I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 71


That evening, Phee was invited by the apprentice knights to go outside the castle now to join him.

“Yeah, fine.”

Fee called Couinu when he smiled and nodded at it.

“Cooinu, like this”


Fee invites me, and Couinu follows me from behind.

It was already a familiar sight in the northern quarters. So nobody goes in there. Instead, Heath and Couinu, when we both invite each other, we all think we should invite Phee.

Coming as far as the northern castle gate, said to be the meeting place, there were face-to-face apprentice knights.

There are also Gollms, Slad and Laemier.

Geese recently suffered a leg injury. He didn’t seem to be here because he couldn’t get out much.

“Looks like we’re all here.”

It was a large area of 11 people in total.

Let’s go, then.

When Slad says so, a group of knights passes by the castle gate.

Some of them were Crowe and Ole Bull.

“Are you guys going out to the city now?


“I’m going downtown!

When Crowe speaks with a casual smile, the apprentice knights reply with joy.

Crowe has a wide face anyway. Originally from the Apprentice Knight, he was active as a member of the First Knight before the 18th Knight could be.

I know most of the Knights because I still go to all kinds of Knights helpers.

Since the senior knight is familiar with his face, the apprentice knight, who is inevitably a junior, could also have the opportunity to talk to Crowe.

Besides, there are fies in the north quarters.

Crowe comes to see Phee well, so sometimes other apprentice knights can talk to Crowe.

“You don’t have to be too late to come home. And say hello about our Heath! Be careful not to get lost.”

“Don’t talk to me like a child.”

Treated as a child following everyone, Fee gave Crowe half an eye.

Next door, Couinu sees Crowe, and he looks flattered and happy.

The knight I admire most is Ior, but he also admires Crowe.

The guy with a lot of heart……, Phee thinks.

But Crowe was one of the knights I admired for most apprentice knights, and each boy seemed happy to be spoken to.

The numb spot is flawed on the balls, but my strength is perfect, my appearance is beautiful, and my personality is good to take care of. This might make it weirder not to admire it.

Besides, Crowe talks about women’s relationships, and the boys are listening a lot, even as they blush. The numbing part for the boys may be positive, not negative, Fee thought.

When the other knights exchanged and spoke a little, the Feys Apprentice Knights decided it was time to head to the city.

Bye. Bye.

The Crows sent out the juniors laughing, and this one waves and breaks up.

Old Bull also dropped me off with a board that said ‘Have fun’.

“Ku, Mr. Crowe, I knew it was cool”

Slad told me to tighten it so the excitement wouldn’t subside.

Plus the still brown-skinned cheeks, and the cooinu with the tide on the Zhu nods yummy.

As I found out when we got along, Couinu was basically silent. When you need it – like when you’ve just been transferring – talk, but other than that, there’s more depression around the listener and the gavel.

Thank you. He seemed like the type of person who couldn’t talk unless he decided beforehand to talk.

Though silent, emotional expression leaks out of expression. We all know what we’re thinking, so there’s no difficulty communicating.

I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing for Couinu.

“I want to be as strong and hot as Mr. Crowe, too.”

He said you couldn’t do it.

Each boy talks about his longing for Crowe.

“I’m getting stronger like Mr. Old Bull.”

In that, it was Gollms who showed admiration for the Old Bull.

“Heh, the Gollms admired Mr. Olble.”

We all have a lot of knights who admire Crowe, but Fie, who loves Old Bull too, jumped to that topic.

“Oh, that guy is amazing. Power is probably the best with no complaints in the Knights. And yet there’s speed, and there’s technology. He’s good at handling all kinds of gear, and if I’m going for it, he’s the only one I know.”

Indeed, Gollms and Olble had similar statures. Mr. Olblu is still bigger around, and Golms is a bad person, and Mr. Olblu is a sweet face to see.

They all have their own knights to admire.

I just want to say I want Phee’s admiration… but I know I can’t be the one I want to be.

So as for realistic goals.

“I guess I’m Mr. Cain.”

“Mr. Cain?

“Who’s that?

Asked back, Phee answers.

“Look, I hide on a tree a lot, I hide my mouth for some reason, it seems so gentle”

“Hiding on a tree?

“Are you hiding your face?

“Is that really a knight…?

Apparently, everyone doesn’t know about Mr. Cain. I’d like to eor. I’m famous around Mr. Crowe, Mr. Olble and Mr. Parwick……

“Mmm, he’s a really cool guy, but no…”

Fee wanted to inflate her cheeks and let everyone know that Mr. Cain existed one day in response to the boys’ reaction.

The boys talk a lot and head down the city at dusk toward the lower town.

The sight of apprentice knights roaming downtown is not uncommon, but the familiar shopkeepers wave at me.

The apprentice knights are about 30% of noble origin, the remaining 70% are of civilian origin. And then there’s a mix of people who are a little suspicious of their origins, like Fee.

When it comes to people who are close to Phee, Couinu, Laemier is from nobility. Gollms, Slad and Geese were from Lower Town.

After all, when the apprentice knights get together because of the high number, they often go downtown. Apprentice knights’ salaries are commensurate with that, so kids from aristocracy get used to it.

When I grow up like Mr. Crowe, I get paid more, and I get a little more adult shops and places to go.

That’s why the apprentice knights rolled out into downtown today, but they were a little different from the way they always go.

I realize Phee didn’t hear the purpose when it came to it.

I thought it was shopping or something exactly, but it’s not like where there’s a downtown commercial district.

“Hey, speaking of which, where are you going?

That’s what I heard, Phee, and the boys gave me the answer.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? We’re all going to the sauna today.”

“Every day, I’m a big swimmer. I’m a little rusty.”

“Lately, they said they had a cheap place, so we decided to go together.”


That’s taking off your clothes and entering a room filled with hot steam, sweating and cleaning your body…

And naturally it was something everyone would go in with……

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