I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 271 Age of Ultron (5)"

Looking at the stubborn Scarlet Witch in front of him, Rudy had a headache.

You say let's fight...it's really hard to fight now.

With the Mind Stone in hand, she almost equaled Rudy in combat power.Of course, if Rudy uses the holy sword inlaid with space gems, that would be a different story.

With his current strength, it would be almost impossible to defeat her with just magic without hurting her life.

What's more, there was Quicksilver next to him, looking like he was ready to take action at any time, which made him very confused.

Seeing the troubled look on his face, Wanda thought she had persuaded him, and quickly prepared to increase her intensity.

Coupled with her previous failures with this kid, she now has a mysterious obsession.I must affect your spirit today!

So, taking advantage of Rudy's moment of hesitation, Wanda gave Quicksilver a look.As a brother and sister, Pietro certainly knew what she wanted to do, but...'Forget it! 'He hesitated for less than a second before compromising to his sister.

Grabbing Wanda's hand, the two disappeared in the blink of an eye. When they recovered their bodies in the next second, Wanda had already come behind Rudy and pulled the boy's small body into her arms.

Rudy, who was thinking wildly, suddenly felt that someone was hitting him with the ball, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge.

Sensing his desire to escape, Wanda smiled and said contemptuously: "Are you scared too? Don't even think about escaping, little darling."

As he said that, his left hand holding the Mind Stone hugged Rudy, who was twisting crazily in his arms, and his right hand, carrying thick scarlet magic energy, pressed it on Rudy's forehead.

The next second, Wanda's mental control was successful, and the two people's mental consciousness was synchronized and began to shuttle back and forth between both parties' consciousness.

In her brief consciousness, Wanda saw the Hydra file that Rudy had seen when he first woke up in the apartment...

Then there was the news that Dumbledore told him about leading people into the Hydra base and bringing him out...

Finally, there is an alternative scene.In the picture, Rudy is fighting a tall figure. The ground around him is devastated and ruins are everywhere...

Not long after, both of them came back from consciousness at the same time. While panting violently, Rudy broke away from Wanda's restraints, covered his forehead and frowned: "Do you...really want to die?"

But Wanda on the opposite side didn't react like this. After returning to consciousness, she knew that she had accidentally seen Rudy's deepest secret.

"Who are you"

Looking at Wanda who was about to speak out, Rudy turned into light speed mode and rushed forward without saying a word.

Quicksilver on the side saw this and quickly moved his sister away. The next second, Rudy took action with anger and crashed through the entire research institute. Then he turned around and fired laser cannons at the two of them continuously.

Quicksilver wanted to run away with Wanda, but now he was at sea. Although he was not far from the land, he still needed to cross the sea.

Although Rudy would not kill the two of them because of this leak of information, but just in case, it was better to keep the ticket information created by Hydra rotten in his bones.

As a result, Rudy, whose attack failed, flipped his hands several times and slapped his palm towards the ground of the research institute.

"Mirror space!"

Wanda and Quicksilver only felt a strange energy wave passing through their bodies and the ground beneath their feet. The next second they wanted to say that nothing had changed.Then, the originally calm sea surface actually started to stir. The most outrageous thing was that, like jelly, they actually divided into dozens of pieces of various shapes, large and small, and were freely combined and arranged to form a complete sea surface.

Quicksilver tried tentatively to break through the 'barrier' outside the institute, but found that he ran directly into a transparent and lineless wall.Facing Rudy who rushed over again, Wanda pushed her brother away, dragging the Mind Stone with her left hand, and trying to use her magic power to drive the energy in the stone with her right hand.

When the majestic scarlet magic returned to Wanda's body from the Mind Stone, a layer of red waves appeared on her entire body, and her eyes were filled with magic.Feeling the constant flow of power, she used her ability again with her backhand against the rushing Rudy.

In other words, after being strengthened by the Mind Stone, her abilities are now greatly enhanced, and she is not afraid of the countless bright red magic balls Rudy throws at him.

In order to avoid being hit, Rudy could only keep dodging to avoid damage, while still rushing towards the opponent without slowing down.

