I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 26

Let’s live in a warm house in the fall.

Fortunately, there was little I knew about how badly Aura had been wounded. It was thought that not coming out of the house was also due to his weak heart due to injuries, and there was nothing suspicious about the fact that he was locked up even when he was pleased with his recovery when he saw the slender aura that actually came out.

If I knew the wounds I’d never healed would heal, there would be plenty of things I’d like to get healed even if I took Shaw and Alfie. But all I can say is that this time it was special.

Firstly, that the two were eggs of a good healer with a lot of magic, that they were close enough to remember each other’s magic as a result of being in a group and healing during two months of hunting, and the details of their faces properly.

Even if there were about two good healers, the healers could only be healed by people as close to their parents or children as their lovers, and they don’t know if they have enough magic. Nothing but a miracle, such as such a vague cure. The mentor was not at all willing to spread the word either, as it was not as versatile as the healing of Shaw’s copy and inversion.

Sleep overnight, such as a child’s magic loss, and it will heal in no time. Even Falco of worry didn’t complain about the job because he knew Shaw was a healer just like he was a hunter.

And when Aura was able to get out, only rumors of Shaw’s cute sleeping breath were spreading into the northern town.

When Shaw inquired about the youth group because he felt they were kind of laughing at him, he talked about Shaw’s sleep, and that’s why Shaw and his mentor went to Falco when Shaw followed the rumor that it was water in his sleeping ear.

That’s why the mentor and Falco are now being pursued by the younger group of girls.

“Unbelievable, I can’t believe I told you about when the girl was asleep”

“Whatever Falco is, I’m disappointed in his mentor.”

Falco wants to look like Shaw, even though he’s unhappy that I’d do it anyway. He is pointing that way with his arms together.

“Hey, Shaw, I’m sorry. Cute.”

to Falco, who excuses himself as a grater,

“You think you can forgive me for anything when I say cute?

“Let’s not!

The girls hunt down even more instead of Shaw.

“Me, but I’m only talking to Leon and my mentor.”

“Me too, only to Jonah”

Yes, the mentor makes excuses, too.

“Blame people!


The frying phrase pissed off by the girls, Shaw left with everyone in a pussy. The last time Aura stayed.

“Silly Falco. If you’d shut up, nobody would have known about the cute Shaw. Now people all over town know how cute Shaw is.”

Shit! He’s so cute, I just wanted to tell someone. Falco was shocked.



“Don’t talk to your mentor about Shaw anymore.”

“No, because from now on, I’m silent! Even I want to be healed!

They were bad adults.

In the end, not least because you can talk about Shaw, but Falco decided to party with Nature and Leon from the end of his summer hunt. Leon, once forcibly retired, had no more guile ambitions, and Falco picked up Shaw, and then was no longer driven by an unclear sense of impatience, nor hunted hard by the murmur. Loving Shaw, he had such a relaxing day, going only to hunt where he could go from the north town at will.

I found a nice house.

To Falco, who says it’s pompous, a mentor says it.

“If you talk about it, you might forgive me.”

“Whether you’ll talk to me in the first place…”

“Uh, hang in there”

It was Falco going back to the inn with a bum.

When I went back to the inn and tried to act like a horrible show, I was in a completely fixed mood. He was angry once, so I felt better. Falco is relieved,

“Hey, I found a nice house.”

I talked to him.


“If we stay like this, we’re going to go to the North Forest undecided.”

Yes, not another February. We’re going to the North Forest again.

“It’s got hot springs, right?

“I want to go!

“See you tomorrow.”

That’s how Shaw and Falco went with Leon the next day to see the new house. It was a gardened house in the direction of the North Forest, contrary to the rocky landscape of star pick-up. Still, I can go to Gina’s inn in 10 minutes. There were many rentals and lodgings out in the north town, as the hunters came and went, and healers who wanted to learn from their mentors often came.

On the ground floor there is a spacious living room, a kitchen, a bath with hot springs, and one large bedroom, on the second floor there are two ensuing rooms with small living rooms, and one room for guests through the hallway. It’s an old but well maintained house.


Shaw is sparkling his eyes.

“But not wide enough for us?

“The cabins in the North Forest had more rooms, didn’t they? I’ll help you clean it.”

I was the main and unmotivated Falco.

“I’d like a room upstairs.”

Leon said.

“Do you live in Leon, too?

“No? Falco and I are having a party, so it’s convenient.”

“I don’t want to. Just.”

Shaw saw Falco. Falco felt like telling me to live alone.

“You’d better have two of them to protect you, too. ‘Cause Leon would know how to feel.”


“Then I’m upstairs!

“In this continuing room, me and Shaw. What do you say? You can pull in here when you don’t want to see Leon’s face.”

“You don’t.”

Leon opened his mouth.

“Can I get you a tiny little room?

“Fine. Well, I wouldn’t use it.”

Shaw thought I could use it. In the end I could only use noon until I was a little older, but I couldn’t help it because Falco couldn’t give this away.

“I like it here!

“Well, if you want Shaw, you can stay here.”

“Me too.”

“I don’t care about Leon”


In the morning, Shaw does the rice routine. When we all go out, meet at Gina’s inn at night. It’s hard for Shaw to make dinner, too, so I’ll come home for dinner at the inn. Housekeeping is shared. I have money, so I don’t have to ask for help. Leon has a wider face, so customers are limited to what Shaw’s educationally okay with. Guess.

Leon lived in an inn even though he was in the north town for years in the first place. And it’s not even Gina’s inn. It’s a lodging on a 2,000 gill guild overnight. Of course, the fortune is solid, and even the guild’s haul through the danger zone, so the pay is fine. Because only Leon can carry the load alone to the North Forest. Sometimes you can stay in a good hotel when you need it. That’s all. I wasn’t interested in food and shelter.

I mean, there’s no life force other than money. So I was pretty excited about Shaw and Falco’s long-lasting settlement.

A short fall warm three was about to start living.

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