I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-12 The Friend I Dearly Miss

There was a lot that I had to think about after everything settled down. With time slowly ticking away and nothing else to distract me I had to think about school. I already decided to have Annette go to school and already finished doing all the necessary things to get her ready for the school year. I want her to have some friends her own age though I wouldn’t mind if she still prefers to hang out with me.

I have Annette all ready to go to school but I have yet to go through the necessary procedures for myself. I haven’t decided if I want to continue going to school and I wonder if I even actually have enough time left to sign up. Eh who am I kidding of course I have enough time. I could easily create something that rewinds time or makes school start later after all.

I just worry about what I should do regarding my best friend Corrin. It’s been a little over two years since my accident and a month since I died after all. We weren't childhood friends but we were best friends so I don’t believe that she would get over my death that quickly. At least I would probably hole myself up in my house for a few months if she died.

I could just tell her, “Yeah I survived,” but it’s not believable. Not to mention the fact that if a stranger suddenly appeared in her life and claimed to be her dead friend it wouldn't exactly help her mental state. I can’t even do the stereotype of talking about a secret shared only between the two of us because I usually end up forgetting what secrets she told me. Even if I had a perfect memory it’s not like I’d be able to utilize it. We didn’t exactly have any secrets that we cared about hiding from other people so we usually told our other friends as well. Of course I never told her about how my parents don't live with me and I’m sure she kept a few secrets from me as well, but even the best of friends usually keep the shameful part of themselves secret.

Anyways, sharing a secret that only the two of you should know always works in stories but it'd be much harder to convince people in a world where it’s normally impossible to literally become a different person. Corrin would most likely think I’m just some stalker that listened in on one of our conversations rather than her best friend who got reborn in another body. No matter how similar my personality is to my old body's, she would just think we’re similar because it’s way more logical than body swapping or reincarnation. Is it even appropriate to call my case reincarnation? I did create a new body for myself before I died and my old body didn’t die until after I left it. …I guess it doesn’t really matter what I call it.

If nothing else works I could probably create something that makes her believe it’s me but I’d rather not do something like that to her. I’m all for using my powers to help me do whatever I want with my life but mind controlling my best friend is just something that doesn’t appeal to me. I know that I could easily use my powers to manipulate mine or Corrin’s emotions, but I just don’t want to do anything that would harm her. The guilt of controlling her life would just constantly eat away at me. Someone like me doesn't deserve to change her life for my own convenience.

Maybe we could just start as acquaintances again? After thinking it through, introducing myself as her old friend just sounds like a terrible idea. It is extremely likely that doing so would just make her relive the misery that accompanied my death and it would just make her hate me instead. It just sounds like a way better idea to become her new friend named Sophie that helped her when she was depressed over her best friend's death.

Though maybe I just prefer this method because I don’t want to face the fact that I abandoned my best friend for a month. Hell, I completely forgot about her because I had too much fun messing around with my new power. …I really miss hanging out with Corrin. She was always the perfect person to help with my air-headed personality and I always enjoyed being around her.

All this reminiscing is reminding me of a slightly embarrassing notebook of mind, though maybe calling it a diary would be more correct. Corrin may not have been a childhood friend but she was my first friend. Kind of sad that I didn't have any friends until highschool but that's why I cherished our friendship so much by writing something down every time we did something together. No matter whether it was just simple stuff like when we would have a really entertaining conversation or something more unique like going somewhere special to have fun, I would always write a little bit down. That way I could remember all the fun we had together whenever I was feeling sad or if we had to separate for a few days.

I carried it with me everywhere so I wouldn’t be surprised if it burned up along with my old body. Though I guess I can always put my powers to use and recreate it. A few seconds later I had an exact copy of the notebook sitting in my lap as I was rereading it. When I was done reading I felt bittersweet because this book won’t have anymore pages being filled out. But even if our relationship is going to be different than before I want to write another book filled with happy moments like this.

I set the diary down on the nightstand next to my bed and I walked over to my laptop/supercomputer. I had it automate the process of doing whatever you’re supposed to do when you sign up for a new school. I was unsure if I would actually know what school she went to but after our old one burned down there’s only one other school left standing in the city. Our city isn’t small but it wasn’t exactly big either so I don’t know why we had two schools in the first place. Maybe this other one was a private school that was forced to turn public because it was the only one nearby.

Anyway, I wanted to be extra sure so I had my supercomputer confirm that she didn’t move to another city. With it confirmed that she still lives here I finished signing up and I started figuring out what to do about the events requiring parents considering I don't have any. I guess it wouldn’t be that hard to play the rich kid with bad parents and just bring one of my maids to act like my mother. It’s not like the school actually cares if you bring your parents, they just need to be a legal guardian.

Actually what did I even do for those events when I was younger? I’ve been living by myself since I was ten and my old school definitely had papers that required parent signatures or events that required legal guardians to meet the teachers. I tried thinking for a few minutes and maybe my memory is just shit but I don’t remember doing anything like that. I remember seeing other students get papers requiring the signatures but when I try to remember if I actually received them I can’t think of anything. Maybe I just experienced some weird memory loss from my accident or something.

Disregarding whatever happened in the past, I just waited for my supercomputer to finish. This thing really is useful and I've said it multiple times by now but I really should give it a name soon. I’d love to name it after some robots in games but they tend to lie about giving you cake and eventually try to kill you so it isn't the best idea I've had. Once I have free time again I can try to put effort into thinking of a name and I’m sure the computer wouldn’t mind pulling up the random name generator again.

Eventually the supercomputer finished getting everything ready and now I just need to wait about a week for school to actually start. At least this year I can just use my powers to cheat my way through the school year. No test questions will last long against the almighty google. I just hope that I can actually become friends with Corrin again. Ever since she saved my life I've wanted to be with her forever.

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