I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 35 Reaper

Hermione wrote a two-foot-long parchment letter of complaint, but didn't send it to Dumbledore right away.

Because she also wrote a letter of criticism and suggestion, and when passing by the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, she sneaked in through the crack of the door while no one was watching.

Hermione thought that the letter she wrote was well-founded, powerful and restrained, enough to touch Quirrell's soul.

He should be able to change soon, and no matter how bad he is, he will resign voluntarily to save himself some dignity.

But if you are still a dead pig and are not afraid of boiling water... Cough, you are stubborn and stubborn, insisting on your own teaching style, Hermione will use her strongest method:

Throw the complaint letter into the principal's mailbox!

More cruel and cruel...

Vote for two! !

Rove is not sure whether he can touch Quirrell's soul, but Professor Binns' soul really needs someone to touch it.

After all, if Quirrell pulls his hips again, he will only teach for one year. Those who will enter the soil next year will pass by gritting their teeth, but everyone will have to endure Professor Binns for seven years.

As the only ghost professor, Professor Binns is definitely a model of dedication. He turned into a ghost and still insisted on attending classes, without salary, bonus, or teaching assistant, all year round...

Those school trustees hated Professor Binns' history of magic when they were students, and wished they could change teachers quickly, but when they grew up and became school trustees, they immediately fell in love with this old ghost.

This is probably the so-called: slander Binz when you are ignorant, appreciate Binz when you are mature, pay wages... want everyone to be Binz!

The annual Hogwarts Outstanding Professor and Model Worker Award will also be awarded to Professor Binns. He has monopolized for hundreds of years and created a record that will never be broken.

Even Snape, who has always liked yin and yang, is beyond reproach.

But the good employees in the eyes of school managers are not the good teachers in the eyes of students.

As a ghost that has existed for a long time, Professor Binns certainly has rich historical knowledge, but he is a ghost and cannot touch new books on the history of magic, let alone read its contents.

He also doesn't want to understand the history that has been re-concluded with the great archaeological discoveries.

Professor Binns is like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless and without vitality. The master of ceremonies who preside over the funeral are more passionate than him; the dementors in Azkaban are more energetic than him when they kiss the prisoner.

In the Fertile Crescent, the Mesopotamian region of Mesopotamia, wizards gathered and established early states... Eridu, Kish, Lagash, Uruk, Ur, and Nippur ...

In the first history of magic class, the little wizards of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor listened to the low monotonous voice of Professor Binns like listening to the hum of an old vacuum cleaner.

In order to compete for population resources like Muggles, wars often broke out in the wizarding country, causing tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea, flooding this land, and the wizarding country was destroyed...

Wizards scattered all over the world began to serve as Muggle priests and temple personnel, protecting them from magical animals, and the inheritance of magic passed through the temple Jikura Tower...

Professor Binns talked about the history of the founding and destruction of the early wizards, and read the Epic of Gilgamesh in an emotionless tone.

This is the Muggle of Sumer, a hymn to Gilgamesh, the powerful wizard of his day!

Only three minutes into the class, Neville, who was inspired to study hard, had already fallen asleep lying on the table. He didn't hold Raffle, which made him sleep a little unsteadily.

Hannah yawned for a long time, reached out and grabbed her two braids, and lifted them up, trying to wake up, but finally staggered and fell on the table and fell into a deep sleep.

Burns, who was stealing the cake, had bulging cheeks. He couldn't resist Professor Binns' hypnosis after eating half of it. He stuck his head in the food and covered his face with cream.

After ten minutes of class, a quarter of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor students have fallen asleep; after twenty minutes of class, half of them have fallen asleep, and the other half... just woke up, intermission !

Hermione was probably the only student who was sober, but she stood there writing notes and doing a few chest-expanding exercises to cheer herself up.

Facing the death of his best friend, Gilgamesh was devastated, and held Enkidu's corpse and cried for seven days and seven nights. He didn't let go until the corpse rotted...

Professor Binns didn't seem to notice that the students were all asleep, and he was still reading the epic poem immersively, with a dull voice.

Gilgamesh, who knew the horror of death, began to search for the God of Death in order to live forever... He crossed Mash Mountain, the Abyss of Darkness, and the Sea of ​​Death...

Rove, who had just woken up and finished chest expansion exercises with Hermione, raised his hand and asked, Professor Binns, is there really a god of death?

Professor Binns was interrupted from his lecture, and raised his head in surprise. He looked at Rove and said slowly, You are...

My name is Rolf Scamander. I'm a student of Hufflepuff College. Professor, you just said that Gilgamesh is looking for the god of death. Is there really a god of death?

Professor Binns frowned. He didn't like students asking questions, so he said in a cold voice:

Of course not. It's nothing. It's something Muggles made up to comfort themselves.

The powerful wizards in ancient times were gods in the eyes of Muggles, so many myths arose... But that doesn't mean that these myths are true, such as Death.

A quarter of the students woke up because normal voices appeared in the classroom, making them think that get out of class was over.

Neville stood up in a daze, and walked towards the door, only to find that the get out of class hadn't ended yet, so he blushed again and hurriedly sat back down.

Professor, you just said that powerful wizards are gods in the eyes of Muggles, so many stories have arisen. Rove thought for a moment and asked:

According to your way of thinking, can you also think that there are more powerful beings who are gods in the eyes of wizards, so many stories of wizards have also been born...

The boy paused for a moment, then continued: It's like the God of Death in the story of the three brothers.

Professor Binns was suddenly speechless. He was silent for a long time before he said eloquently:

I have never seen any evidence in the real world that the story of the three brothers is more than just legend - the invincible wand, the stone that brings back the dead, the cloak of invisibility...

There are indeed invisibility cloaks, but they are all cloaks woven with the illusion spell or the hair of invisible beasts. After a long time, they will appear solid and cannot be permanently effective.

Rove was a little disappointed. He thought that Professor Binns, who was proficient in the history of magic, had lived as a ghost for so many years, and would have some good insights.

But he seems completely unaware of the concept of Deathly Hallows.

Professor, to be offensive, does the existence of ghosts mean that wizards don't completely disappear after death? Life and death are not an either-or concept, and death is not the end of life.

Nonsense, Skadi! Professor Binns finally couldn't bear it anymore, I only study real history, not stories and legends!

Two points deducted from Slytherin!!


Seeing Rove being reprimanded, Hermione on the side frowned with her small face and light eyebrows. She stretched her neck and raised her hands in disbelief:

Professor, since you don't discuss stories and legends, why are you reading the Epic of Gilgamesh? Isn't that just a story?

Professor Binns was furious, and he reprimanded:

Miss Pennyfeather, contradict the teacher and deduct two points from Slytherin!

All the students were awake, looking at this inexplicable quarrel, they didn't know the cause and effect, they only saw Professor Binns reprimanding the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor students, and then buckled...

Two points for Slytherin!

Two students in a row are mistaken, the probability is too high, doesn't it mean... This has given the little lions infinite inspiration!

In an instant, all the Gryffindor students were not sleepy anymore, they raised their hands and scrambled to ask questions.

Professor, I have an immature idea about life and death...

Professor, can you tell me how to become a ghost?

Professor... I'm Draco Malfoy from Slytherin!



(Thanks to the boss of Chenyi Sain for the reward.

Thanks to April Misu, Lu Yifang and Flying Fatty for their rewards.

Thanks to the first leader, the boss, I owe more +10.

The editor in charge of the new era does not recommend a large number of updates, so when it is put on the shelves, it will be added and returned, and it can withstand it now, thank you guys. )

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