Chapter 1081

Chapter 1073 – [Extra 3]

Chapter 1073 [Special episode 3]

The well-known female scholar, Her Royal Highness Zhao Zhenfang, the Princess of the Empire, is currently in India.

To be precise, he went to Bangladesh with his husband to take office.

Zheng Sen became a political envoy at a young age, and then he was transferred to the center to hang out. As a son-in-law, he has already touched the ceiling. As the princes and princesses married and had children one after another, the number of clans increased, so Zheng Sen was granted the title of title and transferred to manage the clan mansion.

What is there to manage in the Clan Mansion?

Feeling really bored, Zheng Sen applied to be transferred overseas.

Successively served as the governor of Pattani and Malacca, and both achieved remarkable achievements.

First of all, the northwest coastal area of Malacca, which belongs to the disputed territory of the two sultanates of Suluoge and Pahang. In order to compete for territory, the two countries often fought wars, and the losing party would always send envoys to Nanjing to sue, and the Nanjing court would let the Governor of Malacca be in charge of coordination.

The previous governors of Malacca were mainly committed to development and immigration.

When Zheng Sen took over, there were more than 80,000 Han Chinese in Malacca (including mixed descendants). He secretly provoked the two vassal states to fight, and then stepped forward to mediate. Then, the disputed areas were allocated to the two countries, and all the rest were allocated to Malacca. The area under the governor’s jurisdiction of Malacca more than doubled.

Immediately, Zheng Sen was transferred to be the governor of Pattani, where the territory is much smaller, with only one port city and surrounding villages.

The queen of Beida Nian had no children. She was forced into exile in Yecheng, and it was the governor of Yecheng who helped her restore the country. She doesn’t even have cronies in the country, and she is full of opposition parties. She must rely on the Chinese garrison to maintain her rule.

After the death of the queen, China officially sent a governor to take over.

The first governor, silently immigrated, strengthened the strength of the Han people, and united with the local native Chinese.

By the time of the second governor, the conflict between Tuhua and Tuhua could not be eased. The aboriginal aristocrats conspired to launch a rebellion, killing two Chinese officials and one soldier. The governor dispatched troops to quickly quell the rebellion, and at the same time carried out a major purge in Pattani.

The third governor, develop the territory with peace of mind.

Zheng Sen is the fourth governor of Beida Nian. He is very lucky. Several predecessors have helped him lay the foundation for expansion.

Still using the method of alienation and instigation to make several princes fight among themselves, and then send someone to assassinate the Sultan of the Great Mud Kingdom. After the death of the sultan, the four princes accused each other of killing their father, which started a **** palace coup.

When the time was right, Zheng Sen suddenly sent troops to quell the chaos, and then annexed the entire Great Ni Kingdom.

There are good reasons for the annexation, because the Great Ni Kingdom and the Pattani Governor-General used to be one, and the legal lineage of the Queen of Pattani is higher than that of the Royal Family of the Great Ni Kingdom. The prince who survived was thrown to Nanjing to become a rich man. The area of the Governor-General of Beida Nian has been expanded by more than ten times under the hands of Zheng Sen!

Consecutive achievements in land expansion twice, plus Zheng Sen was originally a son-in-law, and he had already won the title of knighthood, so he was awarded the title of earl. happy.

Subsequently, Zheng Sen was transferred to Chittagong.

The Bangladesh Empire has long since collapsed, and the former governor of Chittagong took advantage of the opportunity to take down various coastal ports. The Governor’s District of Chittagong was also upgraded and renamed the Governor’s District of Bangladesh, and Zheng Sen was the first Governor of Bangladesh.

In terms of importance, Bangladesh can compete with Luzon.

The farming here is well developed, and the grain output is amazing. Moreover, with a large amount of century-old teak, it has become the largest and largest warship timber base in China!

Zheng Sen came here, the first task is to build a shipyard!

Zhao Zhenfang and her husband have been separated for many years, and she couldn’t bear the loneliness, so she also ran to Bangladesh to settle down.

Dhaka, the residence of the Governor-General of Bangladesh.

Before the old Bengal emperor died of illness, he expanded the palace here and wanted to build a palace covering an area of 130,000 square meters.

Now, the palace has become the governor’s residence and military camp.

Zheng Sen and Zhao Zhenfang lived in the innermost, and the outer buildings became barracks for Chinese soldiers.

Early in the morning, Zhao Zhenfang finished dressing and took a carriage to the Buriganga River to attend the completion ceremony of the Tianfei Temple in Dhaka.

The carriage was sent by the nobles of Bengal, and the carriage was even wrapped in gold leaf.

In the whole of Bangladesh, except for the coastal ports, China only occupied Dhaka. The rest of the area is still in the hands of the Tubang princes, who will send taxes regularly, and then continue to be their own Tubawang.

For the Tubang princes, this kind of life is very comfortable, far easier than serving the brutal Bengal emperor.

Even where there is a rebellion, the Tubang princes will help China fight and bear the cost of sending troops by themselves. Through war and looting, they can earn money and express their loyalty to the Chinese governor.

More than a hundred years ago, Bangladesh was very strong and resisted the attack of the Mughal founding army.

After the country was destroyed, those who had the backbone died long ago, and they have been subject to the governor sent by the Mughal emperor. The Bengal emperor a few years ago was also an outsider to the Bengal princes. Now that China occupies this place, it is nothing more than a change of foreign rulers.

Regardless of religious factors, although both belong to Islam, Bangladesh and Delhi belong to different sects. In contrast, Bangladeshis are more tolerant of the existence of Taoism, at least the religious leaders are not afraid of being robbed of followers.

The governor and his wife left the palace, surrounded by only thirty Datong soldiers.

The other two hundred guards are all Bangladeshi soldiers.

