I Will Live As An Actor

Chapter 109:

Chapter 109:

Chapter 109

Pass or fail

There was an inexplicable tension on the set.

Was it because some high-ranking officials from the broadcasting station were coming for inspection?

No, that wasnt it. Was it because they were filming a high-difficulty action scene?

That wasnt it either.

The reason why the set was so tense was this.

Today was the day of the college entrance exam results for Young-guk.

Hey, Young-guk, did you get the results?

PD Yoo Myung-han and AD Kim Young-min rushed into the waiting room together.

Their faces were full of curiosity.

Didnt the news spread like wildfire in the broadcasting world that Young-guk applied to the law school of Korea University?

Its still too early for the results. I think Ill find out after the afternoon shooting.

Ah, Im dying of curiosity. But how come you look so relaxed, Young-guk? I thought you were only like that when you were filming, but now I see that you dont even know the word nervous.

Young-guk gave a faint smile. He was curious as well, to be honest.

I wish I could shut that reporters mouth, how embarrassing.

It wasnt just the article, everyone in the broadcasting world knew about it. But Young-guk had something else on his mind right now.

Didnt he unintentionally get into a heated debate with the professors at the oral interview?

He was probably the only person who had argued with the professors at the Korea University interview.

As soon as he finished the interview and came out, he felt like he had blown it, but what could he do? It was water under the bridge. By the way.

Director Yoo, if I get accepted, youll have to adjust the schedule for the orientation. Is that okay with you?

What kind of question is that? Of course Ill do it if you get accepted, Young-guk. Theres an old saying, you know? Love your juniors, love your country.

Wait a minute, Director Yoo, you graduated from Korea University?

AD Kim Young-min PD explained on behalf of the embarrassed PD Yoo Myung-han.

Young-guk, you didnt know? Director Yoo is from the Broadcasting Department of Korea University. He passed the public recruitment PD exam of all three broadcasting stations as soon as he graduated. Hes a legendary mon, no, person among the job seekers preparing for the broadcasting PD exam.

Kim Young-min, you were about to say monster, werent you?

So what if I did? Its not like its wrong. Its hard enough to pass the public recruitment PD exam of one broadcasting station, but Director Yoo passed all three terrestrial stations. From my perspective, who took the exam three times, hes a legendary monster.

You brat, do you think Im some kind of Loch Ness monster? And stop goofing off here and go to the set and get the extras ready. Were going to sleep here tonight.

AD Kim Young-min scratched his head and left the waiting room.

Only then did PD Yoo Myung-han look different.

Young-guk knew he was a capable PD, but he was more amazing than he thought.

Well, he was the person who became the youngest drama director in the future.

He was extraordinary from the start.


Scene number 17, Yi-yung and Yi-gyeol!

The sound of the clapperboard always brought tension.

Especially when it was the scene where the crown prince Yi-yung and the white general Yi-gyeol met.

As the tension rose, the branches of the trees in Gyeolsan Valley clashed and danced as if they were crying out in despair.


In the winter wind, a horse with a dark red mane moved its steps.

The sound of the hooves trampling the snow-covered ground filled the microphone of the sound team with solemnity.

On the leather-covered saddle, a man in silk clothes sat. His eyes peeked through the gaps of the silk hat that covered his face.

Kwak-san, is that the place?

Yes, sir. I know. He slaughters the cows alone in that barn when its the hour of the monkey. Even the people who live in Gyeolsan Valley dont go near that barn at that time. In case the vengeful spirits of the dead cows cling to them and cause misfortune Sir, instead of going there yourself, why dont I go first and bring him out?

Theres no need for that.

He gently squeezed the reins in his hand, and the horses head moved.

As if reading his masters thoughts, the horses head pointed to the barn that was isolated from the rest of Gyeolsan Valley.

Despite the harsh winter, the barn was filled with a thick smell of blood.

Not to mention the bugs that tried to squeeze through the gaps between the wooden planks.

Is my brother in there?

Under the silk hat, a flicker of emotion passed through Yi-yungs eyes.

Your Highness.

There was worry in the voice of Kwak-san, the royal guard.

This was not a pleasant place.

They said that the souls of countless livestock haunted this place, and that anyone who was not a butcher would be tainted by impurity if they entered. But Prince Yi-yung shook his head briefly.

Its fine. This is where my brother is. How can I not come?

He dismounted from his horse and entered the barn.

In the slaughterhouse known as Cheongung (Heavenly Palace), four extras were holding a large chroma key screen.

PD Yoos voice was tense as he watched the filming scene.

It was almost the first time that he used the chroma key technique in a drama.

Not to mention acting with an invisible opponent. But for Young-guk, who played the prince, that didnt seem to bother him either. His eyes, as he entered the barn, were directed at his unseen brother.

