I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 28: Forbidden Forest Dharma (1)"

In this way, I chatted with myself and flipped through the book until the next morning.

By the window on the second floor of the library, Wang Xiang was using magic to constantly change the books in his hands. Wang Xiang was constantly absorbing the knowledge of the world. The speed was so amazing that it put to shame a bunch of students around him who were reading after the library opened in the morning.

At first, everyone just thought he was pretending, until a female Ravenclaw classmate came up to inquire with a book he had read before, and everyone looked at him completely changed. .

At that time, when the female classmate handed the book over, he didn't even raise his eyes, and continued to flip through the books in his hand quickly, one after another.

As for the female classmate's question, he answered it directly without even thinking about it. He even made it clear which page, chapter, line and word the answer was on.

This amazing memory instantly shocked the surrounding students watching the play, and then the rumor of the 'library god' spread throughout Hogwarts in just three and ten minutes.Countless students who heard the rumors came here, and of course most of them were female classmates... After all, the boy with a photographic memory in the rumors was very handsome!And that temperament gives people a very noble feeling!


At the same time, the trio of protagonists, who had just finished the second spell class, were discussing the whereabouts of the missing person Rudy.

Rudy had not come since the first herbal medicine class in the morning. Professor Sprout even skipped Rudy during roll call, which made the three Harrys very concerned.After class, the three of them ran to ask Professor Sprout. She only said that Rudy was sent out by Dumbledore and had other teaching tasks.

The three of them didn't care after hearing this, thinking that he would be back in the next class.But who knows, until Professor Flitwick announced the end of get out of class, Rudy still didn't show up.

The slightly restless three began to move towards the auditorium, while discussing what Rudy was doing on the way.

Just walking and talking like this until...

In the auditorium, while George and Fred were chatting, the three heard rumors about the "library god".And from the key information such as young age, handsome appearance, blond hair, green eyes, etc... well, no need to speculate.Later, the twins made it clear that it was Rudy.

Finally, after Harry and the twins verified it, they learned that the man who "became famous" in the library was indeed Rudy himself, and the three of them immediately rushed to the library.

The second floor of the library.

Wang Xiang, who was "reading", suddenly stopped. After reading the book in his hand and putting it back, he stood up and left the library under the admiring eyes of all the Ravenclaw students.

In the corridor outside the library, Rudy, deep in his consciousness, curiously asked him why he didn't continue reading.

Wang Xiang answered him with a smile: "If you continue, your consciousness won't be able to accept it."

"When I use your body to read a book, you are also reading it yourself. This high-speed learning method consumes a lot of energy and consciousness."

"You are still just a child. Although the blood of the red dragon has gradually strengthened your body, such continuous high-intensity spell casting is already your limit."

"Besides, I already have a general understanding of the past 2000 years of history."

Rudy: 'So where are you going now?How about I take you around the college? '

Wang Xiang shook his head and smiled, looking at the bright sunshine in the clear sky, he suddenly said: "Since you missed class, it's better to do this. I also studied magic with Master Merlin for a period of time, although it was only the three-legged cat's kung fu. That’s all, I wonder if you would be interested in learning two skills from me?”

Rudy was stunned when he heard this, and then immediately said ecstatically: 'Of course!my pleasure! '

The two were planning to find a place to teach. By coincidence, they went to the library to no avail. The trio, who learned that Rudy had left, chased after him and saw him in the corridor, looking at the sky and talking to himself. "Rudy".

The three of them hesitated for a moment, then came forward and called him.

In his consciousness, Rudy met the three protagonists, so he introduced the three to King Arthur.

Wang Xiang was very curious about what kind of characters the three people Rudy mentioned, each with their own strengths, were.Then he turned around and greeted the three of them with the customary aristocratic etiquette.After that, he looked at the three little ones walking in front of him one by one.

Similarly, when Wang Yang looked at the three of them, Harry and the other three also noticed something was wrong with Rudy.

Although he still looks like the same person, his movements, demeanor, temperament, words and deeds are completely different from the previous Rudy!Especially the standard aristocratic etiquette and the noble temperament, some people thought he was a prince of some kind.

Ron even complained directly: "Hey, man, are you okay? You look like your mother has made up for the etiquette lessons that you missed in the past ten years." Beside him, Harry and Hermione There was also a worried and questioning look on his face.

Wang Xiang said two words in the direction of the main tower of the castle, then smiled and asked the three to follow him, leading them towards the castle gate, as if he was taking them out of the school.

At the gate of the castle, Filch, who had nothing to do and was patrolling, spotted four people acting suspiciously, and immediately came up to stop them. Just when he was about to scold the four people and tell them to go back quickly.Wang Wei turned around with a smile still on his lips and asked the three people behind him who looked scared of Filch: "You'd better be mentally prepared and close your eyes."

The three of them looked confused when they heard this, and they had no idea what "Rudy" was talking about.

However, the next second, they knew...

