I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-16 A Quickfire Conversation

Once in the kitchen Corrin got to making pancakes while I silently helped. As they got close to being finished I sat down at the table. I want to talk, but I can’t think of anything to say. I want to ask her so many things and tell her everything that’s happened recently, but I don’t know how to start the conversation. All I can think of is how embarrassing it’ll be if I tell her everything only to wake up once I’m done dreaming. How am I supposed to actually talk to her after that? 

Do I just go up to her on the street and be like ‘hey last night I dreamt that I woke up in your bed and I just had to talk to you.’ Aghh that just makes me sound like some sleazy pick up artist. Come on, think! If this isn’t a dream then I’ll just miss a great opportunity to finally chat. Sure maybe it makes no sense that she knows what she does, but I also don’t remember falling asleep in her bed. Maybe I already told her everything and I’ll instead embarrass myself by repeating everything.

I slump down into the chair and rest my head on the table before letting out a quiet sigh. What happened to all the courage I had last night?

“Hey you better not be falling asleep again. Geez I know the summer heat makes you tired, but how much can you really sleep?”

I lift my head up to look at Corrin and see that she's already finished making a plate of pancakes. I let out an embarrassed chuckle and say, "I guess it’s just one of my talents.”

“Well nevermind that. The first batch is done so go ahead and eat before you mistake them for your pillow. I don’t think I have any syrup left though so you’ll have to live without drowning your pancakes.”

“Ah no worries I’ll just create one real quick.”

With a bottle of syrup now in my hands I promptly set out to completely cover my pancakes and begin eating. Before long Corrin finishes the next batch and sits down to eat as well. Soon I realize that we’ve fallen back into an awkward silence, constantly exchanging glances, but never restarting the conversation. 

Surely there’s some topic I can think of. Hmm… I could just pretend nothing weird happened and ask how she’s been over the summer break. At the very least it would get us talking about something, even if it’s not an important conversation. But when was it necessary for all conversations to be important; I just want to have some fun with Corrin.

“So tell me what you’ve been up to ever since you’ve faked your death.” Or I guess we can forget my idea. It’s fine. I’m not upset. It’s not like I was curious about how Corrin was doing or anything.

“Uh well a little bit of this happened and I ended up changing how I look so then I decided to create a new identity. Which I guess does sound like I faked my death, but I honestly didn’t mean to. I just… you know, wanted to be a little cuter so I created a new body. I swear I didn’t realize my old body would die as a result! I wasn’t trying to abandon you or make you believe I died!”

“Calm down a sec. Ever since you ‘died’ in the hospital I never once thought that you were actually dead. We didn’t know where you went, but your parents were very clear on the fact that you were still alive.”
I almost jumped out of my seat as I shouted, “You talked to my parents?! I haven’t seen them in years, what on earth are they doing and where on earth are they doing it?”

“So about that…” Corrin sits silent for a few moments before letting out a long groan. She then says, “How am I supposed to explain this? Erm… I guess I should just speak and get it over with. So with that said, your parents are gods and for the past while they’ve been ignoring important stuff, aka you, so that they can travel the world or something. Now I know this because I’m also a god, albeit one that was born around the same time as you. You understand it all so far?”

“Uhhhh no? Although I guess my parents being gods would match up with some things I guess? Pretty sure it’s a common theme for gods to be terrible parents.”

Corrin sat silent for a few seconds, seemingly stunned. She then let out an awkward cough before speaking again. “Well I guess it is a common theme, but nevermind that. Do you really believe me? I thought for sure that you’d try and go back to sleep after thinking that you were still dreaming.”

“Oh come on Corrin. I know I’m a heavy sleeper, but at this rate you’re going to make someone think I sleep forty-eight hours a day.”

“Hey you’re the one who keeps falling asleep in front of me. I’m gonna have to start carrying a pillow for you at this rate. Maybe a sleeping bag as well for good measure.”

“Hey there’s no need for you to carry all that stuff around Corrin.”

“Yeah I guess I was exaggerating-” 

Before she could finish her sentence I quickly interrupted. “I mean why should I make you carry around stuff for me. Why tire ourselves out with luggage when I can just create everything we need on the spot.”

“Oh? Should I take this as an invitation? Let’s go camping then; we still have a few days left before school.”

“Huh? Wait a sec I can’t just abandon Annette at home”

“Oh great idea! Let’s invite Annette as well. You said she was your sister yeah? Well it wouldn’t do to leave her behind. You teleported into my house so surely you can teleport us back to yours.”

Wait what’s happening. I feel like I accidentally fast-forwarded our conversation. All of a sudden I’m bringing Corrin home? Then we're going on a trip? How did we get here? Ah nevermind! I should answer her first. “Yeah I should be able to teleport us back home.”

Corrin jumps out of her seat while excitedly shouting, “Great! Come on then let’s not waste time. We haven’t done anything this summer and I won’t let school start before we do.”

So… Is it too late for me to bring my parents up again? No? Hah, I guess this trip is just giving me the time with Corrin that I wanted.

Why do I always have almost the same exact excuse for late chapters. My internet went down for two weeks then I got distracted playing Final Fantasy 16. Like how does my internet seem to always find time to go down for long periods. Completely my fault for getting distracted by ff16 though.

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