Inside the barn, the butcher Yi-gyeol was reciting the scriptures and preparing for the slaughter.

A cow with a ghost mask moaned as a sudden winter wind blew. Then butcher Yi Gyeol asked, holding an axe, Who are you to enter Cheongung (Heavenly Palace) so recklessly?

Why do you call this barn Cheongung?

It is named after the wish that the poor souls of the livestock may rise to the sky and meet the Jade Emperor safely and return to human form. Judging by your appearance, you look like a noble son who went hunting. As you can see, this place is full of blood and stench, not a place to rest. Go back. If you stay longer, you will be afflicted by impurity and not live long.

A staff member behind the chroma key screen recited the lines of Butcher Yi-gyeol.

He was not a real actor, so it was a matter that could easily distort his emotions, but Young-guks voice was firm.

How dare you speak so rudely to a noble, butcher?

What use is status under the sky? Nobles are not dropped from the sky either.

Haha, you are right. We are all born from our mothers wombs. There is no difference in birth between kings and commoners. Its just where we grew up thats different.

Butcher Yi-gyeol looked at Prince Yi-yung with a curious gaze through his messy hair. Who was he to come to this remote mountain village, and to enter the barn where the slaughter takes place? Then it happened.

Yi-yung untied the cloth that covered his face. Butcher Yi-gyeol was startled and gripped his axe.

Who are you?

He had the same face as himself, but a different attire.

One was wearing dirty and bloody clothes that were no different from a rag, while the other was wearing a neat hat and a silk robe like a noble. Then, tears fell from Prince Yi-yungs eyes, revealing his loneliness. He smiled and said, Im your brother.


After the afternoon shooting.

There was an unusual commotion at the filming site.

All the staff were listening attentively near the waiting room.

In the waiting room, Young-guk was still sitting in his silk robe without changing his costume.

People might think Im running for mayor. Youre all too excited, arent you?

Of course we are, if you pass, itll be a celebration, right, Director Yoo, right?

Yeah. You guys just get ready to eat some rice cakes. Am I putting too much pressure on you?

Director Yoo, along with Kim Deuk-yoong, the cinematographer, gathered in the waiting room.

The sound director, the lighting director, the costume team leader, the makeup team leader, and all the staff who were doing their best at the filming site were all there.

They were all curious about Young-guks entrance exam results.

Ill be so embarrassed if I fail.

The directors were joking with each other to avoid putting pressure on Young-guk, but to be honest, it would be a lie if he said he was not burdened by being together like this.

In the meantime, Manager Lee Bong-chun was also waiting with bright eyes. Of course, he would call the agency as soon as the results were announced.

I shouldnt have fought with the interviewer.

Young-guk regretted it now, but what could he do? In fact, even if he went back to the oral exam day, he would have given the same answer.

Young-guk picked up the phone.

He dialed the number of the admissions office of Korea University.

The waiting room, which was noisy until a moment ago, became quiet as if everyone had agreed.

I called to inquire about the entrance exam results. My name is Jang Young-guk and I applied for the Law Department, my exam number is

Young-guk recited his exam number over the phone and waited.

Everyone looked at his face, trying to guess the result from his expression. But for some reason, his face didnt change.

There was no sign of joy or sorrow. How much time had passed?

"Yes, I understand," Young-guk answered briefly and hung up the phone.

No one dared to ask him anything.

After all, if he had passed, he would be smiling by now.

That was when the quick-witted Director Kim Deuk-yoong stepped in.

"You don't have to go to Korea University. What's so special about that school? Those professors have bad eyesight. They can't recognize a genius like you. Let's go, everyone. Young-guk had a hard day today. We should let him rest."

The other directors nodded and agreed with Kim Deuk-yoong's words.

They tried to clear the way for me. But then, Young-guk asked Kim Deuk-yoong a question.

"Director, why aren't you congratulating me?"

"What did you say? No way! Young-guk, are you telling me you passed?"

Kim Deuk-yoong's eyes widened in disbelief. He soon realized the truth and his eyes grew even bigger.

The other directors were the same.

They stopped in their tracks and turned around.

At that moment, Young-guk threw a curveball at PD Yoo Myung-han who graduated from Korea University.

"Sunbae, I think you need to adjust my schedule."

PD Yoo Myung-han's eyes bulged out like lanterns. He then burst into cheers as if he was the happiest person in the world.

The staff who were listening from outside the waiting room rushed in as they heard the loud celebration.

The first one to enter was AD Kim Young-min.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Just watch!"

AD Kim Young-min lifted me up like a sack of rice. Young-guk was wearing a silk robe.

The other staff followed suit and lifted him up as well.

They all pretended not to care, but they were all hoping for him to pass the exam.

In the midst of their cheers, Young-guk flew into the air on a silk robe.


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