After "Rudy" raised his right hand and recited a string of words in a language they had never heard before, a magic circle with blue light and complicated patterns suddenly appeared under the four people's feet.Immediately afterwards, in Filch's stunned expression, a blue light flashed, and the four figures in front of him disappeared in front of him in an instant!

The shocked Filch didn't care about patrolling or not. He turned around and ran towards the castle immediately. He wanted to find a professor and ask him to help contact the principal.He likes to torture students because he feels that the discipline of the school must be improved, but this does not mean that he will not care if four students disappear in front of him in an instant.

In the forbidden forest, in an open forest.

A blue light flashed, and then four figures appeared here. It was the four Rudys who disappeared at the gate of the castle!

Unlike Wang Yang, who was just leisurely strolling around for a visit, the three Harrys all had extremely uncomfortable expressions on their faces after being forcibly taken away for teleportation.

After the three of them recovered, Hermione first cautiously pulled Harry and Ron back two steps, then immediately pulled out her wand, pointed it at "Rudy" in front of her and asked: "You are not Rudy! What on earth are you doing?" who is it!?"

Harry and Ron, who had recovered at the same time, also hesitantly pulled out their wands, but Harry pulled Hermione's sleeve in front of him with an embarrassed look on his face and asked: "Hermione, what's wrong? Why..."

Before he could finish speaking, Hermione stared at them with an ugly face. "Rudy", who was still looking at them with a smile and his hands behind his back, shouted loudly: "Who are you!? Where is the real Rudy!" ?”

Behind Hermione, Harry and Ron were confused.Ron asked Harry in confusion: "What happened to her? Was she stimulated by something?"

Harry had a confused look on his face like "I'm a hen too".

Hermione in front of the two people rolled her eyes helplessly, almost speechless because of the anger of these two pig teammates. She turned angrily and explained loudly to the two people: "He just took us from the castle to the Forbidden Forest in an instant. This kind of magic that can take people to move instantly is called Apparition!"

"However, I read in "Hogwarts: A School History" that there is a very powerful anti-Apparition barrier in Hogwarts School!"

"At this time, who has the ability and will try every means to sneak into the school to kill Harry!?"

"Remember what Rudy said yesterday when we were in the auditorium!?"

At this moment, no matter how slow their reaction was, Harry and Ron reacted.Their little faces turned pale and frightened to the naked eye, and then they immediately pointed their wands at "Rudy" with trembling hands.

Ron's expression changed again and again, he clenched the wand in his hand and asked in panic: "You! You! You!... You mean!... You mean! He is!... The mysterious man! !!?"

Looking at the various mysterious reasonings of the three little ones, Wang Xiang smiled and said to Rudy deep in his consciousness: "You three little friends are quite interesting."

Deep in his consciousness, Rudy held his forehead [Subway Old Man.Jpg]. He was really speechless. He originally wanted Wang Yang to practice together with the three protagonists, but who knew that these three guys inexplicably regarded Wang Yang as of Voldemort.

Looking at the three little ones who were waiting for the enemy, King Arthur curiously asked Hermione, who was standing in front of the two boys: "This smart little girl, why do you think I am that...mysterious one?" Where are the people?”

"From the looks of you, is he very powerful?" (Even if he was reading at a flipping speed, King Arthur was only reading historical books, not newspapers. Most of the historical text did not include events that occurred in the modern magical world, especially the first , the wizard war started by the second generation Dark Lord. Therefore, he did not know Voldemort at all.)

Faced with Wang Xiang's question, Hermione and the other two looked confused.According to Hermione's deduction, the only one who can lead them to break through the school's anti-Apparition barrier and leave the school at this time is Voldemort, who was responsible for the disaster back then and is now missing.

However, the "Rudy" in front of them not only did not attack them, but also did not look like a big devil.

This made Hermione fall into self-doubt. Could it be that she was overthinking?

How do you explain the Apparition with them?As far as she knows, "Apparition" is a very profound magic. Students in the school who can learn this spell must pass an exam specially prepared by the Ministry of Magic. However, Rudy, who has just entered school, obviously does not have this ability. qualifications.

Not to mention leading people to cast spells, that is something only powerful wizards can do.But even so, they can only bring one person!And just now, "Rudy" took three of them with him at the same time!

Seeing that the three of them neither spoke nor took action, but just stared at him warily, Wang Xiang had no choice but to use "mind reading" on the three of them.

Silver brilliance flowed on "Rudy's" green pupils, and just by looking at each other, Wang Yang knew who the mysterious person they were talking about was.

After working for a long time, is it an evil wizard who forms a gang and intends to subvert the secular government and rule the world?And it seems that he disappeared inexplicably in the end.

He really couldn't understand why they were so afraid of something like this.

But since he agreed to Rudy to practice with these three children, he had to clear up this misunderstanding first.

But if they are like this, they may not believe ordinary words. In this case, then use actions.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiang turned his right hand and waved it, summoning the golden sword sealed on the back of his right hand.Then, with a calm look on his face, he held the sword in his right hand and swung the sword with his backhand towards the sky.

The point of the sword's edge shook the whole world!

