I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-1 The Superpower I want

I always thought that I was an abnormal teenager. But then again maybe every teenager thinks they’re abnormal. Maybe I’m a normal person after all?! Nah I doubt it, after all the day I turned 16 I gained a superpower.

When I woke up the first thing I thought was, “Do I have to go to school today?” It was the day before Summer Break started and I was feeling really tired. I stayed in my bed complaining about how much I didn’t want to go to sleep for about ten minutes before one of my few friends called me. “Hey, have you finished your project for Literature yet?”

“Huh, since when did we have a project for Literature?”

“Since a few days ago. Are you sure that you’re ok? You’re not someone who easily forgets about homework.”

“Yeah I’m fine Corrin, just been really tired lately. So what is this project about?”
“We just had to choose a super power and create a short story about it.”

“Well that sounds pretty easy for a High School project. You're not going to tell me that it’s due today are you?”

“Well… Yes actually. I called because I was curious about what superpower you wrote about.”

“Shit, sorry Corrin I’ll have to call you back.” I grabbed my laptop and started typing up the most basic story I could think of about someone who could create anything with no limitations, mainly because I was in too much of a hurry to come up with limitations.

When I finished writing my story I realized that I still wasn’t dressed and that school starts in 15 minutes. So I started printing my story while I put on my school uniform. After getting ready I rushed out the door without eating anything. This is one of those times where I wished I had the money to buy a car so that I could drive to school.

Thankfully I live really close to school so I was able to get there in time by running. I was having trouble breathing because of my asthma and when I looked in my pockets for my inhaler I couldn’t find it. “Shit I must have left it at home.” Since I’m already almost late I just have to hope that I don’t have to do much physical activity. My medical condition excuses me from P.E. so I should probably be fine.

During lunch I met up with Corrin and we told each other our stories. “Wow, you really didn’t put much thought into writing this story.”

“Well of course I didn’t. I only worked on it this morning after all. Though I wouldn’t complain if I were able to create anything with no limitations. There’s a lot of room for loopholes within the rules after all.”

“Yeah the superpower I wrote about may be more unique but it was really hard to write a story about. Being able to teleport anything into your hand doesn’t offer very much story material.”

The last class of the day was Literature and I turned in my project hoping I wouldn’t do too badly. I could barely focus on the rest of the class because of how tired I was. By the time class ended I was giving it my all just to walk out of the classroom.

My sleep-deprived brain didn’t even hear what everyone was shouting. Everyone was desperately running away from something behind me but I was too tired to figure out what. I soon started coughing and it was becoming really hard to breathe. I reached for my inhaler forgetting that I had forgotten today. I soon collapsed and before I lost consciousness I saw a lot of fire looming over me.

When I woke up I could barely move around and it hurt to open my eyes. I tried to look around me and I saw that I was in a hospital room. I could barely move my head around but I was able to tell that the rest of my body was wrapped in bandages. 

I remember that there was a fire right next to me when I passed out. Since I’m wrapped in bandages I assume I got burned pretty badly. But how did I survive? I doubt help would have gotten to me that quickly, not to mention the fact that the fire was really big and I don’t think a fire extinguisher would be able to put it out.

I wasn’t left alone with my thoughts for long because I saw Corrin walk through the door. When she saw that I was awake she seemed really happy and began to talk. “I’m so glad that you’re alive! You’ve been out for so long that everyone else gave up on you waking up. Hell I almost did as well, the only reason I visited was because it was your birthday.”

I tried to respond to her, ask how I’m still alive but it hurt too much to speak. Corrin noticed so she instead just told me about everything that has happened to her and the few other friends I have. Everyone was enjoying Summer Break and some people were even saying they wished the school burned down earlier so that they would have gotten an early Break.

Eventually Corrin left and I was left to think. Even if I were to heal from all these burns I’d probably just end up severely handicapped. If only I could just make a second body that I could use since this one is essentially destroyed. I thought that as a joke but then for some reason I felt like I could actually do it.

So I imagined creating a more beautiful body that my soul could inhabit and be the new me. I wanted to create the new body in my house so that I didn't have to deal with hospital procedures and in the end I somehow did it. When I left my old body I could see the vitals flatline and now I have to contemplate the fact that I’m technically dead. I don't know how I should feel about that but more importantly I somehow feel like I can create anything with no limitations, just like my short story.

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