After the two collided together, an explosion occurred, which made the Quicksilver people watching the battle dumbfounded. What is this?Died together?

However, after realizing that his sister was in danger, he quickly rushed into the smoke to try to rescue her. At this moment, a foot broke through the smoke and came straight towards his abdomen.

Quicksilver, who was unprepared at all, was directly hit by Rudy's powerful and heavy whip kick. His whole body flew out horizontally, hit the barrier of the mirror space hard, and fell to the ground with a "bang" .

After the smoke dissipated, Wanda was also lying on the ground, and Rudy took back the Mind Stone in her hand.

In a sense, facing the mage directly is one of the most effective offensive methods, especially when you attack yourself, you can use the light speed mode, a powerful offensive method that replaces defense with offense.

When the energy generated by the speed of light mode is circulating outside Rudy's body, he can be insulated and immune to most curses, DEBUFFs, nausea states, etc., which naturally includes a lot of energy balls shot by Wanda.

Not even the powerful starship's main gun beam can cause damage to Captain Marvel in light speed mode, let alone Rudy, who is personally provided with energy by the Space Stone.Under the same circumstances, Rudy's light speed mode is more complete and comprehensive, especially in terms of power.

Before the two came into contact, Rudy didn't forget to fire laser cannons with both hands and shoot at Wanda, causing an explosion to obscure the line of sight.

The result was just as he expected. It was very simple and easy. Before the smoke dispersed, Wanda was beaten to the point of losing her ability to fight with one blow.

He nodded with satisfaction, playing with the Mind Stone he got back from Wanda, thinking about how to get this thing back into Ultron's hands...

Just as Rudy was playing with the thing in his hand, an unexpected voice came from behind.

"If you're so confused, how about I help you give it to him?"

Rudy's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, with an incredible expression on his face. He turned around suddenly and saw a white palm in front of him.

Rudy looked at the ground in disbelief. Wanda, who was supposed to be lying on the ground, was actually standing in front of him now!

"This is impossible? I obviously hit you."

Hearing Rudy's question, Wanda laughed and stretched out her hand to touch his face, which was full of collagen, and even pinched it.He explained with a smile: "You know better than me what the power of this gem is, right?"

Rudy asked incomprehensively: "But, it's impossible? It doesn't make sense."

"How long have you had it? Are you able to master its abilities so quickly?"

Wanda smiled and winked at him, and said casually: "Maybe it is more compatible with me?"

Rudy was speechless, Wanda passed him and came to Quicksilver, lifted his brother's body up, and then continuously input the magic power in his hands into his body.

After a while, Kuaiyin groaned in pain and woke up.

Wanda apologized to her brother: "Sorry Pietro, I thought I could block him."

Rudy turned around and asked, "So, why did you change your mind?"

Wanda looked at Rudy's silver pupils and smiled, and then said proudly: "Don't look at me with that ability. After I have been strengthened, even if you can see through me, you can't see me." What’s in my heart.”

Putting away Legilimency in embarrassment, Rudy once again asked the answer he wanted to know.

Wanda's explanation to him was that she saw part of the scene with the help of the gem, and that every passage of it was accompanied by destruction and rebirth.

Especially this time, she saw that the gem finally returned to Rudy's hands and was delivered to Ultron through a method unknown to her.

Ultron used gems to re-create a body made of vibranium in the regeneration cradle captured by the research institute, and used gems as its main energy source.

The final result was that everyone left on a flying aircraft carrier on a floating island, and the island fell to the ground...

But she didn't know what happened specifically, so she wanted to see the future clearly through Rudy's hands.

Anyway, in her opinion, no one should be able to defeat him as long as he is here.

She and Kuaiyin had seen with their own eyes the power of the demon statue, which flattened the research institute built on the mountain with one palm. This scene seemed like just yesterday, and it was hard to forget.

Rudy looked at Wanda who had changed his mind in surprise. He was about to nod, but the other party raised his hand and added: "But you have to agree to two conditions."

