I Will Grind My Way To Godhood

Chapter 63: They Want to Meet Me, Not the Other Way Around


Li Zhaochuan scratched his head.

“There are so many girls here, I just wanted to show off a little…”

Zhang Daqing was speechless. “You fool, you're really not afraid of causing trouble, are you? These people aren't isolated loners. Even if you manage to bully one of them, who knows if 'Little Dragon King' Meng Boshang might show up at your dojo tomorrow to challenge you.”

“It's just a little sparring. I wouldn't really do anything to him. I've already come up with an excuse.” Li Zhaochuan said confidently.

Zhang Daqing rolled his eyes, not wanting to say more.

“Ouch… my bone's really broken. This guy isn't normal. We definitely can't provoke him…” Li Zhaochuan murmured, rubbing his arm.

Zhang Daqing quickly waved his hand. “Who's we? Don't include me in this. I've been watching him with nothing but a warm and friendly gaze...”


“Hmm? Is that it?”

The group of affluent young people looked puzzled.

The two looked like they were about to clash, but it ended after merely a handshake?

Ye Chenglin looked towards Pei Tiancheng.

“Pei, what do you make of this? What just happened?”

The others in the small circle also turned to him.

Pei Tiancheng chuckled, took a sip from a glass of wine, and said, “That was a handshake. When martial artists of sufficient skill want to test each other's abilities, a single handshake is enough to gauge the other's level without needing to truly fight.”

The second-generation rich kids, unused to such things, found it fascinating and let out exclamations of surprise.

“So they were testing each other just now? Pei, who do you think had the upper hand?”

Ye Chenglin expressed his interest, “Well, obviously, it has to be this dashing young man.”

A girl immediately chimed in, her eyes sparkling as she gazed at Xue Jing.

“That big guy ran off so fast, he must have lost.”

Another girl quickly added.

A young man with his hair slicked back couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy. “Hey, hey, hey, you guys need to stop being so shallow. This isn't about looks, we're talking martial arts, not a beauty contest. Pei Shao, you're the expert here, what's your take?”

Pei Tiancheng turned to Xue Jing, speaking with a gentle tone, “It seems that this young man might be the stronger one.”

“See, I told you, he definitely won!”

The girl beamed with a radiant smile.

“Pei Shao, Pei Shao, how about you? If you were to face him, who would be the stronger one?”

Someone suddenly asked.

Pei Tiancheng smiled, a trace of confidence appearing on his face. “It’s hard to compare. I am, after all, a bit older than he is.”

As soon as he spoke, everyone present was no fool. They grasped what he implied: he was stronger than the other, but modesty bade him cite age as the excuse.


A chorus of admiration was directed at him.

Beside them, Pei Youguang hesitated for a moment, his face flush with prosperity. Stammering, he said, “Uh, well... I know him.”


All eyes turned to Pei Youguang.

Pei Ershao, who had been intermittently ignored, suddenly found himself the center of attention and felt fidgety all over.

“Oh? Pei Er Gongzi, you know him?”

Ye Chenglin's gaze turned curious.

"Yes, he's an upperclassman from my school," Pei Youguang replied, instinctively touching his nose, which had mostly healed but still throbbed slightly.

Only a short while ago, he had been beaten up by him... he added internally.

"Young Master Pei... could you introduce us to him?" A girl wearing a stylish off-shoulder dress asked, her eyes lighting up as she gazed at Pei Youguang.

The deep curves revealed by her low-cut dress momentarily stunned Pei Youguang.

Since joining this little group with Pei Tiancheng, it was the first time a girl had actively approached him, even addressing him as Young Master Pei.

"Please, Young Master Pei," she pleaded.

"Just introduce us, won't you..."

Other wealthy young women chimed in, and for a moment, Pei Youguang felt an illusion of being in high demand.

Introducing them to Brother Jing... should be fine, right?

Aside from a slight concern whether he could physically handle it...

Just as Pei Youguang became a bit dazed, Pei Tiancheng glanced his way.

Pei Youguang snapped back to attention immediately, hastily saying, "Brother!"

Pei Tiancheng smiled warmly, "I would also like to meet this young hero..."

"Could you help with that?"

Pei Youguang didn't dare oppose, nodded low, "Yes..."


After exchanging a few words with the man named Li Zhaochuan, even though he found it rather inexplicable, Xue Jing didn't dwell on it.

He continued to wander leisurely around the hall, and, spotting a long table laden with a buffet spread nearby, headed over to grab something to eat.

Xue Jing picked up a plate from the utensil table beside him, gazing at the lavish spread before him with a hint of indecision.

"Jing, Jing!"

A voice called out from nearby. Xue Jing turned to see a plump young man dressed sharply in a black suit, exuding an air of dignity.

It was Pei Youguang?

Xue Jing raised an eyebrow in surprise and said, "Oh, it's Youguang. What brings you here?"

Pei Youguang chuckled, adjusting his collar. "I'm here for the banquet. Never expected to see you here, Brother Jing."

"Brother Jing, I saw you 'shake hands' with that big guy earlier, amazing!"

He gave a thumbs up.

Xue Jing picked up a meatball from the buffet and said, "Oh? You noticed?"

Pei Youguang scratched his head awkwardly, "Not really… My big brother told me. He said you won."

The two chatted idly for a while, and then Pei Youguang hesitated before saying, "Brother Jing, my big brother wants to meet you…"

Xue Jing acted as if he hadn't heard, casually spearing a fried meatball with his fork and taking a bite. After chewing for a while, he swallowed.

Pei Youguang quickly added, "He says you're a young hero and really admires you. He just wants to get to know you better. Brother Jing, my big brother is quite impressive; he's a genius who got into the Inner Ring University through martial exams…"

"There are many others too, all wanting to be friends with you; they're all from the upper circles of Qingcheng…"

Seeing Pei Youguang's growing anxiety, Xue Jing set down his plate and slowly took a napkin from the table to wipe his fingers.

Then, with a smile, he said, "Youguang, you might have misunderstood something."

He placed a hand on Pei Youguang's shoulder, his smile carrying a faint chill.

"Whether it's your older brother, the various second-generation elites in your circle, or just passersby working at the convenience store,"

"If they want to get to know me and become friends, that's no problem at all. I welcome it."

"However, if they truly want me as a friend, they should come to me themselves."

"When you desire something, you should strive for it yourself, not wait for others to bring it to you."

After a slight pause, Xue Jing said softly, "It's them who want to know me, not me who wants to know them. Don't get it twisted."

With that, he patted Pei Youguang on the shoulder and turned to leave.

Pei Youguang stood there, dumbfounded for quite a while, then suddenly felt a panic.

It was over. He had blown it.

Pei Youguang felt as if he had fallen into an icy abyss.

He could sense that, just a moment ago, the relationship between him and Brother Jing had become a lot colder.

Only then did it dawn on him that this way of 'introducing' was slightly humiliating for Xue Jing.

Wanting to meet someone yet not coming directly, instead having someone else call him over…

Such a condescending manner was undoubtedly patronizing.

It was as if knowing Xue Jing was an honor for them, with a sense of entitlement.

Even this, perhaps, they weren't aware of themselves.

Pei Youguang watched Xue Jing's unwavering and broad back, silent like a tall pine, wanting to say something but unable to utter a word.

It was over. He had blown it...

(End of Chapter)

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