I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 278 The Power of the Four Saints (4)"

The sudden sword attack caught Gryffindor off guard.

He looked a little funny after hurriedly dodging, but as a swordsman, with all the cards, he immediately turned the Champs trick into a handsome backflip and 175° sideways slide.It looks like it is not only full of B-movies, but also full of special effects and full of boss aura.

However, although the movements were gorgeous, the embarrassment during the dodge was also covered up.But that sword strike just now, even if he has lived for a thousand years, he has never seen anyone able to slash out something like sword energy while wielding a long sword.

Not to mention that this makes absolutely no sense in theory!Just this power is very abnormal.Fortunately, the sword in his hand was made by the best craftsman of the goblin clan. Otherwise, Gryffindor was very sure that it would break after the blow just now.

He felt very depressed about this, because everyone had agreed to exchange swordsmanship.

If you want to fight, why do you suddenly resort to dirty tricks?

However, after the sword blow just now, Rudy had taken the opportunity to get closer and pointed the sword in his hand at Gryffindor's neck. The outcome was obvious.

Since he couldn't win through serious swordsmanship exchanges and was always knocked away, he would simply increase his strength to the end!

A slash that contains the power of space, you can't get away with it, right?

It's a pity that his method of breaking through all kinds of magic is obviously unable to win the approval of the sword master. Gryffindor has always believed that victory should be achieved through moves, rather than such opportunistic use of force to defeat magic.

After the battle, Rudy thought for a while and planned to find a reason to take the opportunity to leave.

After all, I am not a pure wizard, and I have no admiration for the so-called Big Four of Hogwarts.In addition to the battle just now, according to him, this magic power aggregate can simulate one-tenth of his strength.But, didn’t Rudy suppress his power?

To put it bluntly, Rudy really doesn't think he can beat him if he really wants to win.Whether it is swordsmanship or magic, what this world talks about in the end is power. Only power is the basis for determining victory or defeat.

No matter how superb your swordsmanship is, what will you do if you encounter a mushroom egg?Cut it with a sword?Wouldn't that blow up faster?

Some people may say, why should swords be compared with nuclear bombs?

Let’s face it in reality, with just your so-called swordsmanship, can you defeat a monster like Odin who can destroy the world and destroy the earth with just one swing of his gun?You might not even be able to withstand Thor's storm axe.

Rudy now really wants to say something to Gryffindor - "Sir, times have changed."

If in the past, he, a mage, would often pull out a sword when fighting with others, charge forward and chop him down, he would of course be invincible.But what if it were changed now?

Everyone is fighting, and you suddenly rush over with your sword drawn, and the opponent takes out a Sand Eagle from his trouser pocket. The result...

Can the sword in your hand really withstand bullets?

Can everyone split a bullet in half with a sword? In a normal wizard duel, spells need to be recited, and more importantly, concentration is required.

In the two seconds between spells between the two sides, if one side suddenly draws out his sword, it will indeed be a very big threat and advantage.But that was in the past. Now with the development of magic weapons, Rudy even felt that if Ron could fight the Gryffindor in front of him, he would not necessarily lose.

The magic gun in his hand is already a very mature version. With his magic power, if he uses simple spells as bullets, he can probably shoot for at least two hours.

The magic spell is fired as a bullet, and its power and rate of fire are not comparable to ordinary bullets, especially under the premise that the bullets are almost unlimited, and it can be fired continuously for two hours.

Rudy really didn't think Gryffindor, a 1000-year-old antique, could stop it.Not to mention that he doesn't know anything about firearms. He will definitely suffer a big loss when he encounters this kind of weapon.

While Rudy was thinking wildly, he was about to say goodbye.

But who knew that Gryffindor was not satisfied with this battle. He suddenly suggested: "How about this? Come back in a few days and we will have another battle. This time I will fight you for real. I promise not to To disappoint you.”

Rudy replied speechlessly: "But I don't want to compete at all... let alone be disappointed."

