I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 18 – Peaches…

Sass blinked at Jack's sudden declaration.



She was completely motionless as he stood up and took off his flimsy top. As he hooked his thumbs in the waste band of his shorts she grabbed his hand with hers, "Hold it. Look. I didn't-"


Jack put a finger on her lips to silence her, "I get it. I don't want anything from you. You don't love me. I don't love you, but I do know exactly how much it hurts." He reached down to take her hand off his waist and pulled it up to his chest. He placed it over his pecs in the same general area Myrtle had been so fascinated with.


Sass just stared at where he put her hand, frozen from indecision as he continued, "You want to do the right thing. You want to be better. You don't want to make the same mistakes. You also deserve to be happy. You aren't your mother. You can let someone in. I mean it when I say I had a bad day once and I'd love to help you feel a little less cruddy." He leaned in close to kiss her softly on the lips. Her eyes were half closed as he pulled back.


"You won't hurt me, nor can you betray me, because I don't expect anything from you."


She remained motionless as he resumed pulling off his shorts and kicked off his sneakers. He reached out to tug up her shirt when she grabbed his wrist. She held it tightly and spoke through gritted teeth, "Do you understand? Do..." She opened her eyes to fixate on his, "Say... say it is okay. I need to hear you say it."


"Whatever happens, it's okay."


There was a blur as she grabbed him and threw him down on the bed. It took no time for her to remove her own clothing and jump on top of him. She was angry. Her face said it all, but it was clear she wasn't angry at him. This was anger directed at the universe. The frustration that comes from relentless injustice, only to finally catch a break. That moment where the universe is unfair, but in your favor, can be a bitter one.  He knew the feeling. How the scales rebalancing only serve to remind you of how cruel life had been.


She was also ridiculously strong.


This was something that Jack realized as she straddled him and guided him inside her. He needed to focus what limited monads he had into physical fortification to keep her from crushing his pelvis. Even then he suspected he might have to deal with some bruising later, ~Oh my! The sooner this is over, the better, I'm afraid!~ He tried to remember how some of the prostitutes he hired in his old world would act when it was clear they just wanted it over with. More importantly, how they encouraged him to 'finish' as soon as possible.


He bit his lower lip and let out a soft moan as he reached down with both hands to grab her ass and pull her tight against him. He locked eyes with her, "Puhweeze? I want you to give it to me. I want it BAD." He lifted his hips up slightly, "I turn you on, yes?"


Sass froze up at this question and spoke in a distant voice, "Oh god yes a thousand times yes."


He remembered a look that had been used on him in the past. A look that annoyed him, teased him, and aggravated him as much as it egged him on. A look that had made him want to 'punish' the one who made it. He made that look now at Sass, "Well? Prove it."


Where as Myrtle had obviously been inexperienced with a hair trigger, Sass clearly was not. However, even if in this world biologically women were much more sensitive and climaxed easier, years of learning to wait and controlling yourself are not easily overwritten. This was part of the reason he was egging her on. She seemed like the type that would want to make sure her partner was comfortable, to constantly second guess herself. Jack wanted to make sure she just let go for once. It's what he had wanted when he was younger. Someone who put him first for a change. Someone who made him feel special and wanted nothing in return. Just once, he wanted that.


So he was going to let her have that.


She was relentless. She grabbed him by both shoulders and just ground her body against his with skill and speed that he wasn't prepared for. He really wanted her to finish first, but she didn't seem to be giving him a chance. He thrashed his head from side to side to try and focus, but his self control was slipping by the second, "Wait!" he hissed out, "I'm too close! I can't-" She paused, looking at his face with disbelief. He was struggling to keep from going off too soon, "Hold on! Okay... I won't last another minute like that. I need you to-"


Wrong thing to say.


She got a rather perverse look in her eye and she redoubled her efforts. She seemed almost gleeful at her ability to arouse him. The fact he was struggling to wait for her, that she was fighting him was what was driving her. She was forcing him to climax against his will and is was glorious. She was grinning wider and wider with every thrust of her hips. Watching his skin become flushed and his body tense up. She'd seen men fake it before. He was clearly at the edge and she was going to push him over it.


Jack lasted about another thirty seconds. All the baseball cards in the world weren't going to help him regain control, "No! Wait! I can't... Hold-" As he finally gave up and let himself go, he finally opened his eyes to look up at her. She stared down at him with wide eyes and devilish grin. She dug her fingers into his shoulders to hold him tighter as she slowed down to help control how long this would last, "Did you cum for me?"


Jack nodded as he gasped for air, "Yes. I'm sorry! I-"


She abruptly lifted her hips up and rammed them down, "You're sorry? YOU ARE SORRY?" She repeated her thrusts only another few times before she stopped dead and let out a long, drawn out groan. She shuddered all over for several seconds before grabbing Jack's hair tight and leaning in close, "Fuck meat... say fuck meat is sorry."


"F-f-fuck meat is sorry?"


This seemed to set her off again. She shuddered all over for another minute or two before abruptly collapsing next to him in bed, finally releasing his hair, "Oh god that was amazing." She mumbled. She threw an arm over him to keep him pinned in place as she started to nod off, "I needed that."


She hugged him briefly while shuddering.



"So needed that."

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