Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

52. Team Tango, Reborn! [1]

After making their way to land, Team Tango dashed with haste to their objective

"So...'ravagers' huh?" (Suzu)

"More like opportunists who've been taking advantage of the lack of shinobi patrols. There's no heinous crime they won't commit. From robbing on the road, to raiding small towns, to murder" (Tai)

"Their actions have forced local towns in our own country to hire outside help, which only hurts us" (Tango)

"Because that's a potential client we Kumo-nin just lose. Accepting all kinds of jobs is our main source of income after all" (Suzu)

"And there's nothing we can do about since we're still short handed. I've been hearing more and more about these criminals causing trouble for every village recently" (Rei)

"Yes. They've been a pain in our asses for quite some time. They're one of the leading reasons for slowing down not only Kumogakure's, but every nation's recovery" (Tango)

"But why attack a simple factory?" (Suzu)

"Given what we've heard about it, I doubt they would find anything of value. The 'Mori Ltd.' isn't that big of a target. Or did they just hope to get lucky?" (Tai)

"Their intentions are still unclear. What we do know is inside that factory lays a safe containing information that would become detrimental to Kumogakure should it fall into the wrong hands. That is what we are referring to as the primary objective" (Tango)

"And because we're the only squad that was close, the Raikage ordered us to retrieve it. And here I thought we were special" (Tai)

" certainly are special" (Suzu)

"Why, thank you Suzu" (Tai)

"I don't think she meant 'special' in the way you're thinking of Tai" (Rei)

"Damn it Rei! You can't let me have anything!" (Tai)

Rei had a smug smile

"Isn't that why I'm here?" (Rei)

"Grrrrrr. Kidding aside, are we the only one assigned to this mission Tango-sensei?" (Tai)

"Another squad is already on their way, but they won't arrive for at least another two hours" (Tango)

"So the main objective isn't defeating them, it's ensuring they don't escape. But sensei..." (Rei)

"Yeah?" (Tango)

"May I ask what's so important about the safe's contents?" (Rei)

"...I'm not authorized to give you any specifics, but I can tell you they're absolutely crucial towards a certain project Kumogakure has invested a lot of time and money into" (Tango)

"Okay. If the situation gets too complicated, are we allowed to destroy the safe's contents to prevent it from getting in the hands of the enemy?" (Rei)

"That will be our last resort, but yes. If it contents of the safe are compromised and we cannot retrieve everything in your power to destroy it" (Tango)

"Got it" (Rei)

"Is there anything else we know about the situation at the factory?" (Suzu)

"No. We don't even know how many enemies there are. This just happened a few hours ago, the only information we have is what the local town guards have told us" (Tango)

Rei became unsettled when he realized the team would be going in blind

"But considering the perpetrators still haven't left's safe to assume their main objective is to access the safe. Which means for the last eight hours they've been trying to undo the seal placed on it" (Tango)

"A seal?!" (Suzu)

"But doesn't that mean...!" (Tai)

"We'll be facing enemy ninja..." (Rei)

"It's still not confirmed but, that's most likely the case. For now, keep your chakra suppressed in case they have a sensor. Rei, you know what to do" (Tango)

"Way ahead of you" (Rei)

"Let's pick up the pace!" (Tango)

"Yes sir!!" (All of them)




At the factory, several armed men maintained a perimeter around the building. Private security guards hired by the local town, they didn't let the factory out of their sight while waiting for assistance from Kumogakure

"Still no movement?"

"Nothing. Not a peep"

"It's been at least eight hours since we got here"

"And they're determined not to let anyone else in"

"I wonder if they're just desperate?"

"I initially thought that would be the case They came here for a reason"

"Any idea what it is?"

"No. But Kumogakure might considering how fast they deployed shinobi to this seemingly unimportant area in the Land of Lightning"

"Just what in the hell are those criminals doing in there?"