Gryffindor was like an old child. Seeing that Rudy didn't want to continue playing with him, he quickly came up and dragged him, threatening and tempting him: "If you don't be careful, I will ask your principal to expel you! Oh no, this is a bit too much. .. I’ll put you in confinement!”

Dumbledore interrupted with a headache: "Well, he is a professor now..."

Gryffindor was stunned and looked at Old Deng in confusion and asked: "Are today's students so scary? Can you become a professor at such a young age?"

Dumbledore shrugged: "In a sense, this child is now the heir of the Supreme Mage."

The moment he heard the title of Supreme Mage, a playful Gryffindor suddenly became serious. He looked at the boy in front of him carefully and said in disbelief: "Back then, the four of us went to challenge for the title of Supreme Mage. It's a pity that he failed halfway. - The strongest magicians in the world fought fiercely to compete for this title. - We haven't even seen what the person who finally won the title of Supreme Magician looks like."

"I didn't expect that I would be able to meet the successor of the Supreme Mage after my death."

"So, I hope you can fight us again."

Rudy was about to agree, but suddenly stopped.He heard the words clearly, he said 'them' not him.


Gryffindor nodded and said: "It will take a while to get them back, but it won't be long."

"How about, if you win, we can give you a treasure, a real treasure."

Rudy narrowed his eyes when he heard this. Logically speaking, he shouldn't accept it. There is no such need and there is no need.

But if I think about it...

Not to mention the so-called winner's reward, just the unknown 'we' made him a little interested.

Rudy nodded and said: "Okay, I will be staying at Hogwarts in the next few weeks. If you are ready, you can ask Professor Dumbledore to call me and I will be here when you call."

After receiving Rudy's affirmative answer, Gryffindor quickly shouted "It's a deal", then turned around and disappeared, not knowing where he went.

Dumbledore frowned and said, "If my guess is correct, the person called by Gryffindor will probably be..."

Rudy raised his eyebrows and subconsciously speculated: "It can't be that the four giants who founded Hogwarts gathered together, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Dumbledore looking at him with an 'I think it's possible' expression.

Rudy twitched the corner of his mouth: "No way..."

"He won't be so crazy, right? - In other words, besides him, are the other three still alive?"

Dumbledore thought for a while and explained: "They should really be dead, but the soul... it's hard for us to explain clearly. - Soul magic is the most mysterious magic, and there is no other magic. [-]. - It can transcend the constraints of time and space in a sense, and is truly the most complex existence."

Rudy frowned. If this is the case, dealing with the four giants at the same time might have to use some special skills... But if this is the case, then the four of them may not survive...

However, since Dumbledore said it, he could only believe it.

What's more, sending away the Big Four is just his expected development direction.What if?It's not impossible for the four giants to join forces and use their fighting power to push themselves to the ground and hammer them.

Thinking about it this way, Rudy felt... If others hit me, it would be better for me to hit others.

In this way, Rudy said goodbye to Dumbledore with a frown and returned to the office.

Seeing the mess in the back bedroom after the Imperial City PK last night, I started to use my magic to clean up with a headache.

Looking at the piece of cloth hung up by the magic whirlwind, Rudy raised his hand curiously, and it fell obediently to his hand under the pull of magic.

It was picked up by the wind just now and was spinning around so I couldn't see it clearly. Now that I have it, I'll take a closer look.This soft material...and this style...

Ahem, if you continue reading, you might be a bit perverted...

Rudy looked around guiltily, glanced twice, and after making sure no one saw it, he carefully stuffed it into his space pocket.

'Well, I just wanted to put it away, wash it and give it to Hermione. ——Well, that’s it! '

Who knows...

"Hey, little ghost head, you are a bit BT."

Hearing the sound, Rudy quickly realized that he had ignored the darkness under the lamp.

Looking towards his feet, he saw the head of an orange cat sticking out of the cat's nest, looking at him with squinted eyes.

But...it's just a cat, can anyone believe what it says? ?



A few minutes later, looking at his filled cat nest, Meow Meow was satisfied and buried his plump body in the pile of snacks.