The officers were from Kshatriya, the soldiers were from Vaishya, and the core members even had flintlock guns. Walking on the street, they all held their heads high, proud of their status as the governor’s bodyguard.

Mirza rode a horse to clear the way ahead. He was the youngest son of a Tubang prince, and his father was the first to surrender.


Mirza whipped out and hit a passerby who had already given way, because the passerby didn’t give way enough.

Seeing the people fleeing in a hurry, Mirza couldn’t help laughing.

Although Zheng Sen asked him to treat the common people kindly many times, Mirza believed that the majesty must be displayed at all times so that the common people can respect the governor.

Because he is loyal enough, the governor has promised to take him to Nanjing when he returns to China, and recommended him to enter Jinling University. As long as you get your graduation certificate, you can serve as a senior native official in the Governor’s Palace when you return to Bangladesh.

Traitorous for glory?

Mirza and other Bengalis have no such concept at all.

They have long been accustomed to being ruled by foreign races, so as long as their own interests are not violated, they are willing to submit to foreign races. If they can still get benefits, they are the most loyal lackeys, willing to do anything for alien rulers.

Forty minutes later, the governor’s team came to the river.

It used to be a swamp area where only a few fishermen lived. After the swamp was drained, it was specially used to resettle the Han people. At first, they were just merchants, and then gradually there were immigrants. Now the number of Han people is close to 2,000.

The two thousand Han people are all merchants and craftsmen—hair shavers and shoe repairers are also considered craftsmen.

In the future, there will definitely be Han Chinese farmers, and the farmland will be allocated. As for the original owner of the cultivated land, he could just kill them, and some lackeys would help them.

Zheng Sen promoted a large number of foreign nobles and asked them to come to Dhaka to serve as officials. Instead, the local nobles in Dhaka were suppressed. The main conflict now has become a struggle between foreign nobles and local nobles.

“The governor is here, the lady is here!”

A Chinese guard shouted.

Mirza, who led the army to clear the way, also shouted in bad Chinese: “The governor is here, the lady is here!”

A group of Han merchants and craftsmen had already been waiting outside the Tianfei Temple, and at this moment they collectively bowed to the carriage. The Bengali people in the outer circle knelt down in unison. They were the workers who built the Tianfei Temple.

Zheng Sen led Zhao Zhenfang out of the car, smiled and said, “Everyone is welcome.”

All the Han people received the gifts and stood up straight, but the Bengali people still knelt and prostrated themselves on the ground, not even daring to look directly at the governor.

This set of etiquette was told to Zheng Sen by the previous governor of Chittagong when he handed over the work.

In the entire Indian region in a broad sense, the hierarchy is strict, so don’t try to break it. On the contrary, it is necessary to make good use of it, so as to facilitate the rule, otherwise there will be chaos.

When Zhao Zhenfang first came to Bangladesh, she was a little uncomfortable, but she gradually enjoyed it.

Who doesn’t want to be a master?

In the governor’s mansion, Zhao Zhenfang has more than 30 servants, dedicated to serving her daily life.

It doesn’t cost much to raise servants, just take care of food and housing, but those servants will be very grateful if they are rewarded with some clothes and copper coins. Ordinary servants do not need to be paid at all, because that is the privilege of senior servants, and only servants who are promoted to management are paid.

Of course, Zhao Zhenfang is kind-hearted and often helps the poor, especially beggars on the street. When she saw a beggar, she always thought of her childhood experience.

Derived from the tradition of giving in Hinduism, Zhao Zhenfang’s act of giving is more noble. This is in line with local customs and teachings, so the Bengali people respect Zhao Zhenfang more than Zheng Sen, and believe that the governor’s wife is the reincarnation of a certain god.

“Bang bang bang bang…”

Not gunfire, but firecrackers.

It is not only to welcome the governor and his wife, but also to celebrate the completion of the Tianfei Temple.

The construction of the Tianfei Temple outside Dhaka did not cause any storms. The main religious contradiction here is the contradiction between the majority of believers and the minority of Hindus, and the contradiction between local sects and foreign Sufi sects.

Zheng Sen implements the policy of religious freedom, but in fact, he has a poisonous scheme, which has caused various sects to be beaten to death.

A middle-aged Taoist priest, with several apprentices, welcomed Zheng Sen and Zhao Zhenfang into the Tianfei Temple.

“Qin Daoist, the Tianfei Temple is a bit shabby, and there are not many Taoist priests in the temple.” Zheng Sen joked.

Qin Daoist said: “Sincerity leads to spirituality, regardless of the size of the temple.”

Zheng Sen suddenly asked: “How is the missionary work going?”

Taoist Qin shook his head and smiled wryly: “The poor Taoist finally learned to speak the local dialect, but there are no locals who are willing to join the religion.”

“Don’t worry, take your time,” Zheng Sen said, “Make use of the strengths of your Taoism, don’t worry about the low-level civilians, and see if you can absorb the local nobles and wealthy businessmen.”

While speaking, he had already reached the main hall.

Zhao Zhenfang knelt down and prayed facing Mazu, begging Mazu to send her grandson. Her second son gave birth to four children in a row, all of whom were daughters, and she had made up her mind to adopt one from her eldest son.

In some areas, Mazu also works part-time to deliver children…

A fast boat came up the river, and a messenger went to the Governor’s Mansion in the city, and then rode to the Tianfei Temple.

“Governor, the court has urgent orders!”

Zheng Sen opened the seal and took a look, but he was asked to transfer troops.

The imperial court is preparing to take Ceylon and drive the Netherlands out of Asia. The governor of Bengal must summon 10,000 native soldiers and send them to Ceylon next year as cannon fodder. King Jin in South India also received an order to send 3,000 troops next year.

(end of this chapter)

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