I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 10


Phee was at the exam venue in Suiko, holding her knees and crying.

(Couldn’t win…)

At that time, the full blow that Fee unleashed hit Gollms directly.

But still, it didn’t get to defeat Golms.

However, the damage to the Gollms was also enormous.


The giant flutters.

“Seriously, that Gollms!

“Hey, didn’t you think he’d do it?

The audience got into the exact situation.

Phee’s body, which was flying through space, landed on the ground.

(I couldn’t take it down with one blow… I have to chase it to the gap now……)

Gollms is still flustered.

Fee breathed in, stood up his sword and kicked the ground.

“I… win!

At the next moment, it was Phee who collapsed talking to the ground.


There was severe pain running on both legs. Put your foot down for the pain that draws.

The people around me bothered.

“Hey, no way…”


“Oh, my God.”

Fee’s body was so close to its limit at a time when he had originally avoided Golms’ onslaught.

Further to the rapid moves he made to create that opportunity, the jump utilizing the last full body spring, and when he landed on the ground and tried to chase him, Fee’s feet finally turned to their limits.

Fee is stuffy with severe pain and can’t get up.

Look at that, the referee rushes over.

Phee saw it and said immediately.

“I can do it……! You can do it!

And I try to get up.

“No… ahhh…”

But Fee’s legs were already so limited. There’s no way I can stand up in a cramped state.

That only made Fee’s body run further in pain.

“Mana… mana… unbeatable…”

Still, Fee holds the ground trying to hold the sword and stand up.

I didn’t want to give up. I got here because of you. I could almost reach it…

Fee realized when the man in the mask poked him at the question.

There is no one in that outhouse. No one but Fee. And that’s where Phee’s life ends. Just one, in a place surrounded by those high walls. In that dim place. Alone all the time…… Alone……

The shade has finally arrived, the last place where one just disappears lonely……

I didn’t like that.

I want to walk where the light shines properly. I want to spend time with someone in a place like that.

As a child, I think Phee saw the light there when she admired the knight’s story.

That approached the time I could get married, made me quit my sword, and somehow forgot though.

I think it’s stronger now than before.

I want to live in a place like that where there are friends, fellow citizens, seniors and a large number of people who look at me, like Mr. Crowe, someone I haven’t met yet.

“I can’t lose… I… don’t give up… ahhh…”

The audience was also silent about its tears in the pain of cramps but still desperately scratching the ground to get up…

Even Golms stood still and watched as he stunned.

Another minute was about to pass.

A knight who was judging shook his head sadly beside him.

“I can’t do it with that body anymore…”

And declare.

“Just the winner of the match! Gollms!”

The moment I heard that voice, my powers fell out of Fee’s body.

(Lost…… Couldn’t win……)

Cold despair immerses my heart……

(I… didn’t… grab anything…)

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