I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 42


When Phee entered the building of the outhouse, she hurriedly pulled out the dress that had come in the room and changed into it.

There was no visit from Lynette for a while after Phee got dressed, and after about two hours there were signs that someone was finally coming into the outhouse.

“Master Fee, are you there? Lynette.”

Lynette’s voice echoes inside the outhouse.

“Lynette, you’re here. Hissing.”

Fee glanced out of the room and greeted Lynette with a face that didn’t eat anything.

“Master Fee!

As Phee showed her face, Lynette ran over with her eyes nodded.

And look at Fee and open your eyes.

“Master Phee…, my hair…”

“Uh, yeah. I cut it because it’s a hassle after a long time. haha.”

Quickly, he points out his cut hair, and Fee occasionally.

(You’re not suspicious…)

I wasn’t going to keep it a secret forever, either as Fee or Lynette.

I’m hoping I’ll have to talk to Lynette someday, who’s been good to me since I was in Dayman.

But I wanted to do it after a little while.

Maybe Lynette would disagree if she heard she was going to be a knight. Tell me it’s dangerous.

Now Phee was just failing, and she couldn’t have worn her chest to be a fine knight. I want to talk to you if I can grow up and feel confident about myself, that’s what I think. That should have convinced Lynette to disagree.

And Lynette was supposed to be very nasty as Phil’s maid, who was now queen.

I couldn’t let you increase the seeds of extra worry.

Lynette frowned and stared at Fee

(uhh… suspected…?

Sweat drips on Fee’s cheeks.

Lynette looked at Phee’s face for a while and asked about Phee’s recent developments with a crease on her eyebrow root.

“Have you felt incapacitated or treated badly in life here…?

“That’s not true. Every day……, that’s a lot of fun!

Fee makes a grip and theorizes forcefully.

I’m having a lot of fun at stake, and I thought it was just the other way around, and I said it back quite a bit.

In fact, Fee was very pleased with his life in Austol. Not as Princess Fee, but in her life as an apprentice knight.

I met someone who needed me, and I love everyone in the 18th Knights. I want to make friends and live in a dormitory. There was also a sense of fulfillment in remembering training and new things.

Fee even thought it would be good to come to this country.

“Is it true…? If there is any discontent, I will protest against His Majesty Roy.”

“I’m fine! Because I’m really fine!

Lynette said she would protest against His Majesty Roy if anything happened, and Fee panicked.

If they do that, the life of the apprentice knight they got because of it could par down.

And even Lynette is playing Phil’s maid, but it would be damned if she were to buy that lover’s king’s unhappiness.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine!



Fee almost jumped up dangerously when she said it was me because of her clinging habits.

“Eh, heh, I’m fine.”

Please, don’t be suspicious and say it again.

Lynette sees a little bit about Phee, then approaches Phee and touches her cheek, peeking into her face.

“Dinner seems to be… eaten properly”

Yeah, I also ate plenty yesterday in the apprentice knight’s dining room.

“And complexion… fine”

Yeah, I’ve been healthy every day since I fell in training.

Lynette shifted her gaze from her face to Fee’s outfit and frowned.

“The sleeve of the dress is wrinkled. I told you not to wear it in a hurry.”

That’s how Lynette finds the crease in Fee’s dress and stretches it out with her hands.

Seeing the trick, Fee chuckled.

“I kind of miss you. I used to get a lot of attention when I was in Dayman.”

Lynette swelled her cheeks slightly into those words.

“When you say that, it sounds like I’ve been whispering to Fee all my life.”

“Sorry. Sorry.”

Fee knew Lynette had always thought of herself and that’s the kind of attention she paid me.

And that I cared if it didn’t look loud.

“I appreciate Lynette. ‘Cause there wasn’t a lot of people who would pay attention to me.”

They were the ladies who would take care of the least, but they would really do the least, but they never taught Fee anything.

The proper way to wear the dress, the table manners, and on second thought, Lynette might have taught me pretty much.

“Thanks for everything.”

Once again I smiled and thanked her, Lynette’s cheeks turned bright red.

“Well…… that’s not enough for you to appreciate. Wow, I’ll make you some tea. I don’t have much time.”

“Don’t push me if you want.”

“I didn’t do anything I couldn’t!

That’s how it lights up or runs over to the shithole and cooking area.

When Fee breathed relief at the deception he managed to make, Lynette’s tea was a hiccup. I was much purely looking forward to it.

They used to drown me when I could be with Phil or when she was free.

Lynette can only be royal and has many different abilities, but her brewed tea was special and really delicious.

When I had my tea brewed, we both drank it.

She tried to solidify sitting across the street, but was asked to sit because she was rusty.

“A samurai is not allowed to do this by nature,” he says, “but somehow Lynette sits across the street.

Lynette’s tea, which I haven’t had in a long time, was still delicious.

“How’s Phil doing?

Finally, I also decided to ask about my sister.

“Yes. Fee, I missed you!

“Oh. But I’m sure it’s embarrassing, so it’s hard to come and see you.”