Rudy frowned. He felt that the other party seemed to be pushing the envelope a little bit, so even if he offered two conditions, there were still two! ?

Even if she disagrees, she will not be an opponent if the two fight again.

But when he thought that the other party was an important figure in the plot, Rudy could only grit his teeth and nod: "I understand, just tell me."

Wanda showed an expression that was indeed true, and said happily: "I knew you couldn't be cruel to me and Pietro for some reason, right?"

Rudy snorted and glanced to the side, acquiescing to this answer.

When Wanda saw this, she didn't make any other requests, but said directly: "From today on, you have to help us practice!"

Rudy had already guessed that the other party would make this request. After all, they had chased him all the way in Europe...

"What about the second one?" After saying the first one, Rudy asked the second one directly.

Wanda looked at Rudy and said, "The second one, what I saw in your memory just now, is that your information?"

"I'm very interested in who you are."

Rudy narrowed his eyes and stared at her for a long time, but she shrugged her chest completely indifferently, as if she was going to kill me if I didn't obey. His attitude was so arrogant and outrageous.

It's a pity that Rudy really doesn't know what to do with her, so he has no choice but to accept it.


On the other side, Ultron, who escaped with the cradle of regeneration, was blocked by the Avengers in the city.

The battle between the two sides was back and forth. During this period, Tony was not dragged down by the angry and out-of-control Hulk, so he rushed directly to participate in the containment.The final result was that Ultron was restrained by Tony, and the younger brothers were no match for Captain America and other members, and were defeated on the spot.

Ultron finally escaped death and could only watch his body being taken away.

But before leaving, it took advantage of everyone's protection and counterattacked before death and captured Natasha, the black widow.

It was only with the widowed sister as a hostage that he could safely evacuate under the siege of the heroes.


A few days later, Avengers Tower.

Watching the gems taken back from Rudy being stuffed into the mechanical body by Tony, Wanda glanced at the boy next to her with some confusion.

This thing is outrageous, baby, why should I give it to Stark if nothing happens?

It's better to give it back to Ultron.

Rudy didn't say anything about this, he just said that the wheel of history is slowly rolling, and if you stop it, be careful of being crushed into pieces by it.

In the end, things developed quite smoothly, without Wanda's intervention, nor did the captain stop the experiment.

However, there was a slight flaw in the energy supply, causing interruptions in the energy loading process.To this end, Thor, who had finally arrived, jumped up in compliance with the main line, raised his hammer on the 'coffin board', summoned the power of the God of Thunder, and struck the regeneration cradle with a string of thunder.

The terrifying electric energy quickly filled up all the energy needed to regenerate the cradle, and loaded all the information at an extremely fast speed.

The next second, there was a loud "Boom!", and the two coffin boards of the regeneration cradle flew out, and Thor, who was standing on it, was also thrown out.

Vision, who was all red, squatted on the edge of the regeneration cradle, looked at everyone around him, and finally stopped at Rudy.

He felt energy fluctuations in this person that were equivalent to his own.

Rudy also looked at the real-life version of Vision in surprise. He also guessed the reason why Vision looked at him.

After all, in his eyes, Vision is just like a big lantern, there is no difference.

It should be due to the mutual attraction between gems. In his own eyes, Vision holding the Mind Gem as an energy source is like running into satellite positioning. Even if he is blindfolded and not looking, he can still know that he is there. What position.

The next plot is just like in the movie. Vision tells everyone that he is different from Ultron and is an independent individual.The goal is to protect the world, not an extreme lunatic like Ultron who wants to destroy the world and eliminate humanity.

Although everyone was still skeptical about this, everyone gave up the idea when Vision picked up Thor's Thor's hammer and handed it to him.

The reason is simple. Thor once said that if you want to pick up Thor's hammer, you must get the hammer's approval.

The first condition for gaining recognition from Hammer is - a person with a righteous and kind heart.In a sense, Meow Hammer is also a professional detector for identifying good guys from bad guys.

And if the newly born Vision can be recognized by Quake, it means that he is not lying and is indeed on the side of justice.



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