I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 119

From the unexpected

Garsh Perspective

“Oh, my God, that guy”

Garsh snapped. Canaan is a big town, so few children move in about their parents. Most children are happy to have come to the big town and soon blend into it. But Rick wasn’t.

When I came to this town at the age of 10, I knew right away that I didn’t think I needed to learn. My eyes were cold when I saw the town. It was a rumor that they came from a lot of country, but most of them seem to have fun saying they came to a big town, but they just didn’t say it was a big deal.

Garsh tried to take care of him, but he gets a subtle distance.

Somehow I became something I didn’t care about.

It brings in children from the deep forest that it is their hometown and tries to make Canaan children do dangerous slime hunting. I wish adults could take care of herb collection.

In the end, Garsh was angry that it didn’t matter to him about the town of Canaan.

“Garsh, Rick’s not a bad guy.”

“I know. But…”

The truth is, even Garsh is excited about the idea that even children play an adult role. But I was somewhat obsessed, and I rather didn’t like myself getting in the way.

“Hey, Garsh. I’ve never thought of my house as poor, either, but my good friend’s parents are the runners. I know he’s not eating snacks or anything.”

Garsh looked at the kid next door in surprise. Even though after school, sometimes we go to confectionery shops together and buy snacks and eat.

“So we’re never gonna eat snacks in front of him.”

The kids who were collecting herbs earlier are the ones that Garsh usually doesn’t get involved with much. Especially for women.

“You know, what you’re wearing.”

“Didn’t Garsh notice? Well, I don’t discriminate about that. I think you’re good, I am. Except for Rick, I wouldn’t call him a farm boy.”

At least, I was relieved that I had friends who would admit it that way, even if I felt sorry for myself.

“I don’t care about anything else because you’re the mayor’s kid, but some guys aren’t. I think there are a lot of kids who can’t help you with your complexion.”

“That’s not true.”

“Can you say there isn’t? I didn’t do anything until today either, so I don’t have the right to tell you. I just followed you somehow, but I was angry with the adults today, and I felt sorry for myself. Tomorrow, I’m going to help you get some herbs.”

What should I do? Should I apologize to Rick and help him collect the herbs?

For the first time in his life, Garsh began to think seriously about what he needed to do.

The next day, when Shaw tried to go out as usual, he rarely had a suggestion from Hal.

“Why don’t we go to school today?

“To school? But Hal’s graduating from college, and I’m already done learning.”

“Still, you went to church in the deep woods and taught the little one. You can learn again over here, or you can teach your little one. I think it would be interesting to just look at the class.”

“Sounds interesting indeed”

Originally, after teaching the pharmacist, we were just spending time collecting herbs together until the children arrived. Can I go to school to see how the class goes?

If that’s the case, I can’t wait to see after lunch now.

We walked through the wheat fields chatting in a sneer, but the two stopped unexpectedly after seeing the usual place.

“There’s a lot of people here.”

“Some adults”

There was eventually a gathering of people I had never seen before. When one of them notices the two of them,


and waved. As the attention gathered at the same time, thrilled to head over there, it was a man as magnificent as Cyrus who had spoken.

“Cyrus told me. I heard they teach this to children, but I was wondering if they could teach it to adults as well. My farm, pretty far from town, with lots of slime.”

“Of course it is. Um.”

Shaw was concerned about the face of the man he had been talking to.

There are burning marks on the left side of his face.

“That, maybe in the slime?

“Oh. I’m not going to be gone forever, so when I find it, I’m smashing it from afar, but I knew the acid would fly by every once in a while. Gahaha.”

Shaw told me it wasn’t Gahaha, but it was really reliable compared to people who just ran away and didn’t do anything.

“If you tap it with a stick or something, it’s generally safe to knock it down, but is that okay?”

“I don’t mind, but you’ll be safer if you work something out a little bit more, and you’ll get a beautiful demon stone. And can I have your hands on that for a second? Because I’m a healer.”

“This wound? I’ve had enough.”

The mentor said he plans to teach the healer how to treat Shaw’s copy as well. I used it carefully only in the beginning, but now that there are more demons, I guess I’ve decided it’s more important to expand my technology.

Shaw saw the glow of his soul as he gently gripped the person’s hands.

Ankle, lower back light slightly weak. And where the facial marks are, the glow is completely gone.

It’s the body of a hard-working man. Shaw began to heal in a temper. In order from foot to foot, the old wounds while inverting.

“Oh, I haven’t had a cure in a long time, but it’s warm.”

“I’m in a system where pharmacists make lots of potions right now. If you don’t come to town much, take home the potion for your family, or at least one. Because it’s also good for the acid in the slime.”

“Was that the situation? Sometimes I have to come to town.”

Shaw snorted at the magnificent man. The scar on his face is healing too.

“Shaw, there’s a lot of people, so let’s split it up.”

“Shall I?”

Shaw nodded at Hull’s suggestion and his heart warmed. It’s a little familiar and drawn-in, Hal, but this is how I can count on it when I have to. I’m glad you’re feeling better.

“Guys, I think I know sensibly already, but the slime doesn’t spit acid for a while if I spit acid twice. It’s better to crush or cleave it afterwards, you can take a clean demon stone without injury. With these sticks and a small knife, you can be a child or a woman”

They’re trying to protect our neighborhood. I’m also in the mood for how to ask. When Shaw easily and safely knocked down the slime to show it, his face brightened.

“Besides, you can sell this, right? One 500 gills is the same everywhere. Around here, I think the Pharmacist Guild will buy it out. If sold, it will be used for kitchen stoves and heating to help. Don’t hesitate to sell it!

Oh, and so on, the voice got in my ear that you were, and Shaw was having fun.


From a short distance, I hear the voice Hal is calling.


When I replied, unexpected words returned. Lizard hunting.

“Once I’ve taught you how to hunt slime, let’s split it it between lizard hunting and herb collection.”

“Okay -”

Lizard hunting was highly appreciated by those coming from outside the town. I couldn’t find a lizard to hunt.

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