I will eventually become a god

Chapter 78: Killing Move, Wind and Thunder, School Sports Meeting (4K, please vote for me)

Chapter 78 The killer move - Juan Feng Lei, school sports meeting (4K, please vote for me)

Xue Jing was sitting on the bus, scrolling through her phone boredly.

This mobile phone was newly bought by him. The old mobile phone had been completely damaged due to electromagnetic pulse when he was at Ruizhu Hotel.

He opened a current affairs news app.

[The U19 regional qualifiers have ended. Li Chengxuan, a dark horse player from Jinfeng Dojo, dominates the Maple City Division and threatens to fight ten...]

[Recently, boundary earthquakes have occurred frequently in various regions. Experts: It is suspected that a new boundary will be born soon]

[Six boundary earthquakes occurred in Nancheng's "Unfinished Area" in three days, with the highest magnitude reaching 5.6, which may trigger a "weak overlap". Residents are asked to pay attention to safety...]

"The unfinished area..."

Seeing this news, Xue Jing thought of the black shadow of the cockroach that seemed to be an illusion from a distance.

"I don't know if there will be any harvest from White Crow."

Xue Jing shook his head.

The bus stopped slowly, Xue Jing got off the bus, entered the campus, went straight to Qingda Library, and reached the seventh floor.

In the old attic, there is still only a girl sitting alone on a wooden chair, silently flipping through the books in her hands, as if she is an earthbound spirit who is bound here forever and cannot leave.

The waist-length high ponytail swayed gently, and the pretty face had a tranquility that seemed to never change. The graceful figure and upright sitting posture formed a quiet and elegant picture in the old attic.

Seeing Xue Jing arriving, Wu Youqing glanced at him with her lavender eyes, and then pointed to the seat opposite.

"You're here, sit down."

Xue Jing stepped forward, pulled out the chair and sat down.

There were two cups of hot tea on the wooden table. Xue Jing picked up the cup in front of her and took a sip.

Weird sweetness…

"BOSS, can we have something nice to drink?"

Xue Jing shook his head.

Wu Youqing also picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"This is tea made from the water produced by your favorite divine relic."

she chuckled.

"I choose Coke, thank you." Xue Jing stood up, went to the wall, opened the secret door, and took out a bottle of Coke in an aluminum can.

He opened it with a snap and poured it into his mouth. The stimulating sensation brought by the carbonated drink passed through his body.

After he returned to his seat, Wu Youqing said:

"White Crow should have already contacted you."

Xue Jing's hand holding the Coke paused slightly.

Then he nodded and said, "Well, just now, they said they wanted to invite me to join the White Crow, but I didn't agree."

Wu Youqing hummed.

"That's it if it's other units in the organization... White Crow is not a good place to be. You were right not to join."

Xue Jing wondered: "Why do you say that?"

Wu Youqing put the teacup on the table.

"Do you know the meaning of the word [white crow]?"

Xue Jing shook his head.

“Creatures like crows are usually considered to be ominous and are birds of disaster that bring death.”

Wu Youqing said softly.

"The white crow, which is completely opposite in color to the crow, is regarded as a symbol of rebirth and the crow that brings auspiciousness. This name is entrusted with good wishes."

"The reason why this name was chosen is precisely because White Crow's job has a very high mortality rate..."

"They are responsible for investigating all abnormal events related to the junction. They often enter dangerous junctions to perform various tasks. Even if a new junction appears, the white crow will be the first to enter and explore it."

"Those who join White Crow are considered elite if they can live safely for more than three years. Almost no one has survived more than ten years. It has been more than 60 years since White Crow was established. I can count on two hands the number of people who have survived safely until retirement."

Xue Jing's mouth twitched: "That is indeed dangerous enough..."

It seems that if Bai Ya finds a job in the future, he will have to think carefully...

You can't just agree to it just for the reward of touching the relics of gods.

The resurrection effect of twins can only take effect once in a short period of time...

"By the way, BOSS, what is the origin of this [organ]?"

Xue Jing asked.

The name was so long that he couldn't remember [agency], and even a ridiculous-sounding organization like White Crow was a subordinate department of its subordinate department.

So how big an organization is [the agency] itself?

Wu Youqing thought for a while and said, "It would be good for you to understand."

"The [Special Organization for Emergency Management of Abnormal Disasters] is a special organization established by Zhuxia after the beginning of the new era to deal with various abnormal disasters. It has a history of more than two hundred years."

"In the face of unconventional events, unconventional response methods must be adopted. This is the original intention of its establishment."

