I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 45 Hagrid

Neville went into the school hospital again.

There was nothing wrong with the body, but the mind was hurt.

After only a few days, Madam Pomfrey was very happy to see Neville again, and then... took out a list of Supporting Medical Care to Replace Flying Lessons.

Neville was smart this time, and decisively signed Malfoy's name.

If Madam Pomfrey was not by his side, he would have signed Madam Hooch's name.

But Madam Pomfrey was not stupid. Instead of crossing out Malfoy's name, she asked Neville to write his own name after it.

The euphemistic name is: the signature is authentic and reliable.

The scene of Rove throwing a broomstick with a bow-like posture and rescuing Neville in the sky was seen by many students, which aroused heated discussions among them.

Riding the most rubbish Meteor series can be so fast and stable, so what if it is a better broomstick?

The sky is far from the limit in Scamander!

Even the Quidditch captain Truman found Rove, saying that he would ask Professor Sprout to ask her to find Dumbledore to make an exception, and at least get a substitute for Rove.

Seeing Neville's tragic experience, Hermione, who thought that she could learn Quidditch well by reading books, panicked.

Before Gryffindor's flying class, after thinking about it, she decided to ask Rove for practical practice.

It's better to be laughed at by Rove than to be thrown into the sky like Neville with a broom in full view, right?

So in the evening, Rove brought Hermione and Shirley to the fringe area of ​​the school to prepare for practical teaching.

Neville didn't want to come. He had some psychological barriers now, and it was difficult to face the broomstick again. Of course, Hannah's coming to visit him in the evening was probably the main reason for his reluctance to come.

The three of them walked across the large lawn to the edge of Hogwarts.

In the distance, there is a deep mountain and old forest, with verdant vegetation, eerie and scary. Occasionally, there are crows howling on the branches, which is terrifying.

Hermione hugged Shirley's arm and hung half of her body on her body so as not to be so scared. The girl swallowed and said, Why do we come here to practice?

You also said that first-year wizards are not allowed to carry broomsticks. Of course, they must find a place where there is no one. Rove explained.

This is the edge of the Forbidden Forest, few students will come here, so you can practice boldly and safely.

Rove actually wanted to teach in the Room of Requirement, but he just went there and couldn't open it, which means someone is using it, but he doesn't know who it is.

A toy broom suitable for two-year-olds doesn't violate school rules. Hermione was a little suspicious.

Rove put the black suitcase on the ground, he couldn't help laughing and said:

It was indeed a birthday present from my dad when I was two years old, but after buying it, he played it by himself most of the time!


The broom you bought when you were two years old, is it still as good as it is now?

Hermione was worried about the size again, afraid that it was as bad as the school broom.

Hermione, let me ask you, your family's car has been replaced with a BMW engine today, a Mercedes-Benz tire tomorrow, and a Rolls-Royce chassis the day after tomorrow... Rove opened the box, turned his head and asked:

In this way, parts are replaced every day, and even the glass is replaced in the end. Is it still the original car?


Don't look at the broom that I bought nine years ago, but I replace it with the latest accessories every year and use the best technology. After years of renovations, the stockpiling alone is more expensive than the Nimbus 2000 on the market!

Rove had done this kind of thing in his previous life. Fearing that his parents would find out, he changed the computer's CPU and graphics card all over again, except for the computer casing.

It looks like the same old computer.

The ending was also miserable... He was not at home during the holidays, and was sold to a waste collector by his parents as junk.

Rove came back to his senses, and took out an extremely modified broomstick from the black box:

The mahogany handle of the Nimbus 2000, the excellent elasticity of the off-string arrow 13, the built-in alarm whistle and self-straight tail branch of the Twig 90, and the braking device of sweeping seven stars...

If you are not a broomstick enthusiast, it is impossible to modify it successfully, and the cost of this broom is enough to buy four or five Nimbus 2000, and the speed is much faster than Nimbus 2000.

So when school started, Rove secretly took it away.

After all, it was his birthday present when he was two years old!

Shirley has already taken flying lessons, and she can clearly feel how sensitive this broom is, just lift her arm slightly, and the broom appears in the palm of her hand.