Rudy never dreamed that one day he would be threatened by a cat.

The funny thing is that I thought it was ridiculous at first.

As everyone knows, the clown is actually me?

However, for the sake of dignity, there is no reason to compromise.After all, who has a cat who doesn’t have a groveling scoundrel?

Although he seems to be a bit too aggrieved, but what can I say, emmmm - a real man can bend and stretch!

That night, Rudy met Harry and Ron after a long absence in the auditorium.And of course Ginny and the Weasley brothers.

Well, and his girlfriend sitting next to him.

I don't know why, but when Hermione sees her now, she blushes, lowers her head, and plays with her fingers, as if it wasn't her that night!

The most outrageous thing is that her appearance made even Harry and the others look at her inappropriately.

Rudy was suffering in his heart and couldn't express it. He couldn't stand up and shout that he was the one who was bullied at this time, right?Regardless of who believes it or not, just with this courage, I am afraid that I will become a Pipi shrimp again tomorrow morning.

Although the topic was boring, Rudy still wanted to know.

It stands to reason that he should be a dragon, and his body has been strengthened by the energy of infinite gems. With such physical fitness, even if it is used alone, he can beat the serum gene monster of Captain America.

But even though I was like this, I was beaten so hard by an ordinary wizard girl that I couldn't fight back...

'Shouldn't this be right?what's going on? '

After dinner, with everyone's eyes saying "We understand", Rudy and Hermione returned to the office together.

Apparently Hermione was here to ask for advice on academic matters, but in fact...

Anyway, when Rudy woke up the next day, he was still in the shape of a curled-up shrimp.

And he clearly saw Miao Miao's eyes turning to look at him when she walked out of the bedroom with a small dried fish in her mouth, full of disdain and encouragement.

damn it!

In the next few days, Rudy and Hermione were almost inseparable, making Ginny jealous.

While Ginny was envious, she looked at Harry differently.According to Red, Ginny recently went to the kitchen and asked them to add more tonic herbs to Harry's meals...)

Flying on a broom also requires physical fitness, right?

Do you think Harry and Rudy are so 'happy' and King Weasley is unlucky again?

wrong!Big mistake!

Do you still remember the time when Red Dragon transformed?

At the critical moment, Ron held a double-gun hero to save the beauty, and he immediately captured the heart of the Slytherin House girl he saved.

Good guy, my little sister is also a straightforward person.

Not only is the family one of the pure-blood families, but they also have no prejudice against the Weasley family and are a neutral pure-blood family.

After several subsequent encounters and conversations between her and Ron, the two quickly became a couple, and they often spoiled each other in front of Harry.

It's nothing.

What surprised Harry and others the most was that the girl told her parents a secret after returning home from the holidays, and then...

Then it was said that Mr. Weasley almost hung Ron up and whipped him to death that afternoon.

The specific situation, according to the twins, is this - the girl went home and told her parents that she was going to marry Ron Weasley. No matter how enlightened the parents were, their daughter was still in school. How could she agree to this at such a young age?

But the girl didn't wait for their rejection at all, and she said that she was pregnant and had Ron's child, and she would never marry anyone but him in this life.

Good guy, this news directly shocked her parents for 100 years.The mother fainted on the spot, and the father even picked up his wand and went to Mr. Arthur to ask for an explanation.

Finally, she relied on her perseverance and determination to get her parents to agree to the marriage.

But I agree, as women, they definitely can't sit back and wait for such a big thing.

So, the girl's father immediately sent someone to the Weasley family's mansion to deliver a letter. The content was probably about the good deeds that the young master had done. He didn't know whether the Weasley family would recognize it or not... (because the Burrow It has been renovated many times and is now a rough-looking mansion. Mrs. Weasley affectionately calls their old house 'Dwelling 4.0')

This is also the reason why Ron was hung up and whipped later...

In short, according to George, Ron and the girl will get married as soon as they graduate, and he didn't forget to add: 'Don't forget to take the money with you then. '



[Sports tickets]

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