"So once this organization was established, it had an incredible scope of authority and freedom."

"It has an independent system that is not affected by any domestic judicial, procuratorial, trial, administrative, or military agencies. It is independent of the five major agencies, so it is also referred to as the [Sixth Agency]."

Wu Youqing paused and said:

“To put it simply, you can think of it as a ‘state within a state’.”

"For example, if you join the White Crow Task Force, you are a member of the agency. At this time, if you suddenly lose your mind and go on a killing spree in Qingcheng, or even detonate a nuclear bomb with a frenzy..."

"Even if you commit a felony of this level, you are not subject to legal sanctions in Zhuxia. The other government units in Zhuxia theoretically have no reason to arrest you or deal with you in any way."

"Theoretically, the only person who can handle trying you is the Internal Affairs Court of the Sixth Agency."

Wu Youqing smiled.

"Of course, this is only theoretical..."

Xue Jing was a little stunned.

Even if it's just 'theoretically', the power of this sixth agency is too much, right?

"The Sixth Organization was originally a temporary organization established to coordinate domestic forces. The plan at that time was to disband after all the abnormal disasters caused by the border area were under control."

Wu Youqing spread her hands.

"As you can see, the problem at the junction has not been solved until now, and new problems arise every day, including alien religions, martial arts masters, recipients, large companies with private armed forces, and all kinds of terror There are more and more abnormal things in the organization.”

"This is why the Sixth Organization has survived until now."

Xue Jing thought deeply: "With the power of the Sixth Agency being so great, aren't the officials worried that it will lose control?"

Wu Youqing shook her head: "The top level of the agency is the [Organization Management Committee]. There are thirteen people in total, almost all of whom live in 'Cangting'."

"Even the chairman of each generation of committees is directly...the one who is no longer there."

She pointed up.

Xue Jing said he understood.

In this case, he understands.

The sixth organ is actually equivalent to the country itself.

It is a ‘reason’ used by the official to reasonably and legally bypass the constraints of all government agencies and directly use state power.

Xue Jing looked thoughtful.

Although I thought the agency would have a big background, I didn't expect it to be this big.

"Okay, I asked you to come here today mainly to remind you about the white crow problem. In addition..."

Wu Youqing glanced at him faintly.

Then he shook his head again.

"Forget it, I have nothing else to do for now."

Xue Jing was a little confused, but didn't ask any more questions.

He stayed for a while longer, and after chatting with the girl about some domestic matters, he left the library and returned home.

Three days later.

Hidden Dragon Dojo.

In the training room, Xue Jing was practicing the 'meat training' movement in the Armor Shaking Kung Fu. Every time he paused, the muscles all over his body would roll and tremble like waves, making a roaring sound.

Li Qi sat in a wheelchair and watched his progress. After a while, he nodded and said:

"That's almost it. Your current muscle strength should be enough to withstand this move. Let's try it out."

Xue Jing nodded, took a deep breath, and started breathing.

The real dragon inside his body let out a dragon roar and began to swim all over his body, and the muscles all over his body suddenly tightened.

Then, the muscles of his right hand, starting from a position close to his right shoulder, continued to squirm, gradually forming spiral dents.

These dents rotated, extended towards the palm, and gradually converged, as if several steel bars were twisted together in the form of a towel.

All the spiral dents finally come together, and their center point is located above the edge of the right fist.

Xue Jing's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly swung this spiral punch into the air!


This blow actually caused a thunderous explosion out of thin air!

The airflow in front of Xue Jing was directly stirred up by this punch, whizzing and spinning towards the curtain five meters away.

The window was open at this time, and the curtains were rolled by the violent airflow and flew out of the window. They kept squeaking and looked like they were about to be unhooked and fly out.


Li Qi smiled and clapped, and said:

"This is one of the five killer moves of my Hidden Dragon style, Wind Wind Thunder!"

Xue Jing touched her right hand.

At this moment, his right hand was extremely sore, and the muscles in many places had been broken. The skin was red and purple everywhere, which was the congestion caused by the broken muscles.

Tornado Thunder, one of the five killer moves of the Hidden Dragon Style, corresponds to the 'meat training' action in the Armor Shaking Kung Fu.

The theory is to pour strength into the muscles, condense and compress them in a spiral shape, and finally explode into a powerful blow.

It is the explosive skill with the highest basic attack power among the five major killing moves, and is the ultimate in strength.

"Wind Wind Thunder is the easiest to learn among the five major killing moves, but it is also the most demanding."

Li Qi smiled.

