I’m Just This ‘Sue’

Chapter 1 - The first villain (1)

The azure water waves reflected the appearance of the people by the pool.

Hang Qing stared at the water for a while.

As if perfected by God’s favor, the perfect facial features; the inviolable and frosty temperament of a high mountain; the erect body and long legs, and the beautiful mermaid line …

This is him now.

Hang Qing’s life ended at the age of 22, but his soul was reborn. ——He got a villain strategy system and accumulated his life by taking system tasks. Now he has penetrated into the world of tasks, and became a 20-year-old college student named Hang Qing with the same name and surname.

Nothing bad at first.


“You have the world’s unrivaled looks, charming body, people’s voices hard to hear, is it difficult to attack a villain?”

“…………… but my **** man.”

Hang Qing’s gender is male, and the villain’s gender that the system requires him to attack is also male.

And what does a man want? What charms a human body? What makes people hard to hear? Isn’t it almost like an inflatable doll!

Hang Qing frowned with a headache.

“Senior, haven’t you launched yet?” A female voice burst out from behind.

Hang Qing turned indifferently.

Toward him was a young girl in a bikini. The girl’s facial features were so pretty, and she was especially pleased when she smiled. Hang Qing also likes such girls. But … the other party is Su Rui, the heroine of this world, she is destined to belong to the male.

And his mission to this world is to attack the villains, prevent the villains from being blackened, and avoid the villains from disrupting the deep feelings of the male and female masters.

Thinking of this, Hang Qing immediately lost interest.

He didn’t overdo it, and said lightly, “I’m still adapting.”

Because he was a novice, the system arranged for him to wear it early. Hang Qing and the hostess went to the same university. The hostess is a member of the swimming club in the university. She repeatedly tried to encourage Hang Qing to join the club, but she was rejected.

But the romance heroine often has the beautiful quality of perseverance.

Su Rui perseveredly approached Hang Qing. Hang Qing thought about the original person and told her that he fell into the water and left a shadow. Although he wanted to swim, he couldn’t restrain his inner fear. After listening to the kind heroine, she suddenly felt closer to Hang Qing, and began to work harder to encourage Hang Qing to swim with her to overcome the shadow of her childhood.

Although the villains have not yet appeared, it is not bad to be able to attack the heroine. Follow the heroine, always see the villain.

After Su Rui once again invited him to the swimming pool, Hang Qing agreed.

So there is this moment.

“Don’t be afraid, senior. I heard that this swimming pool has a very good coach. You can definitely overcome the fear with help!” Su Rui comforted.

“Well.” Hang Qing deservedly.

He only knew that the heroine and the heroine met in the swimming pool, and the heroine was also spotted by the villain in the swimming pool. In addition, the female lead also opened her fingers and was caught by the coach of the national team. What a great way to be a strong woman!

The swimming pool in the plot should be here.

“Come!” Su Rui exclaimed suddenly.

Hang Qing looked up casually, and saw a tall, handsome man in boxer shorts walking up quickly.

Based on the principle that he looks good, he is either a male lead or a male partner. Hang Qing feels that this person’s identity should not be simple. Anyway, it’s always right to brush favoritism first.

Finally, there was a change of expression on Hang Qing’s cold face.

He smiled slightly at the man: “Hello.”

The man stared at Hang Qing’s face and froze unconsciously. He quickly shook hands with Hang Qing: “Hello, I’m the coach here. My name is Muze.”

Hang Qing frowned slightly.

Hey, what’s that man’s name?

Mu Ze noticed the movement of Hang Qing’s frown, and thought that he accidentally hurt the other side, and withdrew his hands helplessly: “First, wear swimming goggles and life buoys … try the water?

Hang Qing nodded, put on his goggles, and slid slowly down the escalator beside the pool.

After Mu Ze threw the lifebuoy to him, he followed the water.

“You don’t know how to swim, do you?” Mu Ze approached, holding Hang Qing’s waist in one hand, and asked.

“Um.” In fact, he would come to breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle.

Mu Ze’s palm and Hang Qing’s back skin fit tightly together.

The feeling of smoothness … Mu Ze crossed the sentence unconsciously in his mind, and he suddenly felt that the skin under his hands seemed to become hot. Mu Ze retracted his hand, but then felt that this could not guarantee the safety of the other party, and had to post it again.

