I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 97


“Just the winner of the match! Cooinu!”

A loud cheer comes from the surrounding guest seats along with the voice of the referee.

In it, Couinu stood flashly.

(Didn’t think I could win…)

Percil was strong. He had a tremendously high level of defensive technology and almost no gaps in offense. Above all, it was horrible how we fought to grasp all this information and strategize to win.

Looking back at his exhausted body, Percil was up with even his stomach. He was attacked with the full force of the Cousin. The body is fluttering.

Couinu rushed over and tried to support him, but it was controlled by hand.

“No, I’m fine. I can walk myself. And you’ll be pretty tired, too.”

Even after taking such a blow that he fell, Percil was calm.

Rising up, Percil asked one question to Cousin.

“Can you let me hear one more thing than that? You should have had your mental and physical limitations by then. Why did you move like that?”

The last toggle Couinu showed. That was faster than any move I showed in the game.

The Questioned Couinu, after pondering a few Percil questions……

Her face turns bright red and she begins to become suspicious of behavior.

“What… no… that’s… ahhh…”

When Percil had a slightly strange eye for the reddish, werewolf, and unspeakable cousin.


Someone jumped on that body.

Percil was also a known face. Apprenticeship knight boy who fought the vanguard in the Northeast match. The name is definitely Heath.

The little boy, who apparently ran down from the audience to the game venue, jumped as fast as he could to the cousin and held him as he wanted.

“Cooinu! That was amazing. Whoa! Oh, my God!

“Hih…… Heath……!?

The little hand squeaks and strokes her hair wet in the sweat of a cousin.

Cousin’s face goes even brighter red, but he doesn’t look like he noticed Heath looking touched and excited.

(Kind of soft……! Smells good on that……!

Even though he was exhausted, Couinu, who had been jerking off in many more ways, supported his body not to fall desperately, but Fee cared not at all and even happily stroked Couinu all the time.

Even the companions of the northern quarters rushed from their seats under such a cousin.

“Cooinu! That was amazing!

“Well done. Oh! Cooinuuuuuuu!”

“You’re the hero of the day!

That’s how they jump on an exhausting cousin with that big, heavy body.

Cousin’s body just couldn’t stand falling to the ground and getting messed up more and more. By the way, only one of them is flying away and escaping the difficulties.

Exhausted and screwed up by the boys in the north quarters hugging or shaking their hands as they please, Couinu, but the look seemed happy for the price.

I was staring at the sight. Percil said he did his usual trick to fix his glasses. Ah.

“I see. The power of bonding with fellow citizens? That certainly wasn’t in the math.”

When Percil’s mouth, which was faceless, laughed just a little, he quietly left the scene.

And the seats in the east quarters, Carnegis, opened his mouth gently and looked at the outcome of the game in a dazzling manner.

“Stupid…… Why…… Why are you doing this…”

The result of the match was the defeat of the east quarters……

All that fighting power. Even the training was supposed to be complete to defeat the northern quarters but I lost……

I look at the boys in the rejoicing north quarters and Percil quietly returning here with relief.

“Three wins in a row from here and I was supposed to get my youth back……!

“You can’t have that unsolicited idea, act unsolicited, and make it work. I’d rather it worked out.”

The voice from the back on the head wearing carnegis was that of an adult woman who had grown up quite a bit.

Looking back in surprise, a trolley stood behind Carnegis with one woman. Look at the woman, Carnegis screams.

“E, Elizabetta!!

The woman is around the age of late 30 and has beautiful, long hair with flax color. The face is calm enough for the year, but she is still beautiful enough to disappoint that she was young. The outfit is rarely worn in white for a woman.

Such a woman had a slightly cold angry eye and was jealous of Carnegis.

“Why are you here?”

“You divorced my husband last year. I came back to this country six months ago. Your Majesty has invited me to work for the National Academy of Medicine.”

When Carnegis heard Elizabetta’s words, which he said with his face, he turned to Trolley.

“Trolley! Did you know that!? Why didn’t you tell me!

“I’ve tried to tell you many times. But this year, you said,” I’m not gonna talk to anyone in the north quarters until the game’s over, “and you haven’t heard from me in a long time.”

Carnegis stunned by the word. I did say that…… I told you…

Elizabetta said with her face all the way to the side of a carnegie like that.

“I thought you’d forgotten all about me because you didn’t contact me or anything when I came back. I can’t believe that I was still obsessed with rooting for more than a decade ago and clearing up my resentment by involving even the kids…”

“Chi, no! Elizabetta!”

“What’s the difference?”

“No, it’s not…”

It wasn’t.

Not at all. Elizabetta was right.

Elizabetta scowls at me, and Carnegis’ face turns bright blue, dropping his shoulders as he sweats sloppily.

Trolley said with a slightly sympathetic face to Carnegis like that.

“After you broke up with Elizabetta, I started acting all depressed and resenting the northern quarters. I thought one day you’d get back on your feet and watch, but things just get worse for you year after year. I told myself it was dorm-to-dorm policy, too, but I just don’t have to delude myself anymore.

I’m sorry, but not only Elizabetta, but the captains. ”

“Oh well…”

I blued my face even more when I heard that, but Carnegis nodded.

Elizabetta tells Carnegis to go after him even further.

“Mr. Carnegis. You’ve become a lot of a pitiful knight within a long time I haven’t seen you. I really missed you on this one. Please apologize properly to the people who annoyed you! I don’t even want to see your face, so please excuse me!

With that said, Elizabetta returns the blemishes and leaves.

Carnegis rushes to pull it off.

“Ma, wait! Elizabetta!”

Elizabetta said to Carnegis words like that, looking back only once.

“Speaking of which, I forgot what I was going to say when I got back to this country. Seventeen years ago you were cool to be defeated three times in a row. I cursed you like that because I was a stupid, immature daughter. I apologize.”

“Eh, Elizabetta…”

Carnegis opens his eyes to hear the words unbelievably.

But Elizabetta’s eyes threw up afterwards when she sneered at Carnegis cold.

“But you really suck right now. Goodbye.”

I just walked away.

“Oh, Elizabetta, oh!

The sad screams of Carnegis, who reached for its back, echoed throughout the game venue.

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