I Will Grind My Way To Godhood

Chapter 20: Guerrilla

Watching Xue Jing approach them, some looked on in confusion.

“Wait, what’s that in his hand…?”

A young man with short hair suddenly pointed to Xue Jing’s right hand.

“A brick?”

“Does he really think picking up a brick from the ground makes him threatening? Ha, what's a brick going to do.”

Someone scoffed, confidently brandishing the metal baseball bat in his hand.

The group laughed menacingly as they advanced towards Xue Jing.

Under the quiet night sky on the street, one side consisted of a dozen or so gangsters, huddled together, while the other side stood Xue Jing alone, just a student in a school uniform. Both sides crept steadily closer to each other.

As Xue Jing moved forward, he relied on his innate aiming instinct, gauging the distance.

When the two sides were less than twenty meters apart, Xue Jing halted.

‘This should be about right.’

Sensing it was the ideal range for a throw, Xue Jing lifted a fist-sized piece of red brick.

“That kid’s gonna throw a brick, watch out!”

Someone shouted a warning.

Just as the words left his mouth, the head of a nearby crew cut youth suddenly burst open.



Shards of the red brick scattered everywhere, carving several cuts on his face, while many fragments lodged into his eyes, prompting a scream of agony.

The crew cut youth, struck squarely by the brick, fell silent to the ground, a large gash on his forehead bleeding profusely.


“What the hell!?”

“Did someone get shot!?”

“No, it was that kid who threw a brick!”

“Shenghua passed out!”

“Damn it, get him, quick!”

Amidst the chaos, some people rushed to help the young man who was hit in the head, while others stood frozen in place. However, most of them immediately accelerated towards Xue Jing.

Yet, at the moment Xue Jing hurled the half brick, he turned around without hesitation and started running again!

“Damn, chase him!”

“You little bastard, don't run! I'll kill your whole family, damn it!”

A few minutes later, everyone stopped, panting heavily, gazing at the distant figure in a school uniform.

They just couldn't catch up!

And just as they halted, Xue Jing also stopped and slowly turned around.

A bad premonition crept into everyone's hearts.

Quickly, their premonition came true.

In the southern district's streets, there's nothing but an abundance of trash everywhere.

Xue Jing picked up a 500ml glass beer bottle from the ground.

Seeing this, the gangsters immediately became disordered.

“Damn, find cover!!”

“Move, this spot is mine to hide!”

Amidst a chaotic scramble, people were shoving each other, vying for a hiding spot behind a plastic trash can.

“Scatter! Spread out!”

In the chaos, a glass beer bottle came whistling through the air, accurately smashing over the head of a tall, thin young man who couldn't dodge in time.



Clutching his head, blood seeped continuously through the young man's fingers. “He's out of weapons, get him now!”

It seemed he was a minor leader; upon hearing his order, those around him quickly emerged from their cover.

But by then, Xue Jing had already made his escape.

The group exchanged confused glances, uncertain whether they should give chase.

“What are you waiting for? Go after him!” the tall, thin young man shouted angrily.

Seeing no alternative, the group once again pursued Xue Jing.

After chasing him three or four times, the group's strength was waning. This time, they couldn't keep up for long before most of them were trailing off, slowing down.


They swallowed nervously, gazing fearfully as the handsome boy in the school uniform slowly turned to face them.

Watching Xue Jing pick something up from the ground again, someone in the crowd couldn't hold it together anymore.


At the sound of this shout, those who were already hesitating gave up completely and scattered like wild birds, scrambling for the nearby cover.

“Move it, I was here first!”

“What the hell, stop pushing, get away!”

“Blimey, you punk, what the heck, dang it!”

Faced with an enemy that they could never catch, and who could randomly blow their heads off if they stopped, everyone was overcome with a genuine fear.

Regret, a deep and all-consuming regret engulfed their hearts.

“Damn it, whose stupid idea was it to go after this high school kid anyway?!”


A rusty steel rod, over thirty centimeters long and as thick as a finger, came hurtling towards them like a sharp arrow.


A thug hiding behind a thin metal shack watched a steel rod pierce through, missing his head by mere centimeters, and burst into tears on the spot.

His legs gave out as he collapsed, and when he lifted his eyes, he saw Xue Jing far away, bending down to pick something up from the ground again.

“Oh my god!!!”

The thug immediately cried out, wishing he had two more legs as he ran frantically away from Xue Jing.

But before he could get far, a small piece of concrete flew from a distance, hitting him square on the back of the head and bursting into a cloud of stone dust, cracking his skull open.

“Run, run, run fast!”

Everyone completely lost their will to fight, filled with fear, they scurried back in the direction they came from, holding their heads.

And thus, the tide of the situation reversed.

In the South City at night, the outer streets witnessed a strange scene.

A dozen street youths with dyed hair and tattoos were fleeing for their lives, crying for their parents, with a student in a neat school uniform like a well-behaved child chasing after them.

Every now and then, the student picked up some hard trash from the ground and threw it at the crowd in front, hitting the mark every time with a symphony of cracking skulls echoing behind.

All their weapons fell to the ground, becoming tools for Xue Jing to hurl.

“Here he comes again!”

"Brother! Dad! Grandfather! I'm begging you, don't drop it!"

"We surrender, we surrender! Please, don't drop it!"

Everyone was running for their lives, shouting as they fled.

The commotion was so loud that it stirred the residents of the neighborhood, prompting them to open their windows and peer out in wonder at the bizarre scene unfolding.

"Hey, aren't those guys from the Razor Gang? What's going on?"

"Is some other gang invading their turf?"

"Wait, hang on, is that a student? And he's wearing a uniform from the affiliated high school."

"Well, that's strange. How come they're being chased by a student?"

A young man with dyed yellow hair finally ran out of steam, stopping to pant heavily.

Just then, a shadowy figure walked toward him, as terrifying as a nightmare.

The yellow-haired youth turned his head to see Xue Jing standing expressionless before him, his gaze cold and sharp, with a metal baseball bat in hand.

"...Good sir, please spare me," he begged as he dropped to his knees, eyes filled with terror.


The bat swung mercilessly, smacking against his left ear, sending him flying several meters to the side, where he collapsed limply, motionless on the ground.

Xue Jing, with the bloodstained bat in hand, began to approach the remaining gang members, who could barely keep running anymore.

The bat dragged along the ground, its metallic surface scraping against the cement, producing a chilling clang.

His footsteps were steady and unhurried, each step pounding like a heartbeat in the chest of those watching.

Step by step.


The night was thick with tension as Xue Jing moved silently through the alley, his senses heightened. Each shadow, every rustle, spoke to him like a language only he could understand.

Around the corner, the Razor Gang members were still scrambling, desperately trying to regain some semblance of control. Xue Jing smiled to himself, a wolf among sheep.

(End of Chapter)

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