Hang Qing looked at him in surprise.

What is this coach doing on his back?

Mu Ze bowed his head, he found that he did not dare to look at the youth’s eyes.

“Look, this posture … kick like this …” Mu Ze pressed down the weird feeling at the bottom of his heart, stretched out his hand and pulled Hang Qing to swing his limbs.

Hang Qing was absent-minded at this moment. Mu Ze pulled him how to move, and he waved. The limbs of the two people inevitably collided, and the skin was inevitably stuck together … Mu Ze felt that it was hotter under his hands and hardly knew where to fall.

I used to teach others like this …

Mu Ze couldn’t figure it out.

Su Rui soon got into the water. She swam over and asked, “How are you, senior?”

Mu Ze quickly let go of his hand: “It’s better … Why don’t you try the posture I just taught you?”

“Well, okay.” Hang Qing responded lightly. He did get bored with this kind of boring tutorial, and he should swim well after getting into the water. If it wasn’t for fear of collapsing the original owner ’s settings and destroying the favorability of the heroine, he would have stretched his arms to swim by himself.

Su Rui’s eyes flashed with tears, as if Hang Qing wanted to be heroic.

“Come on, you can beat yourself!” Su Rui’s expression of perseverance and encouragement appeared on his face.

It is said that the villain likes her the most.

Hang Qing glanced at Su Rui and instinctively glanced around the swimming pool. No one … the villain hasn’t appeared yet?

Mu Ze pushed the lifebuoy beside Hang Qing: “Use this …”

Hang Qing didn’t even look at him. He directly stepped into the water with a beautiful kick. The water wave pushed the life buoy away …

“Senior, lifebuoy!” Su Rui swam busy trying to hand the lifebuoy up.

At this time, Hang Qing was swimming in the water like a fish. He used the freestyle position, his arms moved in the air, his arms turned inward, and his fingertips touched the water … The posture was as graceful as a performance.

Su Rui and Mu Ze both held on firmly.

They watched the water wet the youth’s hair, watched the water draw a beautiful arc by the youth’s arm …

Watching the water flow smoothly over the youth, from the slender neck to the nearly perfect back curve … Finally, it slipped into the youth’s loose swimming trunks, which wrapped his hips.

They held their breaths unconsciously.

While swimming in the refreshing Hang Qing, I suddenly felt that an almost hot and hot eyes fell down.

Hang Qingdun stopped the action. Is he acting too far?

Hang Qing turned around and swam back, then took off his swimming goggles and wiped the water droplets on his hair.

The raven is silent.

what happened? Hang Qing threw the goggles in his hand and looked at the two people in doubt. The two avoided his gaze slightly, and Su Rui reacted first, rushed up, and grabbed Hang Qing’s arm: “Senior, are you okay? You are all pale!” Su Rui cried in a crying voice. : “Senior, you are too good. You must have been upset, right? But you insisted!”

Su Rui wanted to hug Hang Qing, but did not dare.

Hang Qing slowly touched the handrail and climbed to the pool.

Mu Ze and Su Rui followed up.

“Are you all right?” Mu Ze asked.

“It’s okay.” What did the two of them do around him? Hang Qing took a strange look at them and stood up on the ground: “I’m a bit weak, I’ll change clothes. Su Rui, you play slowly.”

Muze opened his mouth: “I’ll accompany you to the locker room?”

Hang Qing waved his hand. He’s not a kid, so he needs to go to the locker room? This coach is also strange.

Hang Qing walked all the way to the locker room, and he found that hot eyes kept following him … Oh, did the villain appear? Seeing him interacting with Su Rui and being jealous? He was busy looking back, but the swimming pool was too big. At this glance, it was difficult to target.

Hang Qing had to give up. Anyway, as long as Su Rui is here, the villains will definitely appear frequently.

Hang Qing rubbed the water droplets from her hair and pushed open the locker room door with one hand.

Hang Qing didn’t know it at all. The heroine in this room still silently distressed him—the senior’s face was all white …

And in the rest area, there was a man who replayed the previous picture in my mind countless times.

Beautiful waist line, hip line … the water slides along the arc. It’s a pity that the ugly swimming trunks of the article blocked the sight and wrapped the beautiful scenery inside tightly.

The man suddenly felt a little hot.

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