated. “Ah!” “Is this going to send a personal aphrodisiac to get the other player’s nosebleed to anemia, anemia, weakness, kidney loss?” “Ah, ah, isn’t this the protagonist of the dressing video some time ago? Can’t help licking Licking! “” I’ve watched Liu Hao sneak a video of him, and he swims very beautifully! “” Strengthen my flower gardener !!! “…

There are also some in the middle, “You look good and have a fart, and the **** is not a beauty contest”, “A new man who has never heard of it, huh, is this going to embarrass the country?” Definitely lose! “Such a barrage, but soon overwhelmed by crazy praise.

Above the stands, Wei Guang almost planted it.

It really is Hang Qing!

He really stood by the pool!

In the ears of Wei Guang’s ears, the voices of his teammates rang out: “Look, isn’t this the guy who borrowed our venue to swim at the provincial games last time? At that time, President Gu also said that he should be allowed to join the provincial team! Ah, just go to the national team? What is this kid about? “

“One thousand five, can he swim down?”

Wei Guang froze his palm. What does this man mean to him just now? Demonstration? Still mean something else … Wei Guang’s mind kept flashing those fragments, over and over again, it was just trying to figure out a lot of ambiguous taste.

Until a starter fired.

Everyone’s attention was instantly concentrated in the pool.

Hang Qing jumped into the track, and at this moment, everyone glimpsed his impeccable posture.


He stretched his arms and paddled in the water. The beautiful water spray and the white and firm skin are brushed alternately, forming a pleasing picture. They held their breath unconsciously … so beautiful!

That man was like an elf in the water.

Gu Xingduan’s eyes are getting hotter. As he thought … Hang Qing seemed to be born for water, and no one would be more exciting than him! At this moment, Gu Xingduan only hated that he was sitting too far. He couldn’t clearly see Hang Qing’s face at this time. He couldn’t see the outline of his perfect hip line in his underwear. Mermaid line …

The more I thought about Gu Xingdu, the more I felt a fever in my chest, and a certain part of my body swelled and stiffened at a very fast rate.

It was so anxious to press him directly on the wall of the swimming pool, watching his **** face wet with water, and inserting it fiercely.

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