"This kind of spiral compression force has almost no upper limit. As long as your body can withstand it, it can even explode with power several times stronger than the punch just now."

"But this move requires extremely high muscle strength. You can barely use it now, but don't think about continuing to compress the force, otherwise your muscles will directly burst or even dissolve, which will kill you."

Li Qi reminded.

Xue Jing nodded: "I will remember it, master."

"Well..." Li Qi pinched his chin, thought for a while, and said:

"Your progress is as fast as ever. If you keep going like this, you will soon be able to start nourishing your internal organs from the outside to the inside."

"It's a pity that our Hidden Dragon style is based on outsiders' methods and we don't have much research on the aspect of 'nurturing internal organs'."

Li Qi sighed.

"The most professional ones in 'raising the internal organs' are the martial arts masters from the Taoist sect. They have a volume of 'Huang Po Gong', which is the only way to nourish the internal organs in martial arts."

Xue Jing wondered: "Huang Po Gong? What a strange name."

Li Qi smiled and said: "The name is not strange, but you didn't understand the beauty of it."

"The Taoists practice and compare the five internal organs in the body to five different existences."

"Among them, the spleen is 'Huang Po', the lungs are 'Jin Gong', the liver is 'Mu Mu', the heart is 'Cai Nu', and the kidneys are 'Chi Zi'."

"And Huang Po, that is, the spleen, is the most critical link in the Taoist nourishment of internal organs."

Li Qi became interested and spoke incessantly:

"Among the five internal organs, Huang Po's role is to coordinate the balance of the other internal organs, and it plays the role of a 'matchmaker'."

"Among the five elements, Jin Gong and Mu Mu, that is, the liver and lungs are not coordinated. The liver qi is easy to rise, and the lung qi is easy to fall. The two go against each other. If the liver and lungs are unbalanced, people will get sick."

"And Huang Po, it can 'regulate the liver and lungs', making the two harmonious, that is, it acts as a matchmaker for 'Jin Gong' and 'Mu Mu'."

"As the saying goes, 'Huang Po is the matchmaker, and Chi Zi and Cai Nu are reunited'. Only when the couple Jin Gong and Mu Mu are harmonious can the heart and kidney, the pair of Chi Zi and Cai Nu, be healthy. . "

"The Taoist Huang Po Gong can regulate all internal organs with the spleen as the base point, and finally nourish the internal organs from the inside out to benefit the five major exercises. It can be said to be a unique internal martial arts in the world."

Xue Jing smiled and said, "Master, you are very knowledgeable."

Li Qi waved his hand and said, "When I was young, I looked good and many girls liked me. Among them was a little girl from the Taoist sect... It's a pity that she didn't care about nourishing the internal organs because she was young and strong at that time. The girl's Huang Po Gong was cheated into getting it. "

Xue Jing blinked: "You have a lot of romantic debts."

Li Qi glared at him and said: "What romantic debts? I am a gentleman with a positive outlook. I only like my sister-in-law wholeheartedly, but I have never been promiscuous. Don't talk nonsense, kid."

Xue Jing: "..."

"Okay, I got up too early today and need to catch up on some sleep. You can practice by yourself."

Li Qi waved his hand and turned his wheelchair to leave the practice room.

After he left, Xue Jing first used his strength to remove the blood stasis in the injured part of his right arm muscle.

With the improvement of his fitness and health skills, coupled with the practice of shaking armor and the strengthening of the body by the five major exercises, his current physical recovery ability has completely exceeded the limit of ordinary people.

He can feel that the broken muscles are being reconnected, repaired, and even become stronger one by one.

But it is not suitable to continue practicing shaking armor for the time being.

Xue Jing thought about it, took a shower, changed out of his training clothes, and then left Canglong Dojo, ready to go home.

He walked to the nearby bus stop and was waiting for the bus when his phone suddenly vibrated.

He took out his phone and saw an incoming call on the screen.

It was the head teacher Du Shiwei.

Xue Jing's heart skipped a beat.

Then he suddenly remembered that today seemed to be the school sports meeting...

He had promised Du Shiwei that he would definitely go, but he forgot.

Xue Jing picked up the phone, coughed, and said, "Hello, Teacher Du."

"Xue Jing, where are you? Why haven't you arrived yet?" Du Shiwei's voice was a little anxious.

"I'll be there soon. There's a traffic jam here." Xue Jing laughed and quickly reached out to stop a taxi on the side of the road.

"Teacher Du, don't worry, I'll be there soon."

(asking for a monthly ticket...)

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