The next second, the majestic red-gold sword energy suddenly rose into the sky!The large cloud that was slowly passing by above their heads was instantly cut in half!

Even so, the red gold sword light that passed through the clouds was still powerful, and the sword energy shot straight into the sky like a rainbow penetrating the sun!

Of course, this is a bit of an exaggeration. At most, it looks like the sword energy has reached the sun, but in fact it has only reached a thousand meters in the sky.

But even so, the trio, who had raised their heads together since Wang Xiang drew his sword, and followed the sword energy to the sky, were completely stunned at this moment.

It’s useless to talk too much about anything else, just say that the poor “white cloud” above the head is just passing by!It was split into two!This is too cruel! ?Should I say he is the legendary big devil?

The three of them looked back at the sky with difficulty, looking at "Rudy" who was still smiling in front of them, their hearts filled with despair and fear.

Is this the Dark Lord?How terrifying!

Wang Xiang tilted his head and silently "saw" the desperate thoughts in the three people's minds. He turned over and took back the golden sword, spread his hands to show that he had no ill intentions, and explained: "You can see, I have no ill intentions. If you want to To kill you, I can still do it even if you are hiding in that castle now."

Seeing the golden sword appearing and disappearing like a magic trick, the three of them hesitated for a moment before moving towards "Rudy".

Ten minutes later....

After Wang Yang's selective explanation, the trio temporarily believed Wang Yang's words and accepted his special training.

What is selective explanation?That is, only tell them part of what can be told to them, such as that he is a "senior" invited by the principal, who temporarily took care of Rudy when he had physical problems, and was planning to teach him magic, etc.

On a lawn somewhere deep in the Forbidden Forest.

Ron was wearing a heavy armor, with a grimace on his face and was trying to use magic power to lift the wand placed on the ground.Harry, on the other hand, was also wearing a heavy armor beside him, but what he needed to do was to dodge the small stone attacks that were coming at any time around his body.Behind the two of them, Hermione's task was much simpler. She wore the same armor, but she only needed to constantly wave her wand to control the pebbles on the ground to attack Harry.

And Rudy was at the creek not far behind them, receiving the exclusive knowledge imparted by Wang Yang.

After all, the transformation of the red dragon's blood will cause irreversible changes to the body, and he needs to accurately understand himself after the bloodline awakens.Similarly, after inheriting the Sword of the King's Choice, he still needs to learn the sword skills of the King of Knights, knight etiquette, etc.In Wang Xiang's words, he looked at Rudy as if he were looking at another version of himself when he was a child, so he had to strictly control Rudy's start to prevent him from going astray or wasting his strength.

Secretly glancing at "Rudy" who was talking to himself by the creek, Ron complained softly: "What stupid thing are we doing? I mean, we are wizards, remember?"

"Why are we wearing the armor he conjured up with a few coins and doing such meaningless things here?"

After listening to Ron's words, Harry was accidentally hit by Hermione's stone attack, and then fell to the ground with a "wow".

Hermione, who had consumed a lot of magic power and physical strength, walked over with difficulty, and after helping Harry up from the ground, the three of them squatted on the ground to rest. Hermione took out a handkerchief and wiped her sweat, and said to the two of them: "I guess I guess It makes sense for him to let us train like this.”

Hearing this, Ron and Harry immediately came over and asked curiously: "You know!?"

Hermione cleared her throat, pointed at Ron and began to explain: "First of all, Ron, emmm, was offended."

Ron was confused and didn't know why Hermione came up and said she wanted to offend him.

And then...he understood.

Hermione: "The reason why he made us wear armor is probably to exercise our physical strength. In addition, I feel that this armor will also consume and offset part of our magic power, so it should also have the function of exercising magic power."

"As for asking you to practice picking up the wand... I think it's because your foundation is too poor. He wants to strengthen your control over magic... I still remember the last time you had a big fight, you accidentally injured Slater. What about that poor girl Lin?"

Ron flattened his mouth, picked up the wand on the ground unhappily and said unconvinced: "This is all because this is Charlie's old wand. If my mother buys me a new wand, it will definitely not be Such."

After commenting on Ron, Harry immediately asked anxiously: "What about me!? Hermione, what is my training for?"

Hermione took off the heavy armor and put it aside, straightened her long hair that was stuck together with sweat, took a few naughty curls away from her face and continued: "Harry, your training is very simple, he is so The purpose of doing it is to strengthen your reflexes, and it turns out that your reflexes are indeed outstanding. Do you remember? During the flying class, you caught the memory ball thrown by Malfoy at the last moment?"

Harry suddenly realized what he said and nodded thoughtfully.

"And my training is to strengthen my accuracy in controlling magic." As she said this, she couldn't help but turn her head and look at "Rudy" by the stream.

Seeing Hermione looking over there, Harry and Ron also turned their attention to the stream.

At this moment, the three people who were squatting on the ground and resting happened to see an extremely astonishing scene...

[Ticket tickets in front of Buddha, Buddha talks about nest grass]

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