Lynette looks sinking in Phee’s words.

I think there’s a lot of important work to be done if you’re the queen of a country as big as Australia.

I’m sure a year or so after I became queen, Fee thought I’d barely even get the free time.

Rather, Lynette, Phil’s closest samurai, was surprised as far as Phee came here.

And when I heard about Feel, I was concerned that Lynette’s face was a little cloudy.

“What’s going on? Talk to me if you have any problems. I can’t really help you, but I can, like, listen to you, okay?

Lynette spreads her neck on the words.

“No, this one’s fine. Please let me know if you have any problems with Mr. Fee.”

That’s how Lynette worries me about Fee.

I think he’s a really good kid. Lynette had been worried about Fee in this way since she was in Dayman.

That’s why Fee wasn’t going to tell the two of us about his predicament in this outhouse from the beginning.

Now I’m an apprentice knight and the situation is improving, even if it stays that way.

Phil and His Majesty Roy, the king of this country, are in love, and Lynette is the maid who serves beside Phil. I was sorry that that was about Phee personally and I was going to snap my leg even slightly.

Fee is also becoming an apprentice knight and his position is improving.

One day I could think of myself as a fine knight, and when Lynette and the Feels settled down, I was going to tell just the two of them then.

Tea time passed quietly.

Lynette seems annoying after all, and as soon as the tea is finished, she begins to make her way home.

“I really wanted more…”

“It’s okay. You can help me with Phil.”


Lynette snorted at Fee’s words.

“I’ll be back when I have time.”

Sweat runs down Fee’s cheek at the word.

(So, if possible, I’d like you to refrain from visiting as much as possible…)

I don’t hate Lynette, and I’m glad she cares.

But it’s a cash story, living as an apprentice knight. Now, Lynette’s visit is hard to deal with.

“Then on the day Lynette can come here, at lunch before that, I wonder if you could keep a scarf on the balcony of the castle you can see from here”

“Do you have a scarf? Why, no…”

They asked me back, and I naturally thought Phee had that question.

“I’m just looking forward to Lynette coming here, and if you find out the day before, you’ll have more time to look forward to, right?

“……………… ok”

I thought it might be a little impossible, but Lynette nodded properly after being silent on Phee’s words.

(Good. Now you manage to delude me)

Now that I have the technology to break into the outhouse, I can manage to deceive you if I know the day to come. Seems nasty, so it shouldn’t come often.

If you deceive yourself with a pseudo-morbidity like today, you should be able to do something about it.

“I’ll definitely be back, Mr. Fee.”

“Yeah, Lynette. See you later!”

Fee waved to Lynette, who sees this one with regret at the end. Turns out Lynette was busy, and when she said goodbye to Fee, she went outside the gate early on.

I’m sure today’s visit, Phee thought, has been impossible for me.

Fee was relieved that Lynette managed to deceive her first visit as she thanked her for coming in like that.

After leaving the palace, Lynette was on her way to Mr. Feel’s early feet.

But what I was thinking in my chest was about you, Fey.

(You were sifting around fine, but that scarf promise… I knew you’d feel rusty…!

Looks like he’s eating rice properly, but there’s no decoration without even that servant. There was no doubt that Mr. Fee was being treated cold, the guards who were unmotivated but wouldn’t let people through in a coal-fired outhouse, a room with little cleaning.

Yet when I worry about this one, I look deliberately well.

(At least……, if those guys would turn to Mr. Fee, we could give them as little support as possible…)

Lynette bites her thumbnail all the time and thinks of the samurai who are resolutely refusing to go take care of Fee.

I didn’t have a job today, but I just hated going to Phee’s, and I was supposed to be wasting my time pretending to be working in a room in the Royal Palace.

(Yeah… I can’t leave you to those guys… Even the samurai of this country speak ill of you, Fi… If I were beside you, I wouldn’t make you think that… I would really like to see you…)

Lynette stops for a moment and leans over her skirt and mocks herself.

(But to Master Fee, I’m just like any other maid… After all, I’m not on your side…)

Lynette eventually chose to be on your side now, Feel.

Lynette thinks of the face of the king of this country. Rumor has it that the king of this country is cheating on Phee, the Queen of the Side. It was spread all over the country. And it’s taken for granted.

(I thank the king of this country for his protection of Master Phil… But Fi, I can hardly accept your treatment)

The king misunderstands. About you, Fee.

If you’d met me once, you’d know. I don’t even try to do that. No one in this country is trying to find out who you really are.

Lynette shook her head at her thoughts, thinking so.

(Yeah, it’s certainly not convincing, but we’re in a position to even thank that king about you, Phil. Maybe I relied too much on wanting something more.

I can’t rely on the king.

I’ll take care of it. If we all see the real Fey once in a while without prejudice, he’ll know he’s a great guy.

But I don’t have time to move freely right now……

Somehow… somehow find time to let the people of this country know how wonderful you are Fee. Then there’s no way they’ll treat me like that)

Lynette so burned a flame in her heart, leaving the outhouse with Fee.

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