I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 44


Lynette’s first impression of Fee was that, with all due respect, she was not a queen.

I’m wearing a dress once, but it’s visibly old and tailored.

It was normal to have a bunch of the latest fashion dresses if you were a princess.

Phil also has dozens of dresses as gifts from kings, queens, nobles and neighboring royalty.

Yet what this princess was wearing had an old-fashioned feeling by the way. Maybe someone pulled out what was coming to me as a kid.

It’s not well managed either. Normally, if it’s a royal dress, it washes with great care. That’s out of hand, even the samurai here did quite a bit.

But the clothes this princess is wearing are probably laundered with Lynette and other servants. That’s how bad it was.

Then the way you dress isn’t graceful either.

Even dresses similar to those of other nobles, Phil, are completely different when dressed gracefully as if they were something else……

He stared at me, and Fee had a better neck.

Lynette’s hand stretched out unexpectedly and straightened the wrinkled part of her sleeve.

“Please put on the dress properly. Because you are Her Royal Highness, too.”

Besides, the other princess was a little decent.

Then I laughed at her.

“Thank you. Be careful.”

A word of advice is something you do for someone, even if it’s going to hurt their mood to do it. Lynette was still her child’s age, yet she was conscious of that.

Phil listens honestly even if he doesn’t need attention in the first place. But once in a while, when you do it against kings and queens, you can see and face them. In that case, Phil will intercede with you.

People like you are rare, Phil. So I’m sure this princess must be in a bad mood for her own words, too.

That’s what Lynette thought at some point.

By thanking me with an honest smile besides my thoughts, I was made aware of the hint of assumption that was in my heart, and Zhu gave it to Lynette’s cheek.

“I just need you to understand. Excuse me.”

Lynette honestly couldn’t apologize and left the place early enough to receive Thailand.

Dominated by a strange mood, Lynette walks down the hall and returns to Master Feel.

Along the way, a man’s voice stopped Lynette.

“Hey, Lynette. Looks like you’re working hard. He’s just a kid, but he’s great.”

Disgust and a little fear awaken in Lynette at the sound of its faint voice.

“Thank you, Count Jarouge, for your praise”

Lynette hid the emotion and with a firm attitude turned her body toward Count Jarouge, mechanically saying just that and raising her head.

“What do you say? I made the ladies prepare tea now. Why don’t you join us for a drink?

“Excuse me, Phil, I have to get back to you.”

“Wouldn’t it be a little bit better? You need a break, too, huh?

“I’m sorry. Phil, I’m waiting for you…”

“Right…… It’s a busy thing. If you have time, give me some tea, too. Why don’t we have some graceful time together?”

“Yes, if you have time, then”

Lynette said just that and gave her head up again, trying to walk away from this place.

Count Jarouge was a nobleman of Her Royal Highness’s relatives, leaving the territory alone and immersed in the royal palace.

The reputation is not very good for the servants. He wields the servants on unsolicited orders and is annoyed. But the relatives of Her Majesty the Queen meant that there was nothing to beware of him in this royal palace.

But the disgust and fear Lynette has towards this Earl was not like that.

I feel like I’m being looked at with nasty eyes. This 30 year old goes to a man whose age has gone away……

If it was my fault, even Lynette wanted to think so. But I really don’t think it’s my fault.

I’m looking forward to it.

Count Pong’s hand has touched me under my waist.

Lynette’s body grew gross.


The voice that replied was dying……

Don’t stop like that, or I’ll desperately advance my legs and head to Mr. Feel.

I talked to my mother.

But here’s what they said.

“I’m sure it’s my fault. Because of you, Phil, I could be your sidekick. Don’t cause any problems right now. Be patient for a little while.”

(Gotta be patient……)

Tears crept into my eyes as I walked. Desperately put it away. Phil, I’m on my way to you, but don’t show me how you cried. I’m sure you’ll be worried.

I couldn’t even talk to you about this, Phil…

(It’s okay, Phil. It’s true you’re busy serving your side. If you refuse all the invitations, you’ll be fine…)

Lynette told herself that.

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