When the guards first arrived, they were about to storm the factory before the ravagers announced they would kill the hostages if anyone approached. When asked for their demands, they simply stated for no one to approach the factory. They also promised to release a hostage every hour if the guards followed this request

Surprisingly, the criminals kept their word as nine hostages have already been released. As long as they waited, everyone would be rescued. They didn't care about the factory since the mayor of the town they served only ordered them to protect the employees


"Hm? What is it?"

Whispering in his ear

"A shinobi team has arrived"

"...Fine. Stay here while go I meet them"

"Got it"




Just outside the perimeter

"Wow! You certainly got here fast. Welcome to the party!"

The leader of the security force approached the shinobi team and shook hands with the captain

"I'm Tango of Kumogakure. Are you the leader of these men?" (Tango)

"Rather than 'leader', you can say I'm keeping the peace. The name's Shō. Everyone here was hired separately, I just organized and kept them in line" (Shō)

Tango looked around to see all the guards coordinating with exemplary skill

{Despite not being a shinobi, he was able to get these rough looking men to work together so well...there's far more to this man than meets the eye} (Tango)

Shō glanced at Genin team behind Tango before speaking again

"...Are you all Kumogakure could send?" (Shō)

"There's another squad on the way. Now, what can you tell us about the situation?" (Tango)

"Follow me" (Shō)

Making their way up a hill, they managed to get a birds eye view of the factory

Shō handed Tango a small, retractable telescope

"We've counted at least eleven different men so far" (Shō)

"Only eleven?" (Tango)

Tango looked at the guards under the command of Shō, whose numbers were far superior to the ravagers

"Yeah I know what you're thinking. 'Why didn't we try to sneak someone in' right?" (Shō)

"The thought had crossed my mind" (Tango)

"That's because they've been able to catch us trying at every attempt we've made" (Shō)

"...I don't see any scouts around the building. The factory itself isn't that big either" (Tango)

"Yeah, well...despite not having many men, they've been able to see us coming at every turn. to an almost uncanny degree. It's been incredibly frustrating" (Shō)

"...What's their behavior been like?" (Tango)

"After taking control of the factory, the only request they've made is for no one to approach the building" (Shō)

"Any requests for money, or something else?" (Tango)

"Nothing" (Shō)

"...You sure they're still in there? They might've ran off?" (Tango)

"No, they didn't...and that's the weird thing. We know the criminals are still in there because they've been releasing one hostage every hour on the hour" (Shō)

"A sign of good faith?" (Tango)

"More like a means to keep everyone docile and remind us they have plenty of leverage. That's what most here seem to think" (Shō)

"And you?" (Tango)

"..." (Shō)

"..." (Tango)

After they both went silent for a moment, Tango gave the telescope back to Shō

"Do you know how many hostages are still inside?" (Tango)

"Three employees and the manager, Tetsuo Mori, head of the 'Mori Ltd.' company. Nine of the hostages have already been released" (Shō)

"Nine? But that doesn't make sense. From what I understand, it's barely been eight hours since you got here. Shouldn't it only be eight considering they've only released one per hour?" (Tango)

"Yes. But for whatever reason, they released two hostages after the last hour" (Shō)

Tango had an uneasy look on his face after learning of the hostage taker's recent actions

"Alright, we'll take it from here. Please keep the rest of your men at bay" (Tango)

"Consider it done. Our main priority is the people's safety as they hail from the town we've been hired to protect. But I also feel like I should tell you..." (Shō)

"Hm? Is there something else?" (Tango)

"It's just...when we questioned the ones they freed, some of them talked about what happened" (Shō)

"And?" (Tango)

"Everything was normal and then people started falling asleep. When they woke up, they were being held prisoner" (Shō)

"Asleep? How did that happen?" (Tango)

"I don't know, but one of them mentioned seeing 'feathers' before he passed out" (Shō)

"Feathers..." (Tango)

{That...could it be?} (Rei)

"Anything else?" (Tango)

"Other than one of them mentioning the words 'safe' and 'barrier', nothing. I'm going back to the men, sorry I can't be of more help" (Shō)

"'ve done more than enough. Thank you Shō-san" (Tango)

"Good luck!" (Shō)


Shō left the team to themselves. Tango turned to his students







...but I doubt they'll need it"


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