She tried riding for a while, and the feeling of being able to use her arms and fingers was really comfortable... Sure enough, the only disadvantage of being expensive is that it is expensive.

Shirley played for a while, and it was Hermione's turn, and Rove also started teaching mode.

Put your chest out, draw your stomach in, hold the wooden stick tightly with both hands... raise your buttocks, there is a cushion on it, Hermione, your buttocks, you can go up a little more!

Don't clamp your legs so tightly, your body is so stiff, didn't you say that you have taken ballet training classes, how about your flexibility?

Hermione glared at Rolf with a red face.

The little girl is very smart, and she figured out how to ride a broomstick in a few minutes, but she didn't dare to ride too high.

But Shirley dares!

She took Hermione and flew through the air, quickly flying high above the Forbidden Forest, and the two figures gradually turned into tiny figures the size of rice grains.

Looking at the figures of the two going away, Rove thought to himself that this broomstick can actually seat three people.

When it was getting dark, Shirley came back with Hermione.

Shirley was fine, but Hermione's fluffy brown hair had exploded like a lion's head.

The girl fell to the ground in a daze, her legs were weak, and with the support of Shirley, she sat down on Rove's small black leather box, and the corners of Rove's mouth twitched.

At this time, the sound of trees shaking suddenly came from deep in the forest.

Rove raised his wand, the tip of the wand lit up, and saw a tall figure walking out of the Forbidden Forest:

The man was twice as tall as an ordinary person, with long black hair tangled together, and a shaggy beard that almost covered most of his face. He had thick arms and was holding a shivering dog.

Hagrid? Long time no see. Rove waved his hand in greeting.

Hagrid didn't expect to see a few young wizards at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. After staring at the young man for a while, he suddenly said:

Ah, is it Rove? Long time no see. Last time I saw you, you were still a little older.

Hagrid gestured and pointed to Fang in his arms.

Hagrid, let me introduce you. These are Shirley and Hermione. Rove said softly, Students from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, I took them to learn broomsticks. There are relatively few people here. .”

Hello, my name is Rubeus Hagrid, Hogwarts key keeper and gamekeeper. Hagrid smiled.

I said why I saw something flying in the sky just now. It turns out that you are riding a broomstick, which is faster than any broomstick I have ever seen!

Hagrid envied: When I was eight years old, I was too tall and heavy, and the brooms on the market couldn't carry me.

You can buy broomsticks from Eastern Europe, and the Quidditch competitions at Kodos Torrez School of Magic all use a big tree. Rove laughed.

I still like Muggle motorcycles. Hagrid blinked. I have a big motorcycle that can fly in the sky.

I've seen it before, in the Romanian Fire Dragon Reserve.

Yes, look at my memory. Hagrid laughed and said, How is your grandpa Newt?

Very good, you told me that I miss you... rock cakes.

Rove couldn't help but tremble when he recalled the rock cake that could knock out his teeth.

Haha, come to me if you want to eat! Hagrid laughed loudly: Let's go, it's getting dark, don't stay around the edge of the school, the Forbidden Forest is very dangerous recently.

Several people packed up their things and left, and Rove put the broom back into the box.

Hermione was no stranger to it, she was looking up books recently, looking for the reason why Rove's small box had a large space inside.

She's almost there!

What happened to the Forbidden Forest recently, Professor Sprout said, a group of scorpions always come to harass her greenhouse. Rove asked curiously.

I don't know, this group of animals have never been so violent before. Hagrid shook his head and said:

There is also a strange guy who attacked the unicorn in the Forbidden Forest. The horse people know who it is, but they refuse to say, this group of self-righteous guys.

Are any unicorns injured? Rove was very concerned about this matter.

Unicorns are difficult to get in touch with, they are only willing to let girls approach. If Rove can take the opportunity to rescue the injured unicorn, it will be easier to get the reward.

It's just a minor injury, it's okay. Hagrid looked at Rove with black eyes and reminded:

Rove, you don't want to go to the Forbidden Forest these days, you know? I know you... the Scamander family is restless, but the Forbidden Forest is really dangerous.

Look at Yaya, it's so fierce, it's scared like this.




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